- Ladislav Havela (Charles University)
- Christoph Düllmann
The coupling of chemistry setups to an electromagnetic separator is advantageous as this provides the necessary suppression of the primary beam and of products of multi-nucleon transfer reactions, as it was demonstrated in the first study on the carbonyl complex of Sg at GARIS (RIKEN, Japan) [1] and in experiments on Fl chemistry at TASCA (GSI, Germany) [2]. The combination of physical and...
Recently we have determined the first ionization potential (IP$_1$) of lawrencium (Lr, $Z = 103$), which is the last member of the actinide elements, using an ISOL (Isotope Separator On-Line) equipped with a surface ion-source coupled to a He/CdI$_2$ gas-jet transport system at the JAEA tandem accelerator facility [1]. A good agreement between the measured IP$_1$-value and the theoretical one,...
Exploration of the Super-heavy Elements (SHEs) is one of today’s research frontiers that recently drew wide public attention after discoveries of four new elements. Although most chemistry investigations on SHEs use the “easier” gas-phase methodology, many fundamental properties can best be studied in liquid phase.
An experimental set-up assembled at the U-120M accelerator at the Nuclear...
Today’s state-of-the-art alpha-decay- and SF-detection systems for artificially produced superheavy elements (SHEs) consist of silicon-based detectors. For recent chemistry experiments with SHEs a thermochromatographic channel comprised of silicon solid-state detectors in a sandwich-like geometry (e.g., Cryo On-Line Detector [COLD], Cryo Online Multidetector for Physics And Chemistry of...