Separation Methods, Speciation 5
- Asako Shimada (Nuclear Cycle Backend Directrate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Dmitry Marinin (Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS)
Vladimir Tkachenko
(Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia)
16/05/2014, 10:30
Separation Methods, Speciation
Development of nuclear energetics requires closure of nuclear fuel cycle (NFC). Since existing technologies cannot provide full extraction of tritium from irradiated nuclear fuel (INF) some aqueous media of INF reprocessing will be contaminated with tritium. Recycling this water will cause tritium accumulation in INF reprocessing system. Hence there is need to remove tritium from aqueous...
16/05/2014, 10:45
Separation Methods, Speciation
The LASE (Operator Support Analyses Laboratory) develops and implements radiochemical methods devoted to the characterization of Long-Lived Radionuclides in Low and Intermediate Level Nuclear Wastes. 63Ni is generally one of the radionuclides which impose the classification of the radioactive wastes. This radionuclide is produced by neutron activation of stable nickel which is a major...
Pavel Bobrov
(FSUE Mayak PA)
16/05/2014, 11:00
Separation Methods, Speciation
Development testing of the membrane installation designed to purify low-level solutions of the radiochemical plant was carried out. The purification technology of liquid radioactive wastes (LRW) includes the stages of selective sorption, ultrafiltration and two-phase reverse osmosis.
LRW salt content is caused by hardness salts and sodium nitrate. LRW activity is due to radionuclides of...
Tatiana Boytsova
(OAO" V.G.Khlopin Radium Institute")
16/05/2014, 11:15
Separation Methods, Speciation
Tc-99 is a long-lived radioactive isotope; its main source is a spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Thus, it is necessary to localize Tc either into the glass or in the other solid matrix with a slight leaching or into the matrixes fitted for transmutation to prevent technetium escape into the environment. Due to the widely used hydrometallurgy flowsheet of the SNF reprocessing, Тс occurs as...
Viktória Sántáné Gerse
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research)
16/05/2014, 11:30
Separation Methods, Speciation
Radioactive waste produced by nuclear facilities usually contains significant amount of long-lived alpha- and beta emitters (e.g. 99Tc, 93Mo, 93Zr, 41Ca, 126Sb, 107Pd and 79Se). Characterization of radioactive waste is usually carried out only by gamma-spectrometry because of its easy application for determination of full activity level of the waste. It is the main required parameter of the...
Julie Champion
(Laboratoire SUBATECH)
16/05/2014, 11:45
Separation Methods, Speciation
Polonium is a highly radiotoxic element, whose main hazard comes from ingestion or inhalation. One of polonium’s isotopes, polonium-210 (Po-210) exists naturally from the uranium-238 decay. 20% of the annual effective dose of Po-210 comes from inhalation of uranium and thorium radionuclides and 60 % from ingestion. To illustrate the radiotoxicity of Po-210, one may note that 1 µg of Po-210...