Nuclear Analytical Methods 2
- Amares Chatt (Dalhousie University)
- Zsolt Révay (Technische Universität München - FRM II)
Frans De Corte
((ex) Ghent University, Belgium and Research Foundation, Flanders)
13/05/2014, 15:30
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The majority of developers and users of the NAA k0 standardization do not realize that this method was launched [1] in terms of the accurate and generally applicable Stoughton-Halperin convention [2] for the description of the (n,γ) reaction rate. Later on, in the article reporting on the first k0-measurements [3], the more practical Høgdahl convention [4] was introduced instead (as had been...
Zsolt Varga
(EC JRC Institute for Transuranium Elements)
13/05/2014, 15:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
229Th is an alpha-decay nuclide of the neptunium decay series. Though already extinct in nature, 229Th occurs in high amount in spent fuel as the progeny of the long-lived 237Np. 229Th is one of the most widely used tracers in geology, environmental sciences or nuclear chemistry to determine 230Th and 232Th concentrations by mass spectrometry due to the relatively long half-life and to the...
Jiří Mizera
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
13/05/2014, 16:00
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Impact glasses and tektites are formed during fall of large meteorites on the Earth surface (impact) by melting and ejection of surface materials, mainly unconsolidated sediments and sedimentary rocks. In the Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, methods of neutron and photon activation analyses have been utilized for detailed geochemical characterization of a collection of various tektites and...
Jiří Vacík
(Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR)
13/05/2014, 16:15
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Neutron Depth Profiling (NDP) is a specific non-destructive nuclear analytical technique used for determination of depth distributions of some technologically important light elements (e.g., Li and B) in the near surface of solids. The NDP for thick samples (with a thickness > several micrometers) is utilized as a 1D profiling technique that enables to obtain a 1D depth distribution (assuming...
Jan Kameník
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
13/05/2014, 16:30
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The increasing demand for phosphate fertilizers accounts for approximately 90 % of global phosphoric acid use. In the manufacture of phosphoric acid, thermal and wet processes are used. The thermal process has been abandoned for the production of phosphate fertilizers, because of the amount of energy which is needed. Decomposition of phosphate minerals with an acid, mostly sulphuric acid, is...
13/05/2014, 16:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
In France, nuclear wastes are managed by the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (ANDRA). Several repository sites have been built in order to accommodate nuclear waste packages. One is dedicated to the Low and Intermediate Level short-lived Waste. Criteria for 143 radionuclides have been defined by ANDRA which guarantee the safety of the facility. From this long list, 151Sm...