Exploration of the Super-heavy Elements (SHEs) is one of today’s research frontiers that recently drew wide public attention after discoveries of four new elements. Although most chemistry investigations on SHEs use the “easier” gas-phase methodology, many fundamental properties can best be studied in liquid phase.
An experimental set-up assembled at the U-120M accelerator at the Nuclear Physics Institute CAS in Rez within its CANAM infrastructure based on the available equipment from the University of Oslo (target chamber and gas-jet (GJ) transfer system) and microfluidic liquid-liquid extraction (LLX) system from the Czech Technical University is utilized.
Aim of the work is to produce suitable isotopes of SHE homologues of interest, such as W, Mo or Zr, transfer them into aqueous phase, find proper and fast extraction agents and study their extraction behavior in various selected chemical systems. In the first experiments, extraction of W and Mo isotopes in the Cyanex 600/nitric acid system was tested.