Beyond ALICE
- Matěj Vaculčiak
Matěj Vaculčiak
9/13/23, 4:30 PM
Practical information on the workshop, recent achievemts of the group and goals of the worshop are presented.
Jesus Guillermo Contreras
9/13/23, 4:45 PM
A brief summary is given of the composition of the group and the general research topics that it covers. The spirit and goals of the meeting as well as its evolution in the last few years are presented.
Marek Matas
(České vysoké učení technické v Praze)
9/13/23, 5:00 PM
Phonons are the quasi-particles representing lattice vibrations of condensed matter. Why is it convenient to talk about vibrational quanta as particles? And why do we want to study them anyway? Phonons are some of the most promising low-energy excitations (O(meV)) that can be used in the detectors of tomorrow for capturing the feeblest interactions that lurk beyond the boundaries of the...