- Katja Schmeide (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology)
- Vaclava Havlova (UJV Rez, a.s.)
The High Flux Reactor in Petten, Netherlands, is used for the production of medical isotopes as well as a material research reactor; during its exploitation several types of radioactive wastes are produced and accumulated.
That is the case in particular for the Ion Exchange Resins (IER) in use to treat the water of the primary water circuit of the reactor and the demineralizing basin....
Carbon-14 (half-life 5,730 years) is a key radionuclide in the assessment of the safety of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste. In particular, the radiological impact of gaseous carbon-14 bearing species has been recognised as a potential issue. Carbon 14 is expected to be released from a GDF over a timescale of several thousand years. A number of radioactive gases will...
Irradiated graphite (i-graphite) is a typical nuclear waste arising from the decommissioning of some nuclear power plants and research reactors. According to the current nuclear waste management strategy in Germany, i-graphite discharged from commercial and research reactors is to be disposed of in a deep geological repository for low and intermediate level radioactive wastes, which requires...
The decommissioning of nuclear facilities is connected with a huge amount of radioactive waste. The biological shielding of reactor vessel is an example of very heavy and voluminous part of NPP decommissioning waste. It is mainly composed of concrete which is long term exposed to gamma and neutron radiation.
ÚJV Řež a. s. owns one concrete block of biological shielding from NPP Greifswald's...
This study was aimed to development and application of polymer composite formulations for “dry” decontamination of the spent nuclear fuel storage of mobile NPP “PAMIR” with gas-cooled nuclear reactor using heat carrier N$_{2}$O$_{4}$.
Polymer composite formulations for “dry” decontamination and their operation characteristics (decontamination efficiency, consumption rate), and at evaluating...