24–28 Jun 2021
Europe/Prague timezone

Stochastic Modeling of Fractal Diffusion

27 Jun 2021, 09:30


František Gašpar (Department of Software Engineering, FNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague)


Stochastic models of diffusion in spatial domains of noninteger dimension are widely applicable as a basis of simulations. Obtaining data having fractal properties requires the construction of fine enough discrete latices that is computationally expensive. This contribution presents a novel way of representing graph-based finite models using a generalized coordinate system. Presented methods allow for convenient selection of random vertices and also for representing movement between vertices. Fractal properties of obtained simulation data are tested and presented and show the applicability of introduced methods in statical testing of dimension estimates.

Primary author

František Gašpar (Department of Software Engineering, FNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague)


Jaromír Kukal (Department of Software Engineering, FNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague)

Presentation materials