11–16 May 2014
Casino Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

Comparison of eight possible 99-molybdenum production routes

12 May 2014, 10:30
Casino Conference Centre

Casino Conference Centre

Reitenbergerova 4/95, Mari&#225;nsk&#233; L&#225;zn&#283;, Czech Republic <font color=white>
Plenary Production and Application of Radionuclides Plenary session 2


Prof. Bert Wolterbeek (Delft University of Technology)


The present paper addresses eight possible routes of producing 99Mo, and discusses both yield and 99Mo specific activities (SA) in the context of future anticipated worldwide demand. The dimensions of the targets are modelled by considering both the limits set by cooling and those by inside-target radiation attenuation characteristics. Energy deposition profiles are modelled by MCNP6, the reaction probabilities are taken from TALYS/TENDL and JANIS codes, and both are used in calculating produced 99Mo. The results suggest that U neutron-fission may remain one of the most relevant and efficient means of producing 99Mo, but that new developments may surface, such as ADSR or AHR production modes. Accelerator- based 99Mo production is discussed as asking for developments in both the cooling of targets and new concepts in post-EOB upgrading of 99Mo SA, and/or new concepts for 99Mo/99mTc-generators, the latter possibly in both volumes (mass) and 99Mo capacities.

Primary author

Prof. Bert Wolterbeek (Delft University of Technology)


Dr August Winkelman (Delft University of Technology) Dr Danny Lathouwers (Delft University of Technology) Dr Frank Wols (Delft University of Technology) Dr Jan-Leen kloosterman (Delft University of Technology) Dr Lodewijk Frima (Delft University of Technology) Dr Martin Rohde (Delft University of Technology)

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