FuseNet PhD Event 2015

Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1

The fifth edition of the FuseNet PhD event will take place from 15 - 18 November 2015 in the beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic.

Organized by the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague under the umbrella of the FuseNet Association and with financial support by EUROfusion, the PhD Event 2015 brings together PhD students working in the field of fusion science and engineering.

The event is building on the experience and feedback from the 4 previous editions, and is for large part organized by a student committee.

The aim of the event is to enable students to disseminate their research, develop a network of contacts and learn from each other's experiences.

This will be achieved by:

  • PhD student presentations (posters and/or oral session for all students)
  • Appealing line-up of Invited speakers, among them are Richard Pitts of ITER, Jochen Linke of FZJ and Ambrogio Fasoli of EPFL 
  • Excursion options:
    • HiLase & ELI (Laser Centers)
    • COMPASS (tokamak) & PALS (Laser System)
    • Research Centre Rez (Fusion technology)
  • GOLEM (Tokamak)
  • Social events
  • Discussion sessions and soft-skill sessions
  • Programme

The PhD Event in Fusion Science and Engineering is open to all PhD students, whose topic is associated to nuclear fusion research and registered at a European university, or at a FuseNet member university.

Financial support for attending students is available, granted by EUROfusion through FuseNet, at the FuseNet website.

    • 2:00 PM 11:59 PM
      Check-in at Hotel (continuously possible until 24:00) IBIS Praha Old Town

      IBIS Praha Old Town

    • 2:30 PM 6:15 PM
      Registration at FNSPE + Teambuilding game: Scientific Exploration Game (Outdoor in Prag...

      Handout of programme and instructions.

      Teambuilding in groups (each time sufficient people came in) for a Scientific Exploration of Prague (indoor activities in case of bad weather) (V. Svoboda).

    • 6:30 PM 8:00 PM
      Official Opening and Speed Dating Atrium


      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
      Convener: Prof. Kieran Gibson
      • 6:30 PM
        Official Opening Address + Speed Dating 1h 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Kieran Gibson
    • 8:00 PM 10:00 PM
      Welcome party (including dinner)
    • 9:00 AM 10:15 AM
      Plenary talks: Keynote by Dr. Richard Pitts (ITER): ITER status and challenges
      • 9:00 AM
        Introduction, info 15m B103


        Speaker: Dr Jan Mlynář (IPP.CR)
    • 10:15 AM 10:45 AM
      Discussion B103


      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
      Conveners: Prof. Kieran Gibson, Dr Richard Pitts
    • 10:45 AM 11:15 AM
      Group Photo + Coffee Break Atrium, Corridors

      Atrium, Corridors

      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
    • 11:15 AM 12:45 PM
      Plenary Oral Presentations: Session 1 by PhD students
      Convener: click to see the contributions *
      • 11:15 AM
        Gyrokinetic investigation of turbulent flow dynamics in tokamak plasmas 15m
        Speaker: Mr Paavo Niskala (Aalto University)
      • 11:30 AM
        Experimental Study of Radial Turbulence with an Ultra-fast-swept Reflectometer at ASDEX Upgrade 15m
        Speaker: Ms Anna Medvedeva (Technische Universität München, Université de Lorraine)
      • 11:45 AM
        Study of the poloidal asymmetry of edge turbulence at ASDEX Upgrade tokamak with microwave reflectometry 15m
        Speaker: Ms Valentina Nikolaeva (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Technische Universität München)
      • 12:00 PM
        Interaction between neutral beam fast particles and plasma in fusion experiments 15m
        Speaker: Mr Pietro Vincenzi (University of Padova)
      • 12:15 PM
        Erosion and Deposition in JET 15m
        Speaker: Mr James Beal (University of York)
      • 12:30 PM
        Plasma cleaning of ITER First Mirrors 15m
        Speaker: Mr Moser Lucas (University of Basel)
    • 12:45 PM 3:00 PM
      Poster presentations: Group 1
      Convener: click to see the contributions *
      • 12:45 PM
        3D ECEI studies of ELMs 2h 15m
        Speaker: Ms Branka Vanovac
      • 12:45 PM
        Advanced tools for three-dimensional modeling and control of thermonuclear fusion devices 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Leonardo Pigatto
      • 12:45 PM
        Advanced transport modeling in tokamak plasmas 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Ivan Erofeev
      • 12:45 PM
        Alternative target concepts for power and particle exhaust in fusion application 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Vladimir Kvon
      • 12:45 PM
        Analysis of the energy distribution of escaping suprathermal ions in neutral-beam injection phase of the TJ-II stellarator 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Marco Martinez
      • 12:45 PM
        Assessment of retention of plasma components in Tungsten in the presence of neutron irradiation: multi-scale modelling approach. 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Petr Grigorev
      • 12:45 PM
        BOUT++ Code 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr David Schwörer
      • 12:45 PM
        Coherent electromagnetic activity in TJ-II palsmas 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Baojun Sun
      • 12:45 PM
        Comparison of beam light and electron density fluctuations using Li-BES 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Jaroslav Krbec
      • 12:45 PM
        Design and operation of antennas at the ion cyclotron and lower hybrid frequencies for nuclear fusion reactors 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Walid Helou
      • 12:45 PM
        Determination of the nature of radial transport in quasi-axisymmetric Stellarator config. for the confinement of fusion plasmas 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Jorge Alberto Alcusón
      • 12:45 PM
        Development of advanced carbon based film for application in neutron detectors 2h 15m
        Speaker: Ms Federica Inzoli
      • 12:45 PM
        Development, optimization and testing of high performance cooling systems for fusion devices 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Giulio Gambetta
      • 12:45 PM
        Disruptions in tokamaks 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Vadim Yanovskiy
      • 12:45 PM
        Dust resuspension phenomena experiments and modeling in case of loss of vacuum accidents inside tokamaks 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Luigi Antonio Poggi
      • 12:45 PM
        Electron Cyclotron Emission Measurements at the Stellarator TJ-K 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Gabriel Sichardt
      • 12:45 PM
        Experimental and numerical study of turbulence in fusion plasmas using gyrokinetics codes data in reflectometry synthetic diagno 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Georgiy Zadvitskiy
      • 12:45 PM
        Experimental investigation of ICRF wave field/SOL plasma interactions with RF and electrostatic probes 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Guillermo Suarez Lopez
      • 12:45 PM
        Global Modelling of Turbulence and Transport in Magnetically Confined Plasma 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Michael Løiten
      • 12:45 PM
        Hybrid MHD-Particle Simulations of ELMs in ITER Divertor Conditions 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Daan van Vugt
      • 12:45 PM
        Hydrogen and impurities retention studies on Tungsten-Lithium divertor materials by using Glow Discharge and Laser techniques 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Alfonso de Castro
      • 12:45 PM
        Identification of trapped electron modes in frequency fluctuation spectra of fusion plasma 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Hugo Arnichand
      • 12:45 PM
        Implementation of a X-mode multichannel edge density profile reflectometer for the new ICRH antenna on ASDEX Upgrade 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Aguiam Diogo
      • 12:45 PM
        Impurity transport in the W7X stellarator. 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Pranay Valson
      • 12:45 PM
        Industrial engineering: Energy from Nuclear Fusion 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Michele Lungaroni
      • 12:45 PM
        Investigation of the parameters of a particle beam by numerical models and diagnostic calorimetry 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Antonio Pimazzoni
      • 12:45 PM
        Ion Cyclotron Antennas for Fusion Devices 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Riccardo Ragona
      • 12:45 PM
        Ion velocity measurements by LIF in IEC fusion reactor 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Bram Wolf Dutch
      • 12:45 PM
        Magnetic Reconnection on fusion plasmas 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Luigi Cordaro
      • 12:45 PM
        Main subject is about fusion plasma diagnostics, in particular gamma and neutron spectroscopy for a thermonuclear fusion reactor 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Davide Rigamonti
      • 12:45 PM
        MCNP Calculations of Neutron Distribution at the GIT-12 Device 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Ondřej Šíla
      • 12:45 PM
        Mm-wave scattering by electron density perturbation in fusion plasmas 2h 15m
        Speaker: Ms Oulfa Chellaï
      • 12:45 PM
        Modelling and control of RFX-mod tokamak equilibria 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Abate Domenico
      • 12:45 PM
        Modelling radiation damage within a fusion environment 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Luke Menzies
      • 12:45 PM
        Multi-scale thermal-hydraulic modeling for nuclear fusion reactors 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Antonio Froio
      • 12:45 PM
        Neutron transport and radioactive processes analysis in nuclear fusion devices 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Andrius Tidikas
      • 12:45 PM
        Nitriding of titanium and steels in plasma of non-self-maintained gas discharge with hollow anode 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Ivan Misiruk
      • 12:45 PM
        Plasma edge modeling with ICRF coupling 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Wei Zhang
      • 12:45 PM
        Plasma facing components 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mrs Marwa Ben Yaala
      • 12:45 PM
        Plasma Physics 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mrs Embie Hasan
      • 12:45 PM
        Plasma wall interaction in the context of nuclear fusion 2h 15m
        Speaker: Ms Catalina Quiros Lara
      • 12:45 PM
        Runaway electron losses induced by various MHD events in the COMPASS tokamak 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Ondřej Ficker
      • 12:45 PM
        Simulations of electric probes in magnetized plasma 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Aleš Podolník
      • 12:45 PM
        Stability of fusion superconductors 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Tommaso Bagni
      • 12:45 PM
        Study of H, D and N atoms on/in fusion relevant wall materials 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Marek Pribula
      • 12:45 PM
        Study of RF discharge enhancement for LIBS analyses of fusion-relevant wall materials 2h 15m
        Speaker: Ms Mária Suchoňová
      • 12:45 PM
        Study of tungsten and tungsten compound coatings for magnetic fusion research: damage, hydrogen retention and permeation 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Andrea Pezzoli
      • 12:45 PM
        The Effect of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Fields in Tokamaks 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr David Ryan
      • 12:45 PM
        The Improvement and Implementation of Ion-Impact Excitation in the Generalized Collisional Radiative Modelling of Fusion Plasmas 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Matthew Bluteau
      • 12:45 PM
        The isotope effect in the FT-2 tokamak 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Artur Perevalov
      • 12:45 PM
        Theoretical fusion plasma physics 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Vallejos Olivares
      • 12:45 PM
        Thermal-hydraulic analyses of plasma facing components (Blanket modules and Divertor) of Fusion Reactors (ITER and DEMO). 2h 15m
        Speaker: Silvia Garitta
      • 12:45 PM
        Thermo mechanical simulation for fusion power components 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mrs Judit Szalai
      • 12:45 PM
        Thermo-hydraulic models and analyses for design optimization of cooling circuits and components of SPIDER and MITICA experiments 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Matteo Zaupa
      • 12:45 PM
        Thermo-mechanical analyses and design of components for fusion devices 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Nisarg Patel
      • 12:45 PM
        Thermo-mechanical analyses of the DEMO Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) breeding blanket concept. 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Gaetano Bongiovì
      • 12:45 PM
        Thermo-mechanical characterization of novel coatings designed for harsh temperature and irradiation environments 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Edoardo Besozzi
      • 12:45 PM
        Three-dimensional Physics of Revised Field Pinch and Stellarator 2h 15m
        Speaker: Mr Yangyang Zhang
    • 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
      Lunch in parallel with poster session + Light-packed dinner (optional) Atrium


      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
    • 3:00 PM 5:30 PM
      Excursion to COMPASS & PALS Institute of Plasma Physics CAS

      Institute of Plasma Physics CAS

    • 3:00 PM 5:30 PM
      Excursion to CV Řež Research Centre Řež

      Research Centre Řež

    • 3:00 PM 5:30 PM
      Excursion to ELI & HiLASE Institute of Physics CAS - ELI Beamlines

      Institute of Physics CAS - ELI Beamlines

    • 6:00 PM 9:00 PM
      Excursion to GOLEM (optional)
    • 6:00 PM 11:59 PM
      Free time
    • 9:00 AM 10:15 AM
      Plenary talks: Dr. Jochen Linke (FZ-Julich): Material issues for plasma facing components in future fusion devices B103


      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
      • 9:00 AM
        Plenary note on 17th November 15m B103


        Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

        Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
        Speaker: Dr Jan Mlynář (IPP.CR)
      • 9:15 AM
        Material issues for plasma facing components in future fusion devices 1h B103


        Speaker: Dr Jochen Linke (FZ-Julich)
    • 10:15 AM 10:45 AM
      Discussion B103


      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
      Conveners: Dr Jochen Linke, Prof. Kieran Gibson
    • 10:45 AM 11:15 AM
      Coffee Break Atrium


      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
    • 11:15 AM 12:45 PM
      Plenary Oral Presentations: Session 2 by PhD students
      Convener: click to see the contributions *
      • 11:15 AM
        Spectroscopic study of dense and hot plasma: detailed and statistical code 15m
        Speaker: Ms Xieyu Na (University Paris-Saclay)
      • 11:30 AM
        Equilibrium and Stability of MHD 3D configurations using the SIESTA code 15m
        Speaker: Mr Hugo Peraza Rodriguez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
      • 11:45 AM
        Modern real-time feedback control of MHD stability in fusion devices 15m
        Speaker: Mr Ondrej Kudlacek (University of Padova)
      • 12:00 PM
        Monitoring of Instrumentation for Critical Nuclear Fusion Plasma Control and Data Acquisition Systems 15m
        Speaker: Mr Paulo Carvalho (Instituto Superior Tecnico)
      • 12:15 PM
        Thermal Hydraulic and Safety Analyses Fusion Reactors PHTS 15m
        Speaker: Mr Dario Carloni (Pisa University)
      • 12:30 PM
        High Field Superconductors for Fusion Applications 15m
        Speaker: Mr Paul Branch (Durham University)
    • 12:45 PM 2:30 PM
      Poster presentations: Group 2
      Convener: click to see the contributions *
      • 12:45 PM
        Analysis of the thermo-mechanic behaviour of fusion breeding blankets 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Pietro Arena
      • 12:45 PM
        Breakup and dynamics of metal droplets in a tokamak plasma 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Joshua Holgate
      • 12:45 PM
        Characterization of the dielectric strength in vacuum of RF drivers for fusion Neutral Beam Injectors 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Alberto Maistrello
      • 12:45 PM
        Characterization of the Internal Reconnection Event in spherical tokamak Globus-M 1h 45m
        Speaker: Ms Alexandra Dudkovskaya
      • 12:45 PM
        Characterization of the poloidal asymmetries of Tungsten and its impact to the radial impurity transport 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Tomáš Odstrčil
      • 12:45 PM
        Coupling of Kinetic Periphery Plasma Code to SOLPS 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Menglong Zhao
      • 12:45 PM
        Design of electric and magnetic components of a negative ion accelerator in view of application to ITER neutral beam injector 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Daniele Aprile
      • 12:45 PM
        Detachment and instability studies on the York Linear Plasma Device 1h 45m
        Speaker: Ms Hannah Willett
      • 12:45 PM
        Development a dynamical model of the RE beam current and horizontal position during the RE plateau. 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Mateusz Gospodarczyk
      • 12:45 PM
        Development of GEM detector for fast and thermal neutron 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Andrea Muraro
      • 12:45 PM
        Development of innovative methods and tools for real-time control system in fusion devices 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Tautvydas Maceina
      • 12:45 PM
        Development of novel diagnostics for the MAST-Upgrade tokamak using FPGAs 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Jack Lovell
      • 12:45 PM
        Dielectric properties of Fusion-relevant materials 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Dario Andres Cruz Malagon
      • 12:45 PM
        Doppler Reflectometry 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Javier Rodrigo Pinzon Acosta
      • 12:45 PM
        Dynamical relation between gradient and transport in Fusion Plasmas 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Javier Hernandez Nicolau
      • 12:45 PM
        Dynamics of turbulence filaments in the edge of tokamak plasmas 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr William Gracias
      • 12:45 PM
        Effects of ion irradiation on oxide dispersion strengthened steels for fusion 20m
        Speaker: Mr Masa Scepanovic
      • 12:45 PM
        Electromagnetic properties of edge turbulance in fusion plasma devices 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Bing Liu
      • 12:45 PM
        Electron heat transport in fusion plasmas 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Nicola Bonanomi
      • 12:45 PM
        Embrittlement of fusion materials initiated by neutron irradiation 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Andrii Dubinko
      • 12:45 PM
        Evaluation of methods for power calibration in large tokamaks 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Aljaž Čufar
      • 12:45 PM
        Experimental and numerical study on advanced inorganic membranes for tritium processes in the Breeding Blanket 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Rodrigo Antunes
      • 12:45 PM
        Experimental Devices within SUSEN Project in CV Rez 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Jan Prokůpek
      • 12:45 PM
        Experimental studies of RF sheath rectification in magnetized plasmas using fast and slow ICRF antennas 1h 45m
        Speaker: Ms Mariia Usoltceva
      • 12:45 PM
        Experimental Study of Plasma Rotation During Tokamak Disruptions 1h 45m
        Speaker: Syed Ilyas Waseem Shah
      • 12:45 PM
        First NPA results on the COMPASS tokamak 1h 45m
        Speaker: Ms Klára Mitošínková
      • 12:45 PM
        High Field Superconductors for Fusion Applications 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Paul Branch
      • 12:45 PM
        High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) with a view to creating niobium films 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Francis Lockwood Estrin
      • 12:45 PM
        Homogeneity in breeder blanket modelling 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Fred Thomas
      • 12:45 PM
        Investigation and simulation of the brittle fracture behavior of tungsten and tungsten lanthanum oxide 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Marco Conte
      • 12:45 PM
        Irradiation induced structure and property changes in Tokamak functional materials 1h 45m
        Speaker: Ms Indra Krevica
      • 12:45 PM
        ITER Control Simulator 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Martynas Prokopas
      • 12:45 PM
        ITER relevant disruption and runaway electron studies 1h 45m
        Speaker: Ms Zana Popovic Croatian
      • 12:45 PM
        Large scale numerical simulation of nonlinear kinetic physics in plasma experiments for magnetically confined fusion 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Benjamin Chapman
      • 12:45 PM
        Measurement of Heat Flux Widths in Tokamaks 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Alistair McGann
      • 12:45 PM
        Mechanical Properties of Fusion Relevant Materials 1h 45m
        Speaker: Ms Vladica Nikolic
      • 12:45 PM
        Mechanical properties of ODS Steels for fusion reactors 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Julio Macías Delgado
      • 12:45 PM
        Modeling of heat transfer problems at the interface between different subsystems of a superconducting tokamak 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Stefano Carli
      • 12:45 PM
        Modeling on non-linear ion cyclotron wave plasma interaction in magnetized plasma SOL 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr LingFeng Lu
      • 12:45 PM
        Modeling, analysis and design of superconductor cables for fusion 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Jianfeng Huang
      • 12:45 PM
        Modelisation of the heat flux generated by electrons accelerated in front of lower-hybrid antennas in Tokamak 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Laurent Valade
      • 12:45 PM
        Monitoring of Instrumentation for Critical Nuclear Fusion Plasma Control and Data Acquisition Systems 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Paulo Carvalho
      • 12:45 PM
        Neutronics tools and design analysis for the stellarator power reactor HELIAS 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr André Häußler
      • 12:45 PM
        Non-local Neoclassical Transport features of bulk plasma and a-particles in reactor relevant burning plasmas 1h 45m
        Speaker: Ms Alena Gogoleva
      • 12:45 PM
        Nuclear analysis and computational development for the design of fusion installations. 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Aljaz Kolsek
      • 12:45 PM
        Plasma diagnostic using new FPGA tecnology 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Marco Gottardo
      • 12:45 PM
        Plasma physics 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mrs Plamena Marinova
      • 12:45 PM
        Plasma response field to RMP on COMPASS - measurements and modelling 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Tomáš Markovič
      • 12:45 PM
        Potential of ECE Diagnostics for Runaway Electron Studies 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Miloš Vlainić
      • 12:45 PM
        Power Exhaust data analysis and modeling of the EAST experiment in advanced divertor configuration 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Giulio Rubino
      • 12:45 PM
        Production and characterization of strengthened copper alloys for cooling device in fusion reactors 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Gabriel Carro Sevillano
      • 12:45 PM
        Scrape-off layer heat flux profile measurement in the medium and long wavelength infrared on COMPASS 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Petr Vondráček
      • 12:45 PM
        Studies & experimental activities to qualify behavior of RF power circuits for Negative Ion Sources of NBI for ITER 1h 45m
        Speaker: Ms Palak Jain
      • 12:45 PM
        Studies of Coherent Structures in Magnetically Confined Plasmas 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Jeppe Miki Busk Olsen
      • 12:45 PM
        Study of magnetized radio frequency sheaths using kinetic simulations 1h 45m
        Speaker: Ms Aoife Somers
      • 12:45 PM
        Study on NIO1 and SPIDER Ion sources optics and spectroscopy 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Carlo Baltador
      • 12:45 PM
        Synergestic Effects of Plasma and Neutron Irradiation 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr AsaD Hussain
      • 12:45 PM
        The effect of ion flux and radiation damage on deuterium retention in tungsten-based materials Indico - Integrated Digital Conference Powered by Indico 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Mikhail Zibrov
      • 12:45 PM
        The influence of neutral particles on blob filaments in magnetically confined plasma 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Alexander Simon Christensen
      • 12:45 PM
        Thermal Hydraulic and Safety Analyses Fusion Reactors PHTS 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Dario Carloni
      • 12:45 PM
        Thermal Stratification Investigation for The TOKAMAK Cooling Water System 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Jie Zheng
      • 12:45 PM
        Understanding plasma detachment through advanced diagnosis 1h 45m
        Speaker: Mr Karol Jesko
    • 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
      Lunch in parallel with poster session Atrium


      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
    • 2:30 PM 3:40 PM
      Plenary talks: Fusion and public communication B103


      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
      • 2:30 PM
        Fusion and public communication 1h 10m
        Speakers: Mr Daniel Clery (Scientific Journalist), Mrs Sabina Griffith (ITER)
    • 3:40 PM 4:00 PM
      Coffee Break
    • 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
      Parallel talks and preparations of group presentations: Magnetosphere of the Earth
      Convener: Prof. O. Santolík (Institute of Atmosferic Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences)
      • 4:00 PM
        Magnetosphere of the Earth and other planets 40m
        Speaker: Prof. Ondřej Santolík (Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences)
      • 4:40 PM
        Report preparation to the talk of prof. Santolík 20m
    • 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
      Parallel talks and preparations of group presentations: Plasma accretion near black holes B114


      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
      Convener: Dr J. Hamerský (Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences)
      • 4:00 PM
        Acceleration of magnetised plasma near a black hole 40m
        Speaker: Dr Jaroslav Hamerský (Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences)
      • 4:40 PM
        Report preparation to the talk of dr. Hamerský 20m
    • 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
      Parallel talks and preparations of group presentations: Plasma technologies
      Convener: Prof. P. Chráska (Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
      • 4:00 PM
        Plasma technologies 40m
        Speaker: Prof. Pavel Chraska (Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
      • 4:40 PM
        Report preparation to the talk of prof. Chraska 20m
    • 5:00 PM 5:35 PM
      Plenary talks: Groups presentations on parallel talks and voting B103


      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
      • 5:00 PM
        Report to the Plasma Technologies 10m
      • 5:10 PM
        Report to the Plasma accretion near black holes 10m
      • 5:20 PM
        Report to the Magnetosphere of the Earth and other planets 10m
      • 5:30 PM
        Voting 5m
    • 5:35 PM 6:55 PM
      Plenary talks: Prof. Ambrogio Fasoli (EPFL): Plasma physics challenges for burning plasmas B103


      Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague

      Břehová 7 115 19 Praha 1
      • 5:35 PM
        Plasma physics challenges for burning plasmas 1h 20m
        Speaker: Prof. Ambrogio Fasoli (EPFL)
    • 6:55 PM 7:00 PM
      Closing word
      Convener: Prof. Kieran Gibson (FuseNet)
      • 6:55 PM
        Closing word 5m
        Closing word, handout of certificate of attendance and travel support instruction A4
        Speaker: Prof. Kieran Gibson (FuseNet)
    • 7:00 PM 10:00 PM
      Boat cruise and Dinner, with Tokamak Music Experience Cecílie boat on the river Vltava

      Cecílie boat on the river Vltava

    • 7:00 AM 11:00 AM
      Check-out of Hotel IBIS Old Town Prague

      IBIS Old Town Prague

    • 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
      Additional opportunity to visit COMPASS & PALS