11:45 AM
Determination of the impurities of reactor core graphite with neutron activation analysis, X-ray fluorescence and mass spectrometry techniques for graphite waste modeling
Andrius Puzas
(Institute of Physics, Savanoriu ave. 231, Vilnius LT-02300, Lithuania)
11:45 AM
Tritium content distribution in Jeju island groundwater using Ni-Ni electrolytic enrichment method
Yoon Yeol Yoon
(Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
11:45 AM
Modification of precise technique for determining Pu mass fraction by automatic coulometric titration method
Vladimir Chistyakov
(Russia, Rosatom, JSC"State Scientific Center-Research Institute of Atomic Reactors", Radiochemical Unit)
11:45 AM
Determination of <sup>238,239,240,241</sup>Pu, <sup>241</sup>Am, <sup>242,243,244</sup>Cm, <sup>90</sup>Sr, <sup>55</sup>Fe and <sup>63</sup>Ni in low and intermediate level operational radwaste
Galina Lujaniene
(Institute of Physics)
11:45 AM
<sup>129</sup>I in Finnish waters
Jukka Lehto
(Laboratory of Radiochemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki)
11:45 AM
Measuring of gross α and β activity by means of LSC
Daniel Sas
11:45 AM
Development of the method for determination of technetium in environmental and biological samples
Myroslav Zoriy
(Reserch Center Jülich)
11:45 AM
Determination of selenium in soft and durum wheat (plant and grain) using the short-lived nuclide
Catarina Galinha
(CERENA-IST, Technical University of Lisbon)
11:45 AM
Pulse shape analysis to reduce the background of BEGe detectors
Raquel González de Orduña
(European Comision, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements)
11:45 AM
Alpha radiometric determination of plutonium and uranium isotopes after separation of the radionuclides by cation exchange and liquid extraction
Tasoula Kiliari
(PhD student, Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus)
11:45 AM
Routines of <sup>210</sup>Po determination in fluvial sediments for dating purpose
Tereza Novakova
(Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, Na Truhlarce 39/64, 180 86 Prague)
11:45 AM
Applications of nuclear analytical methods in the historical glass in Thailand
Pisutti Dararutana
(Army Officer)
11:45 AM
Gross α activity determination in water and <sup>210</sup>Po
Ivo Světlík
(Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, Na Truhlarce 39/64, 180 86 Prague)
11:45 AM
Comparative kinetic studies on the corrosion process using two methods based on the β-rays retention and atomic absorption spectroscopy
Alexandru Cecal
("Al.I. Cuza" University, Faculty of Chemistry)
11:45 AM
<sup>236</sup>U in well water - a tool for uranium prospection?
Peter Steier
(VERA Laboratory, Faculty of Physics – Isotope Research, University of Vienna, Währingerstr. 17, A-1090 Vienna, Austria)
11:45 AM
Calibration and Environmental Monitoring Using PGIS-128 Gamma-ray Spectrometer
Marcel Ohera
(EnviMO Brno Czech Republic)
11:45 AM
(Radio)Chemistry in AMS – a Servant or a Partner?
Mojmír Němec
(CTU FNSPE, centrum pro radiochemii a radiační chemii)
11:45 AM
Mercury in Bach Ho crude oil of Vietnam as determined by k<sub>0</sub>-based instrumental neutron activation analysis
Luong Hien Duong
(Joint Venture “Vietsovpetro”)
11:45 AM
Alpha radiometry of uranium by liquid scintillation counting after pre-concentration by cloud point extraction
Eleni Constantinou
(Radioanalytical and Environmental Chemistry Group , Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus)
11:45 AM
Development of k<sub>0</sub>-cyclic neutron activation analysis at the Portuguese research reactor
Daniel Beasley
(Reactor-ITN, Technological and Nuclear Institute, E.N. 10, 2686-953 Sacavem, Portugal)
11:45 AM
Assessment of contamination levels and dispersion in a mining impacted area by INAA and μ-PIXE analysis
md anawar hossain
(Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear Reactor, Apartado 21, E.N. 10, 2686-953, Sacavém, Portugal)
11:45 AM
Optimisation of neutron flux parameters determination for k<sub>0</sub> standardization during irradiation at reactor LVR-15 in Řež
Marie Kubešová
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)
11:45 AM
Chemical composition of silica phytoliths. Comparison of different isolation methods.
