Ivana Krausová
(Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR)
23/04/2010, 03:00
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Possibilities of nondestructive determination of fluorine in selected geological (coals, rocks) and biological reference materials by instrumental photon activation analysis (IPAA) using the MT 25 microtron have been studied. The determination has been based on counting of the non-specific 511 keV annihilation gamma rays of F-18, product of the photonuclear reaction F-19 (γ, n) F-18 and a pure...
Alexander Zulauf
(Radiochemie, FB Chemie, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg Germany)
23/04/2010, 03:15
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The monitoring of long-lived radionuclides is of great importance in the context of the surveillance of nuclear facilities, during their operation as well as during their decommissioning. This is especially true for radionuclides of rather volatile elements as chlorine and iodine, main interested being Cl-36 and I-129. LSC is a widely used measurement technique for the determination of Cl-36...
Laszlo Palcsu
(Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
23/04/2010, 03:30
Nuclear Analytical Methods
As decay products, helium isotopes can clearly indicate the presence of tritium and alpha decaying isotopes in a closed system. This study presents the helium and neon measurements and their interpretation of long-term headspace gas investigations in L/ILW waste drums from Paks Nuclear Power Plant and closed vaults of the Radioactive Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility, Püspökszilágy,...
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
23/04/2010, 03:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The environmental pollution by industrial activities presents a significant health risk to the man. One of the possible pathways of pollutants from the environment to human organisms is the consumption of foodstuffs polluted by industrial activities. This paper presents the levels of elemental concentrations determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) in various vegetable...
Ivo Světlík
(Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR)
23/04/2010, 04:00
Juan F. Facetti-Masulli
23/04/2010, 04:15
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Artifacts of pottery belonging to the Guarani ethnic group were investigated by XRF techniques. The Tupi-Guarani, is one of the three main ethnics groups representative of the Neolithic culture in the amazonian scope. Such an ethnic group dispersed towards the South; in the Paraguayan area between Paraguay and Parana Rivers several Guarani ethnic movements by both rivers and their tributaries...
Juan Mantero
(University of Seville)
23/04/2010, 04:30
Nuclear Analytical Methods
In radiochemical analyses with environmental or industrial samples sometimes happens that certain matrices have a refractory behaviour and usual leaching processes cannot deal with its dissolution properly. There are in the bibliography different ways to solve this problem as the use of microwaves digestions or HF digestions (or both together) and also fusion techniques among others. This work...