11–16 May 2014
Casino Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

New Fluorinated Diluents for Tributylphosphate

15 May 2014, 14:00
Mirror Hall (Casino Conference Centre)

Mirror Hall

Casino Conference Centre

Reitenbergerova 4/95, Mari&#225;nsk&#233; L&#225;zn&#283;, Czech Republic <font color=white>
Verbal Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle 4


Dr Vasiliy Babain (Khlopin Radium Institute)


The extraction ability of ligands strongly depends on the type of the diluent. The fluorinated compounds provide an opportunity for variation of diluents structure and polarity. Different types of fluorinated compounds (alcohols, ethers and other fluorinated aromatic compounds) were tested as diluents for bidentate organophosphorus compounds, chlorinated cobalt dicarbollide and crown ethers. It was shown that in some cases using of polar diluents allowed to increase extraction ability of studied ligands. The main goal of the present work was to study the influence of new fluorinated diluents (fluorinated ethers and formals of fluorinated alcohols) on extraction ability of tributylphosphate (TBP) toward nitric acid and metals. It was found that fluorinated ethers and formals of fluorinated alcohols which contained in their structure –CF2H groups decrease the extraction ability of TBP like in the case of chloroform. Both classes of studied compounds are highly resistant to gamma-radiolysis in the presence of nitric acid. From the technological point of view fluorinated diluents are very promising as they allow receiving of concentrated uranium solutions.

Primary authors

Mr Andrey KONNIKOV (PA "Mayak") Dr Vasiliy Babain (Khlopin Radium Institute)


Dr Mikhail Alyapyshev (Khlopin Radium Institute)

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