- Christian Ekberg (Nuclear Chemistry, Chalmers)
- Vaclava Havlova (UJV Rez, a.s.)
The current open nuclear fuel cycle utilises only approximately one percent of the energy contained in natural uranium. Spent fuel recycling (as done e. g. in France) results in significantly increased fuel efficiency. Future multi-recycling strategies to be deployed in fast reactors will lead to further improvement, eventually rendering further uranium mining unnecessary if depleted uranium...
With the perspective of improving nuclear energy fingerprint by reducing the waste volume and its long-term radiotoxicity, the Partitioning and Transmutation (P&T) strategy is being developed as a viable solution.[1, 2] Nowadays great efforts are constantly dedicated to the development of compact and efficient hydrometallurgical partitioning processes based on CHON compliant hydrophilic or...
Extraction behavior of trivalent europium from nitric acid with N,N,N’,N’-tetraoctyl-diglycolamine (TODGA) in different diluents was investigated. Systematic evaluation of diluent influence on the extraction behavior was performed. Sets of secondary alcohols, ketones and alkanes with increasing carbon chain from 5 to 10 carbons were used as diluents in solvent extraction experiments....
CARBEX-process, the concept of which was formulated in 2008 [1], is assigned to water methods and is an alternative one to the widely used PUREX-process. The developing method of uranium and mixed uranium-plutonium fuel processing is based on going from nitrate media widely used for purification of uranium and plutonium from FP and extraction to carbonate media.The significant difference of...
With rapid growing of nuclear power plants in China, the safety management of spent fuel becomes most important issues. Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System (ADS) takes the spallation neutrons as external neutron source to drive the sub-critical reactor, which will provide the hard and wide neutron spectra, large flux and inherent safety. In order to increase the utilization rate of uranium...
When irradiated nuclear fuel is dissolved in nitric acid and contacted with tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) during PUREX processing, many reactions can occur. There is the potential to form a range of insoluble species, especially when solutions are concentrated by evaporation, as occurs prior to high activity liquor storage or vitrification. By replacing TBP with CHON alternatives, many of the...