18–22 Jun 2018
Sokol Dobřichovice
Europe/Prague timezone

Statistic resistivity of non-equilibrium states in transport gases

19 Jun 2018, 10:10
Sokol Dobřichovice

Sokol Dobřichovice

Pražská 375, 252 29, Dobřichovice, The Czech republic


Ms Nikola Groverová (Department of Mathematics, FNSPE Czech Technical University in Prague)


This presentation will focus on the analysis of non-equilibrium states in short-range transport gas. We will try to demonstrate and test, that a non-equilibrium system will have the same distribution of clearances as an equilibrium state, just with a different parameter. In this case we are working with a short-range transport gas with a logarithmic potential, which corresponds with the gamma distribution of clearances. First we will show, how would the distribution change provided, that our hypothesis is valid. We will discuss the variants of the system with random and equidistant initial distribution of particles. Afterwards we will derive the analytic formulation for the estimate of the time dependence of the parameter β. The last task is to verify the quality of the derived analytic formula using statistical methods. Using the bootstrap method we show, that the level of rejection is sufficiently low, therefore we don’t reject the hypothesis mentioned above.

Primary author

Ms Nikola Groverová (Department of Mathematics, FNSPE Czech Technical University in Prague)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