Jan Kameník
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic)
11:45 AM
Determination of <sup>90</sup>Sr and <sup>210</sup>Pb in deer bone samples by liquid scintillation counting after ionic exchange procedures
Gabriela Wallova
(Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Vienna)
11:45 AM
Characterization of abandoned contaminated Valongo mining area at Portugal, by INAA
Nuno Canha
(Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear)
11:45 AM
Transfer coefficients from soil to roots of wheat plants by INAA
Catarina Galinha
(CERENA-IST, Technical University of Lisbon)
11:45 AM
Determination of magnesium in biological materials by neutron activation and anti-coincidence γ-ray spectrometry
Amares Chatt
(Dalhousie University)
11:45 AM
Composition analysis of zirconium alloys by k<sub>0</sub>-based PGAA using Budapest cold neutron beam facility
Zs. Revay
(Department of Nuclear Research, Institute of Isotopes, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary)
11:45 AM
Applicability of k<sub>0</sub>-based neutron activation analysis using a Compton suppression γ-ray spectrometer
Dung Manh Ho
(Technological and Nuclear Institute, Sacavem, Portugal)
11:45 AM
Determination of <sup>210</sup>Po and uranium in high salinity water samples
Pawel Grabowski
(Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of Chemistry)
11:45 AM
Rapid and simultaneous determination of neptunium and plutonium in environmental samples by extraction chromatography using sequential injection and ICP-MS
Jixin Qiao
(Radiation Research Division, Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark)
11:45 AM
k<sub>0</sub>-INAA using comparator and neutron flux monitor at CDTN/CNEN, Brazil: advantages and disadvantages
Maria Angela Menezes
(Nuclear Technology Development Centre / Brazilian Commission for Nuclear Energy, Division for Reactor and Analytical Techniques, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
11:45 AM
Separation, preconcentration of lanthanum from monazite and its determination by <sup>138</sup>La using non-destructive γ ray
Ashraf El-Sayed
(Atomic Energy Authority, Hot lab center, Analytical Chemistry Departments,)
11:45 AM
Determination of silver and gold in copper concentrate
Kallola Kumar Swain
11:45 AM
Analysis of large and non-standard geometry samples of ancient potteries and bricks by internal monostandard NAA using insitu detection efficiency
K.B. Dasari
(GITAM Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam – 530 045, India)
11:45 AM
Application of Monte Carlo simulation to design a modular <sup>241</sup>Am-Be neutron irradiator irradiator
Elio Tomarchio
(University of Palermo - Nuclear Engineering Department)
11:45 AM
Airborne and terrain γ spectrometry monitoring of natural and artificial radioactivity
Jiří Janda
(NBC Defence Institute Vyškov, University of Defence CZ)
Petr Sládek
(NBC Defence Institute Vyškov, University of Defence CZ)
11:45 AM
Metal detection in solution by new mass-spectrometrical method
Vasiliy Babain
(Khlopin Radium Institute)
11:45 AM
NORM at indoor environments using aerosols passively collected at classrooms of Lisbon basic schools
Maria do Carmo Freitas
(Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear - Reactor)
11:45 AM
The use of coincidence summing effect in γ spectrometry for the determination of full energy photopeak efficiency and activity of the <sup>60</sup>Co-60 point source
Bojan Štrbac
(Radiation Protection Centre)
11:45 AM
Determination of radiostrontium in food and water samples using fuming nitric acid
Zorana Ilic