Plenary 1
- Zsolt Révay (Technische Universität München - FRM II)
- Jan John (České vysoké učení technické v Praze)
The synthesis of super heavy elements (SHE) with atomic numbers 113-118 has been achieved in the 48Ca-induced reactions. The seventh period of the Periodic Table has been completed. Unique data on the nuclear-physical properties of isotopes of the new elements have been obtained. Pioneering experiments on the chemical properties of elements 112 (Cn), 113 and 114(Fl) have been carried out [1].
CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) is both the operator of important nuclear facilities all over the nuclear cycle, in charge of major new built or D&D projects and a R&D group with dynamic policy of technology transfer. The position of CEA in D&D is unique because of the number and the wide diversity of facilities under decommissioning, with some high level of...
Nuclear weapons test fallout studies – radioecology competence developed
Environmental radioactivity in Finland is an established research field and has long traditions. Research started at the Department of Radiochemistry, University of Helsinki and at the predecessor of the Finnish Authority for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK) in the last years of 1950s. Also Finnish Meteorological...