The European Network on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC) Education and Training 1 is a non-profit cooperative platform of mainly, but not exclusively, European universities, research organizations and national research centers providing NRC education and training. Also industrial partners and end-users either conducting training themselves or having need for respective training courses for their personnel are eligible for membership. The aims of the NRC network include:
• cooperating in NRC education and training in Europe
• promoting development of NRC education and training in Europe
• representing NRC education and training community towards other organizations and society
• promoting and organizing student and teacher exchange between partners
• organizing common courses in NRC
The NRC network was founded as outcome of the CINCH (FP7-CA-249690) and CINCH II (EC-GA No. 605 173) EU projects and is closely linked to the MEET-CINCH project (EC GA No. 754 97) which started in June 2017. From this link, open source teaching material [3,4], remote controlled experiments and (to a limited extend) travel funds can be obtained.
Additional members to the Network are accepted by application and by approval of the general assembly. To become a member of the Network the candidate organization needs to be a relevant provider or end-user of NRC education and/or training. For the application process, evaluation criteria and an application form are available [5].
1 http://nrc-network.org
[2] https://www.cinch-project.eu/
[3] http://nucwik.wikispaces.com/
[4] https://moodle.cinch-project.eu/
[5] http://nrc-network.org/membership.html