Sep 8 – 13, 2019
Hotel Don Giovanni Prague
Europe/Prague timezone

129iodine in environmental samples: Analysis of river and sea water from the vicinity of the Sellafield reprocessing plant and insight into migration behaviour in the soil vadose zone

Sep 12, 2019, 11:45 AM
Don Giovanni 2-3, 2nd floor (Hotel Don Giovanni)

Don Giovanni 2-3, 2nd floor

Hotel Don Giovanni

Vinohradská 157 a, 130 20 Prague, Czech Republic


Fabian Köhler (Universität Hannover, IRS)

Primary authors

Beate Riebe (Universität Hannover, IRS) Clemens Walther (Universität Hannover, IRS) Fabian Köhler (Universität Hannover, IRS) Nina Molkenthin (Universität Hannover, IRS)

Presentation materials

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