The decommissioning of nuclear facilities (NF) has become more topical, primarily in Europe, but also in the USA and in Japan. This is mainly because the lifespans of the major parts of nuclear power plants are rapidly approaching their end, although in some cases the reasons for decommissioning are different (e.g. political). Another reason is that nowadays “immediate dismantling” is preferred which does not transfer the burdens connected to decommissioning to future generation. The strong demand for qualified experts specialized in decommissioning of nuclear facilities and in radioactive waste management has grown not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Europe.
The Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE, www.fjfi.cvut.cz) is one of eight faculties of the public university - the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU in Prague). The FNSPE is traditionally a research centre with activities which are supported by outstanding research staff. One of the strategic aims of the FNSPE is the education of experts for the Czech nuclear industry and for the state authorities which are dedicated to the peaceful employment of nuclear energy. The importance of these issues with which the FNSPE is strongly associated can be proven by the ongoing introduction of new all-faculty five-year specialized branch “Decommissioning of nuclear facilities”. This activity is supported by the ESF/ERDF project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. By creating this new programme the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering has been flexible in the reactions to the needs of the labour market in which a critical shortage of experts in these fields has been manifested. It is supposed that the education programme will be closely connected to its field of application, either in the form of study stays or in the form of involvement of experts from industry in lectures.