23–27 Jun 2022
Europe/Prague timezone


The proceedings of the international conference SPMS2022 will be published by CTU in Prague and submitted for WOS indexation.

The authors of presentations are invited to contribute to the conference proceedings, where the length of the contributions should be between 7 and 14 pages.

The proceedings should be prepared using SPMS latex template (SPMS2022_paper_template.zip) with given instructions (SPMS2022_paper_instructions)

Files with a tex and pdf format, and any inserted images in separate files (.pdf format only) should be sent by an email to the Editor-In-Chief  Tomáš Hobza, hobza@fjfi.cvut.cz. The deadline for the proceedings submission is October 31st, 2022.

(Notice: The deadline is sharp, there will be no extensions or exceptions)