Sep 8 – 13, 2019
Hotel Don Giovanni Prague
Europe/Prague timezone

Assessment of tritium levels in man in Lund, Sweden, prior to the start of operation of the European Spallation Source

Sep 12, 2019, 12:00 PM
Don Giovanni 2-3, 2nd floor (Hotel Don Giovanni)

Don Giovanni 2-3, 2nd floor

Hotel Don Giovanni

Vinohradská 157 a, 130 20 Prague, Czech Republic


Dr Guillaume Pédehontaa-Hiaa (Lund University)

Primary authors

Dr Guillaume Pédehontaa-Hiaa (Lund University) Mrs Hosltein Hanna (Lund University) Prof. Sören Mattsson (Lund University) Prof. Christopher L. Rääf (Lund University) Prof. Kristina Eriksson Stenström (Lund University)

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