18–22 Jun 2018
Sokol Dobřichovice
Europe/Prague timezone

TASEP with generalized update and Matrix Product Ansatz

Not scheduled
Sokol Dobřichovice

Sokol Dobřichovice

Pražská 375, 252 29, Dobřichovice, The Czech republic


Pavel Hrabák (Department of Mathematics, FIT Czech Technical University in Prague)


The steady-state distribution of Totally Asymmetric Simple
Exclusion Process (TASEP) model has been studied by means of Matrix
Product Ansatz (MPA) for variety of updates: random-sequential,
parallel, backward-sequential. However, the newly developed generalized
update has been studied very poorly. The contribution summarizes the
principle of MPA and defines the equations following from the MPA
concept. Two different solutions of the matrix algebra are presented: by
Hrabák and Krbálek (2014) from unpublished PhD Thesis, and Brankov et.
al (2017). Both concepts are compared and (dis)advantages and
limitations discussed.

Primary author

Pavel Hrabák (Department of Mathematics, FIT Czech Technical University in Prague)

Presentation materials

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Peer reviewing


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