Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements 2
- Andreas Türler (Paul Scherrer Institute and Bern University)
- Igor Izosimov (JINR)
Gospodin Bozhikov
(Jlint Institute for Nuclear Research)
5/13/14, 8:30 AM
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
The discovery of new superheavy elements with Z = 113-118 in 48Ca induced nuclear reactions was one of the most outstanding scientific achievement of the last decade. The long halflives of radionuclides of these elements extend the application of radiochemical techniques to their chemical characterization and to test the hypothesis about the impact of so-called "relativistic effects" on the...
Josef Anton
(University of Ulm)
5/13/14, 8:48 AM
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Investigation of chemical and physical properties of the heaviest elements (those beyond Lr) is a hot topic since several decades. In this time period, many new elements were discovered and after a proper characterization were added to the Periodic Table of the elements. The main problem of such investigations, however, is the rather short half-life of these elements, which requires the...
W. H. Eugen Schwarz
(Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing / Theoretical Chemistry, University Siegen)
5/13/14, 9:06 AM
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
The results of relativistic electronic structure calculations on simple molecules of higher oxides (actinide oxidation state VI through VIII), peroxides, and superoxides of Pu, Am, and Cm are reported. The calculations employed accurate “small-core” two-component pseudopotentials derived from the outer (valence) shell solutions of the atomic Dirac–Fock–Breit equations with the Fermi nuclear...
Christian Bustillos
(University of California Irvine Department of Chemical Engineering)
5/13/14, 9:24 AM
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Increased knowledge of actinide coordination chemistry and the development of advanced actinide separation processes are essential to reducing the radiotoxicity of used nuclear fuel. Commercial separation techniques for nuclear fuel (i.e. PUREX) selectively remove U(VI) and Pu(IV) from the other components, while the minor actinides, e.g. Np and Am, are not extracted. However, these four...
Jerzy Narbutt
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
5/13/14, 9:42 AM
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Selective separation of actinide elements from highly radioactive nuclear waste is the key issue for modern technologies of nuclear waste reprocessing. Partitioning of long-lived minor actinides, in particular americium, followed by their transmutation into short-lived and stable nuclides would lead to a significant reduction of long-term environmental hazard from this radiotoxic waste, and...