24–28 Jun 2021
Europe/Prague timezone

From Provider To Client - The Journey of Data In A Fintech Firm


Tomáš Košlab (FinMason Europe)


The talk focuses on the general steps of the data processing cycle and its implementation in a firm that operates in the fintech industry. While statisticians often discuss the actual processing of data - such as making the best possible models and thoroughly verifying that the results satisfy the necessary conditions - this work discusses the various steps that teams in companies have to complete that are essential for the data processing cycle to bear fruit, i.e. so that the client receives their desired outcome. In the first part, 4 basic steps of the cycle are outlined - data collection, preprocessing, processing and output. The second part of the talk focuses on the processing of data in terms of the continuous integration cycle - from the detailed description of the issue on a "ticket" through development and testing all the way to the successful deployment of the fix in production. Examples from firms in the industry are shown to better illustrate the discussed concepts.

Primary author

Tomáš Košlab (FinMason Europe)


Marek Bukáček (Department of Mathematics, FNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague)

Presentation materials