Apr 18 – 23, 2010
Casino Conference Centre
UTC timezone

Study of HDEHP-PAN solid extractants for <sup>90</sup>Sr determination

Apr 22, 2010, 12:00 PM
1h 30m
Gallery (Casino Conference Centre)


Casino Conference Centre

Reitenbergerova 4/95, Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic
Board: SEP.P01
Poster Separation Methods, Speciation Poster Session - Separation Methods, Speciation


Filip Kužel (CTU in Prague)


Application of solid extractants containing di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HDEHP) in the support based on modified polycrylonitrile (PAN) has been proposed at the CTU in Prague, Department of Nuclear Chemistry, for the determination of 90Sr by means of measuring the activity of its 90Y daughter utilising a procedure similar to that developed by Burnett et al. in 1975 for the determination of 228Ra 1. For the introductory study, 152Eu and 133Ba were used as chemical homologues of 90Y and 90Sr. For these radionuclides, dependences of mass distribution coefficients (Dg) on the nitric acid concentration were measured for several types of HDEHP-PAN solid extractants; the results obtained were compared with the data presented by Horwitz et al. in his 1975 paper 2. For one of the solid extractants, similar dependence was also determined for the hydrochloric acid. The mechanism of the Eu3+ and Ba2+ ions was confirmed to follow the theoretical two-phase equation for the chelating extractants. The shifts of the curves measured for various solid extractants could be ascribed to the different amounts of HDEHP in the extractants. Further, influence of the presence of nitrates (total salinity), calcium (Sr homologue) and iron (Y major interferent) ions on the Dg values were determined. For both Eu and Ba, a decrease of Dg values with increasing nitrates concentration was observed. As expected, the Dg(Eu) values were suppressed already by relatively low iron concentrations. The influence of iron ions could be masked by the addition of ascorbic acid if working in hydrochloric acid. The Dg(Eu) values were not influenced by the presence of calcium while, as expected, uptake of barium at low acidities was strongly suppressed already by relatively low calcium concentrations. The results obtained make application of solid extractants containing HDEHP in PAN support prospective for 90Sr determination. This work was supported by grant MSM 6840770020. 1. Burnett W. C., Cable P. H., et al.: Radioactivity and Radiochemistry 6, 36 (1995). 2. Horwitz E. P., Bloomquist C. A. A.: J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 37, 425 (1975).

Primary author

Filip Kužel (CTU in Prague)


Ferdinand Šebesta (CTU in Prague) John John (CTU in Prague)

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