Jukka Lehto
(Laboratory of Radiochemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki)
The first EU project CINCH (Cooperation in education in nuclear chemistry) 2010-2013 was planning the Euromaster degree in nuclear and radiochemistry. The second CINCH project 2013-2016 will implement the degree. According to present plans a consortium of European universities will apply for the NRC Euromaster label from the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) which is the body granting Euromaster status labels. The consortium is open for all European universities and those universities not participating in the application can join the consortium at a later phase. The educational content of the common NRC Euromaster degree will be based on the minimum requirements planned out in the first CINCH project (see http://cinch-project.eu/). According to this plan a master’s program eligible to NRC Euromaster label should have at least 50% (60 cu) of its master’s studies on nuclear and radiochemistry. Of this 60 credit units at least 10 credit units should be practical exercises and at least 30 credit units should comprise of master’s thesis and project work. The educational program should cover most relevant aspects from the following five topic areas
- Radioactivity, radionuclides and radiation
- Radiation safety
- Detection and measurement of radiation
- Chemistry and analysis of radionuclides
- Nuclear reactions and production of radionuclides
According to ECTN requirements the content of the educational programs in the NRC Euromaster consortium should be similar. Exchange of students between partner universities and organization of common courses, such as summer schools, would be required as well.
Primary author
Jukka Lehto
(Laboratory of Radiochemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki)