Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle 3
- Christophe Bruggeman (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK•CEN)
- Marja Siitari-Kauppi (University of Helsinki)
(1st ASGARD International Workshop)
Katja Schmeide
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology)
15/05/2014, 08:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The long-term disposal of high-level nuclear waste in deep geological formations is discussed worldwide as main strategy for nuclear waste management. This approach requires the use of a multiple barrier system consisting of engineered, geo-engineered, and geological barriers to prevent any release of radionuclides into the geo- and biosphere. Sorption of radionuclides on the host rock of a...
Kateřina Videnská
(ÚJV Řež, a. s.)
15/05/2014, 09:00
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Cesium and selenium belong among long-lived fission products, being present in spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high level waste (HLW) and contributes significantly to the risk associated with the storage of radioactive waste in deep geological repositories.
The presented work is focused on study of sorption behaviour of cesium and selenium species, selenite Se(IV) and selenate (VI), on two...
Eva Hofmanová
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Czech Technical University in Prague)
15/05/2014, 09:15
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
In the many concepts of high level radioactive waste repository (HLWR), compacted bentonite is planned as a buffer/backfill material due to its very low permeability and high sorption capacity. However, anionic species such as as 36Cl-, 129I- are not retarded due to their negligible interaction with engineered and/or natural barriers and may migrate to the biosphere much faster than cationic...
Benjamin Cvetković
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
15/05/2014, 09:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Carbon-14 is an important contributor to the annual dose released from a cement-based repository for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste (L/ILW) in Switzerland. In current performance assessment it is assumed that 14C mainly contributes to dose in its organic form, such as 14C bearing organic compounds, which are only weakly retarded in the cementitious near field. Compilations of...
Aleš Vetešník
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, FNSPE, CTU in Prague, Břehová 7, Prague, Czech Republic)
15/05/2014, 09:45
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
A deep geological waste repository shall be designed so as to ensure the safety for thousands of years. The safety concept of a repository system is substantially affected by a type of a host rock. In a rock salt, the safety concept relies on a very slow migration of radionuclides in an almost free water environment and on a gradual self-sealing of excavations due to creep of the salt. In a...