- Borut Smodiš
- Sang-Han Lee (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS))
Enhanced environmental radioactivity was reported for some spots of the Kabul suburbs
during the Soviet era. As residential houses have been built in these places, 51 soil and
rock samples as well as 51 all-purpose water samples were collected in three phases and
measured in order to quantify the primordial isotopes and daughter nuclides of the respective
decay chains and possible...
Biogeochemical factors of Uranium and Technetium migration in subsurface water near to RW repository
A. Safonov1, R. Aldabaev1, N. Andryushchenko1, K. Boldyrev2, T. Babich3, K. German1, E. Zakharova1, A. Novikov4
1A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences
2. The Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE) Russian Academy of Sciences
3. Research...
The interaction between groundwater and surface water was important to know groundwater recharge process of the artificial recharge system. To understand recharge process, natural isotopes such as 222Rn and 87Sr/86Sr ratio variation were used. And also these tracers used to identify groundwater mixing phenomena for the artificial groundwater recharge of the water curtain greenhouse system. The...
Environmental and rare nuclear physics experiments require operation of Ge spectrometers in deep underground laboratories. Cosmic-ray background of Ge gamma-spectrometers is decreased to such low-levels that observation of cosmogenic radionuclides produced e.g. in germanium (${}^{68}$Ge, ${}^{60}$Co, ${}^{65}$Zn, ${}^{54}$Mn) and copper (${}^{54}$Mn, ${}^{57}$Co, ${}^{60}$Co, ${}^{58}$Co) is...
Low-level gamma-spectrometers have been used in wide range of measurements from environmental radioactivity monitoring to fundamental nuclear physics. HPGe gamma-spectrometers play important role in radioactivity monitoring and material screening for experiments searching for rare nuclear events, especially in underground experiments. In general, three components of background can be observed:...
Backgrounds induced by neutrons and gamma-rays are important background components for all experiments looking for rare events, such as dark matter interactions or neutrinoless ββ decay. Neutrons and gamma-rays can be produced by natural radioactivity, via spontaneous fission or (α, n) reactions and by interactions of cosmic rays. Predicting all background components correctly is crucial for...