Jan John
(CTU in Prague, FNSPE, Department of Nuclear Chemistry)
Any of the potential options for the nuclear power – both the renaissance, if any, or the phase out – will require significant numbers of the respective specialists, amongst others the nuclear and/or radiochemists. In parallel, a significant demand exists for these specialists in non-energy fields, such as environmental protection, radiopharmacy, nuclear medicine, biology, authorities, etc. Since the numbers of staff in teaching and the number of universities with facilities licensed for the work with open sources of ionizing radiation has decreased on or sometimes even below the critical level, coordination and collaboration are required to maintain the necessary teaching and training capabilities.
In this paper, the motivation, history and status of coordination of education and training in nuclear- and radiochemistry in Europe will be reviewed and correlated to similar activities in other nuclear fields such as the nuclear engineering of radiological protection. The achievements of the Euratom FP7 project “Cooperation In education in Nuclear CHemistry (CINCH)” will be described in detail. This description will cover both the status review and the development activities of this Collaboration. The proposed long term sustainable strategy for nuclear- and radiochemistry education in Europe will be presented. Its main aim is to create conditions for coordination of the current fragmented and diverse activities in both the education and training field at both the Ph.D. and undergraduate levels. In the education field, the aim is to introduce the EuroMaster in Nuclear and- Radiochemistry quality label recognized and guaranteed by EuCheMS - European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences. In the training field formation of a long-term Euratom Fission Training Scheme (EFTS) is the ultimate goal that should ensure availability and quality of the training in this field. These measures are currently under development in a follow-on Euratom FP7 project “Cooperation In education and training in Nuclear CHemistry (CINCH-II)”. They are hoped to contribute to moving the education and training in nuclear chemistry to a steady and qualitatively new level.
Primary author
Jan John
(CTU in Prague, FNSPE, Department of Nuclear Chemistry)