18–22 Jun 2018
Sokol Dobřichovice
Europe/Prague timezone

A novel approach to interaction detection in vehicular traffic

19 Jun 2018, 09:45
Sokol Dobřichovice

Sokol Dobřichovice

Pražská 375, 252 29, Dobřichovice, The Czech republic


Zuzana Szabová (Department of Mathematics, FNSPE Czech Technical University in Prague)


Knowledge of an interaction range in particle systems, especially in vehicular traffic could significantly contribute to modeling of traffic flow. Combination of simulation methods, analytical predictions of headway distribution, and correlation analysis led to several remarkable observations. We observe, that interaction range depends on both resistivity and type of repulsive potential. Moreover we introduce a novel method for detection of number of actively followed vehicles based on perturbation function. Beside that, significant progress has been made in theory of balanced density functions, which can be of help in derivation of distribution of clearances in vehicular systems.

Primary author

Zuzana Szabová (Department of Mathematics, FNSPE Czech Technical University in Prague)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing


Paper files: