The main goal of the project Development of tools for Studying Contaminant Transport in fractured rock environment (TH02030543; 2lsConTra), funded by Czech Technology agency, is to develop tools for evaluation of migration and retention of potential contaminants in the rock environment as the key input values the safety assessment of anthropogenic activities. Those may release contaminants (radionuclides, heavy metals, nanoparticles) into the environment, hence groundwater. It is necessary to describe the processes which undergo in different environments on the path from the contaminant source to the environment, concerning that the main transport medium is groundwater and that one of the main routes of man exposure is drinking water.
The project aims is to build a laboratory physical models that include both artificial and natural fracture, to instrument them and to perform migration experiments that would study migration processes of the species in the rock environment, including dispersion, diffusion and sorption. The experiments will be modelled using both conventional software (MODFLOW) and in-house code (FLOW123).
As the fate of radionuclides in the environment are nowadays of high importance, those physical models will be presented as a potential tool for identification and description of processes that could influence their retention on the way toward the biosphere.