Jiří Mizera
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
4/19/10, 8:00 AM
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The study presents results of geochemical characterization of a large collection of tektites and other impact glasses. Impact glasses are produced through large meteoritic impacts by melting of surface materials. Tektites are impact glasses ejected from the impact site to distant strewn fields. The collection included namely moldavites from the major parts of the Central European tektite...
Jan Kučera
(Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, Řež, Czech Republic)
4/19/10, 8:20 AM
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Silicon is an essential element for organisms. Although the biochemical mechanisms remain obscure, dietary Si is considered important for growth and development of bone and connective tissues. Recently, it has been suggested that Si and silicic acid may decrease the bioavailability of aluminium by blocking its uptake through the gastrointestinal tract and by impeding reabsorption in kidney...
Zsolt Révay
(Institute of Isotopes)
4/19/10, 8:40 AM
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Institute of Isotopes has been a major center in further development of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA). The paper describes the analytical procedure followed at Budapest. The analysis is based on the careful calibration of the detector system. The counting efficiency and non-linearity of the Compton-suppressed high-purity germanium detector is determined regularly, and enables the...
László Szentmiklósi
(Institute of Isotopes, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
4/19/10, 9:00 AM
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The Prompt-Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) and the Neutron Induced Prompt-gamma Spectroscopy (NIPS) facilities are located at the end of the guided beamline No.1. of the Budapest Research Reactor. In the last few years they were significantly upgraded. The partial replacement and realignment of the neutron guide elements resulted in a factor of four gain of the neutron flux. To make possible...