Education / Coordination
- Jan John (CTU in Prague)
- Heinz W. Gäggeler (PSI Villigen)
Teodora Retegan
(Chalmers University of Technology)
4/23/10, 5:15 AM
The need for engineers and scientists who can ensure safe and secure use of nuclear energy is large in Sweden and internationally. Chalmers University of Technology has therefore launched a new 2-year master´s program in Nuclear Engineering, with start from the autumn of 2009. Since the program is open to both Swedish and foreign students and the teaching language is English, the first year...
Václav Čuba
(CTU in Prague, Department of Nuclear Chemistry)
4/23/10, 5:30 AM
Department of Nuclear Chemistry (DNRC) exists at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague since the establishment of this faculty in 1955. From the beginning, many recognized scientists were involved in the department activities, among others František Běhounek (student of Marie Curie), Jiří Starý and Petr Beneš. Since 2003, part of...
Jan John
(CTU in Prague, FNSPE, Centre for Radiochemistry and Radiation Chemistry)
4/23/10, 5:45 AM
The renaissance of nuclear power is already requiring a significant increase in the number of the respective specialists, amongst others are nuclear chemists. Because the current situation in nuclear chemistry education and training in Europe is quite diverse, a project for cooperation in education in nuclear chemistry (CINCH) seemed to be needed.
The project aims to coordinate the education...
Heinz Gäggeler
(Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI Villigen, Switzerland)
4/23/10, 6:00 AM