9–12 Sept 2024
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Europe/Prague timezone

Instructions for authors

We invite you to submit contributions and upload short abstracts. An overview of the abstracts will be part of the Book of Contributions.

Please enter the text of the abstract as a plain text, which does not exceed the size of an A5 page. The title will be added automatically after entering it in the form field Title. Please, do not enter the title again in the main text. You can add and modify authors via 'add-myself' or 'enter manually' buttons. You can modify their role via Author / Co-author/ Speaker buttons. One of the authors have to be assigned as a speaker. Authors will be listed below the text of the abstract in the way as you enter them. Select your contribution type - oral or poster. Then link your contribution to one of the topical sessions using the 'Track' pop-up menu. 

Please do not exceed the A5 page size - for each contribution you can upload accompanying materials which you want to share with other conference participants.

Oral contributions - time allocated for oral contribution is 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion. 

Poster presentations - mini-presentation, which can be in the form of a short five-minute trailer and subsequent discussion within the poster section. The size of the poster board is 90 cm (width) x 150 cm (height). Posters are fixed to the board with pegs, which will be made available.