9–12 Sept 2024
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Europe/Prague timezone

Information for sponsors

We sincerely invite you and your company to be an exhibitor at this radon event where you can present new instruments and products.

You can select from the services we are offering:

  • Exhibition booth on site - includes free registration for 1 person                 900 EUR
  • Advertising documents in the conference bag                                                100 EUR
  • One color advertising page in the Book of Contributions                               100 EUR

We would appreciate your contribution toward the cost of social activities (WP, conf. dinner etc.). You can also highlight your company by providing pens, notepads and conference souvenirs. The name or the logo of each exhibitor will be highlighted on the Conference website and in the Book of Contributions.

We would be happy to provide you any further information you might wish. In case of your interest, please, contact us on the conference e-mail radon2024@gmail.com.