18–23 Apr 2010
Casino Conference Centre
UTC timezone

Mercury in Bach Ho crude oil of Vietnam as determined by k<sub>0</sub>-based instrumental neutron activation analysis

20 Apr 2010, 11:45
1h 30m
Gallery (Casino Conference Centre)


Casino Conference Centre

Reitenbergerova 4/95, Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic
Board: NAM.P10
Poster Nuclear Analytical Methods Poster Session - Nuclear Analytical Methods


Dr Luong Hien Duong (Joint Venture “Vietsovpetro”)


The k0-based instrumental neutron activation analysis (k0-INAA) using the Dalat research reactor of 500 kW nominal power with a thermal neutron flux about 3.5  1012 cm-2.s-1 has been studied and developed in order to determine Hg (total) in Bach Ho crude oil of Vietnam. Both radionuclides 197Hg (2.7d half-life, 77.3keV gamma-line) and 203Hg (46.6d, 279.2keV) were used with different irradiation and measurement modes in order to calculate the concentration of the element. An evaluation of the limit of detection, precision and accuracy as well as convenience in the use of the two radionuclides was performed. The corrections of spectral interferences by 75Se (119.8d, 279.5keV) on 203Hg and the deconvolution of complex multiplets in region of 70-85 keV for 197Hg and the problem of Hg loss during irradiation were considered. The mean concentration and range of concentrations of Hg in Bach Ho crude oil of Vietnam were obtained through the analysis of 90 samples and the statistical processing.

Primary author

Dr Luong Hien Duong (Joint Venture “Vietsovpetro”)


Dr Dung Manh Ho (Nuclear Research Institute) Ms Sy Thi Nguyen (Nuclear Research Institute) Ms Trinh Ngoc Le (Nuclear Research Institute) Mr Vu Dong Cao (Nuclear Research Institute)

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