- Ondřej Lebeda (Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
- Veronika Mocko (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
The CRAB2RABBIT system represents a newly developed solution for processing of cyclotron solid targets. It cosnsists of two parts - the RABBIT, which is an automatic loading and transportation system, and the CRAB - a radiochemical module enabling dissolution of the solid target and its radiochemical processing.
As designed, the CRAB2RABBIT system covers and automatically controls all the...
Theranostic Tumor-Specific Gold-198 Nanoparticles Through Green Nanotechnology—Implications In Nanomedicine For Concurrent Molecular Imaging and Tumor Therapy
Kattesh V. Katti, Kavita K Katti, Menka Khoobchandani
Institute of Green Nanotechnology, University of Missouri Cancer Nanotechnology Platform;University of Missouri; Columbia, Missouri 65212, USA
Ademar B....