- Mojmír Němec (CTU FNSPE)
- Jiří Janda (-)
A problem of separation of trivalent f-elements is one of key problems of spent fuel reprocessing as well as processing of lanthanide-containing mineral resources. Chemical similarity leads to development of long cascade separation equipment with low efficiency on each step. Development of new selective ligands may allow us to simplify separation scheme and increase process efficiency.
Nowadays the concept of closed nuclear fuel cycle (CNFC) for fast neutron reactors (FR) is developed in Russia. CNFC can be implemented for FR with sodium coolant using mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) fuel and for reactors with lead coolant using mixed U-Pu-(Np-Am) nitride (MINT) fuel.
By “PRORYV” Project the combined “РН-technology” was proposed as the technology for reprocessing of MOX...
Study on chemical separation method for the analysis of isotope ratio of 135Cs to 137Cs in soil
Asako Shimada, Taro Shimada, Seiji Takeda, Tetsuji Yamaguchi
Nuclear Safety Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
In order to confirm the completion of the decommissioning of a facility, the radioactivity concentration of soil at the site has to comply with criteria for site release....
Efficient remediation of liquid radioactive waste, produced as in research and medicine, is crucial for increasing safety during the necessary storage of this material. A novel bio-magnetic nano-composite sorbent based on a natural product (Karaya gum) and magnetite nanoparticles was tested for the efficient removal of radioactive phosphorus 32P from liquid radioactive waste. This non-toxic...
Cellulose is a very common organic polymer and also present in considerable amounts in low and intermediate level wastes (LILW). Since it is considered to stabilize LILW with cementitious materials and to use cement-based materials as construction and backfilling material, the alkaline degradation of cellulosic material has to be taken into account. This process will lead to the formation of...
Radium is the heaviest alkaline-earth metal. It has no stable isotopes and the most long-lived and abundant isotope is $^{226}$Ra with a half-life of 1600 years. Radium and its short-lived daughters are among the most radiotoxic elements. Enhanced radium concentrations can be found in different waste streams: uranium and other metal mining, fossil fuel combustion, oil and gas production among...