May 15 – 20, 2022
Casino Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

Determination of uranium in calcareous rocks/minerals after separation by NTA-mediated sample dissolution and cation-exchange

May 17, 2022, 5:39 PM


Poster Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology Environmental Radioactivity


Prof. Ioannis Pashalidis (Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus)


Τhe separation and determination of uranium in calcareous samples (e.g. calcite, phosphogypsum and phosphate rock) has been investigated by means of alpha-spectroscopy after dissolution of the samples by nitrilotriacetic solution (NTA), uranium separation by cation-exchange and electrodeposition on stainless steel planchets. Method recovery as well as uranium analysis and isotopic ratio composition of the samples was performed using a uranium standard tracer solution (232U). Comparison of the data with corresponding data obtained from experiments after EDTA-dissolution have indicated lower selectivity for uranium and coextraction of radium isotopes present in the samples, assuming applicability of the method also for radium separation.

Key words: Uranium analysis; Calcite; Phosphogypsum; Phosphate Rock, NTA-mediated dissolution, cation exchange

Primary author

Prof. Ioannis Pashalidis (Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus)


Mrs Antria Michail (Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus)

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