18–23 Apr 2010
Casino Conference Centre
UTC timezone

The impact of polyethylene vials on reactor channel characterization in k<sub>0</sub>-NAA

20 Apr 2010, 05:50
Red (Casino Conference Centre)


Casino Conference Centre

Reitenbergerova 4/95, Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic
Verbal Nuclear Analytical Methods Nuclear Analytical Methods 3


Mr Fulvio Farina Arboccò (Ghent University; SCK-CEN)


Reactor channel characterization is commonly performed by irradiation of bare and cadmium-covered "fluence rate-monitors", avoiding as much as possible the use of irradiation vials/capsules and spacers for positioning the monitors inside the channel. However, in routine k0-Neutron Activation Analysis is generally necessary to pack the samples in polyethylene vials prior to irradiation. This work aims at studying the impact of polyethylene vials on the f (thermal-to-epithermal flux ratio) and alpha (epithermal flux distribution) parameters through the bare, cadmium-covered and Cadmium-ratio methods. The accuracy of each method will be discussed.

Primary author

Mr Fulvio Farina Arboccò (Ghent University; SCK-CEN)


Dr Karel Strijckmans (Ghent University) Ms Liesel Sneyers (SCK-CEN) Mr Peter Vermaercke (SCK-CEN)

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