24–28 Jun 2021
Europe/Prague timezone

Pedestrian Density Estimates and Their Real Applications

25 Jun 2021, 09:20


Jana Vacková (Department of Mathematics, FNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague)


Density is one of the fundamental quantities for a description of pedestrian dynamics. In the last decade, there is an increasing need to define density better than "the count of pedestrians divided by the size of the detector". Hence this contribution deals with the very promising approach defining pedestrian density using the assumption that every pedestrian is a source of the density distribution. This kind of (kernel) density estimate opens up a lot of new possibilities in real applications.

Primary author

Jana Vacková (Department of Mathematics, FNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague)


Marek Bukáček (Department of Mathematics, FNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague)

Presentation materials