6th International Workshop on Mechanisms and Modelling of Waste / Cement Interactions
International Steering Committee
Celine Cau-dit-Caumes CEA, F
Bernd Grambow Subatech, F
Diederick Jacques SCK.CEN, B
David Kosson Vanderbilt University, USA
Barbara Lothenbach Empa, CH
Volker Metz KIT, D
John Provis University of Sheffield, UK
Erich Wieland Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-
Cement Chemistry & Microstructure
Modelling, multiscale-approaches, alternative cements
Cement/Rock/Soil Interfaces and Transport
Cement / host rock, transport processes and modelling
Interaction of Cement with Waste Constituents
Radioactive waste, toxic waste, metal binding mechanisms, organic compounds
Nanoscale Characterisation & Molecular Dynamics
Methods at large scale facilities, advanced methods
Deterioration and Leaching
Alkali-aggregate reaction, carbonation, sulfate interaction, ageing process, natural analogues
EURAD –WP CORI Final Workshop
CORIThe CORI workshop is limited to CORI members. It is a closed meeting within the EURAD project.