Viktor Jobbàgy
(Joint Research Centre-IRMM)
4/22/10, 12:00 PM
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
In the last few decades, increasing attention is paid to restrict exposure of the public to the naturally occurring radiation. The WHO (WHO, 2004) and the EU Council (EC, 1998; EC, 2010-in preparation) have determined the reference level of the effective dose received from drinking water consumption at 100 μSv y-1. This value excludes the dose received from 3H,...
Nikolai Khlebnikov
(Institute of Solid State chemistry, Ural Branch Russian Academy of Sciences)
4/22/10, 12:00 PM
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Knowledge of the speciation and partitioning of radionuclides and their natural analogs in nature water have great radioecological significance for all environmental systems and Ural region in particular. Distribution of interesting elements in geochemical fractions in water solutions is one of more important point for understanding and modeling mechanism of radionuclide migration in nature...
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
4/22/10, 12:00 PM
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
This paper presents the radioactivity levels of 137Cs man-made and naturally occurring radionuclides (40K, 235U, 238U-decay series, and 232Th-decay series) in Romanian soils from several industrial sites, determined by low background gamma- ray spectrometry.
Agricultural soil samples were collected from the vicinity of the phosphate fertilizer plant at Turnu Magurele, as well as from...
Viktor Jobbàgy
(Joint Research Centre-IRMM)
4/22/10, 12:00 PM
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
As many other countries in the Central European region, (e.g. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania) Hungary is rich in spring-, thermal-, and mineral waters as well. Recently the consumption of natural mineral- and spring waters comes to be more and more popular in a certain populations. It is well known some of these waters have elevated level of dissolved naturally origin radionuclides, but...
Vladimir Seregin
(Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Centre)
4/22/10, 12:00 PM
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Remediation of sites and facilities belonging to the sites of temporary storage (STS) of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and radioactive wastes (RW) at Andreeva Bay and Gremikha village on the Kola Peninsula is one of the regulatory functions of radiation protection. After termination of operation of the ex-Navy serviced facilities, their infrastructure degraded resulting in radioactive...