The aerosol particles accumulated during winter in the snow cover of the Novosibirsk vicinity are studied by the means of the gamma-ray spectrometry, ICP-MS, X-ray fluorescent analytical methods. These studies allowed revealing the contribution of separate industrial enterprises into the general technogenic pollution of the megapolis with uranium and thorium.
The work was supported by the Russian foundation for basic research (RFBR) under project No. 09-05-00839 “Mineral and geochemical features of technogenic aerosol in Siberia” and No.14-05-00289 “Element and mineral-phase composition of technogenious aerosol as method basis for an assessment of environmental pollution of the urbanized and mining territories of Siberia”. The part of the work relating to the measurement of spectra was done by analyst Yu.P. Kolmogorov using the infrastructure of the Shared-Use Center “Siberian Synchrotron and Terahertz Radiation Center (SSTRC) based on VEPP-3 of the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS.