May 13 – 18, 2018
Casino Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

The development of separation method of iodine from intermediate level radioactive waste

May 14, 2018, 5:15 PM
1h 30m
Gallery (Casino Conference Centre)


Casino Conference Centre

Poster Separation Methods, Speciation Poster SEP


Pavel Nykl (VUJE, a.s.)


The aim of this study is develop a procedure to separation of iodine from intermediate level radioactive waste. The total activity of radionuclide 129I is limited in near surface repository Mochovce and the total limit is 4.58*10E+11 Bq. Proposed procedure consists of several separation and preconcentration steps like distillation, extraction chromatography by means CL-Resin and precipitation. This separation method ensures to determine 129I activity and or reach very low values of MDAs. The sample is prepared as a palladium iodide precipitate for measurements.

Primary author

Pavel Nykl (VUJE, a.s.)


Boris Andris (VUJE, a.s.) Jozef Beňa (VUJE, a.s.)

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