Apr 18 – 23, 2010
Casino Conference Centre
UTC timezone

Investigation of the dynamics of erosion-accumulating processes using <sup>137</sup>Cs and excess <sup>210</sup>Pb as a marker of soil material displacement

Not scheduled
Casino Conference Centre

Casino Conference Centre

Reitenbergerova 4/95, Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic
Verbal Production and Application of Radionuclides


Mrs Olga Zhukova (Institute of global climate and ecology)


Global ploughing up the areas, especially increased in last 2 century, lead to fundamental changing of the sediment load balance of flat territories, at first by repeatedly increasing erosion-accumulating processes. Using 137Cs as a marker of erosion-accumulating processes allow estimate of intensity these processes by the period from the middle of 50-th years, and in a number of cases (especially, in zones of Chernobyl contamination) by the more fractional periods. Аtmospheric part of 210Pb (excess 210Pb) recently begin to conform as a marker for estimating of the rate of erosion-accumulating processes at the 100-120-years interval. At the same time here is a row methodical problems of radioplumbum method, in particular the excess 210Pb falling out spatial variability has been study insufficiently. Also there are other factors, bearing on the precision and reliability output quantity of rates of erosion-accumulating processes. Application of these methods in the centre of Russian plane has showed: that arrangement of erosion and accumulation zones naturally changed along cultivated slopes in depend of their morphology; the dynamic of rate of sediment load accumulation in dry valley bottoms defines the intensity of repeated involved sediment load in transport at the expense of secondary erosion breakout development.

Primary authors

Mrs Olga Zhukova (Institute of global climate and ecology) Mr Valentin Golosov (Moscow state university)


Mr Maksim Marcelov (Moscow state university) Mr Vladimir Belyaev (Moscow state university)

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