Mojmír Němec
(CTU FNSPE, centrum pro radiochemii a radiační chemii)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The world demand for ultratrace analyses of radionuclides with long half-lives has been increasing not only in dating, material, environmental, geo-and cosmochemical studies, but also recently in the pharmaceutical and pharmacological applications. The most sensitive tool for such analyses is the dynamically advancing method of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) which enables the...
Jukka Lehto
(Laboratory of Radiochemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
129I is a long-lived beta-emitting (Emax 154,4 keV) radioisotope of iodine. Its half-life is 15,7 million years. 129I is produced mainly by human nuclear activities and especially it has been released to the environment from the spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plants. In the pre-nuclear era 129I/127I ratios in the environment were...
Peter Steier
(VERA Laboratory, Faculty of Physics – Isotope Research, University of Vienna, Währingerstr. 17, A-1090 Vienna, Austria)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
236U (half-life 23∙Myr) is produced in uranium ore via thermal neutron capture on 235U. The neutrons originate mainly from (α,n) reactions caused by α-particles from the uranium decay series. The equilibrium ratio of 236U/U in natural ore is proportional to the thermal neutron flux, which is expected to be proportional to the uranium concentration...
Jiří Janda
(NBC Defence Institute Vyškov, University of Defence CZ), Dr
Petr Sládek
(NBC Defence Institute Vyškov, University of Defence CZ)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Airborne and terrain gamma-ray spectrometry are very effective methods for radiation control in environment, prospecting of radioactive contamination and localization of radioactive sources. These methods were proved in the system of the military radiation reconnaissance and radiation monitoring of the Czech Armed Forces. The IRIS-XP airborne gamma-ray spectrometer (4x4 liters NaI(Tl)...
Tasoula Kiliari
(PhD student, Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The radioactivity concentration of uranium and plutonium isotopes (Pu-236 and U-232) in water samples has been determined by means of alpha spectroscopy after chemical separation of the radionuclides by cation exchange and liquid-liquid extraction using the Chelex-100 resin and 30%TBP/dodecan. Method calibration using Pu-236/U-232 standard solutions results in a detector efficiency of 19% and...
Eleni Constantinou
(Radioanalytical and Environmental Chemistry Group , Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The aim of this study is the radiometric determination of uranium in waters by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) after pre-concentration of the element by cloud point extraction (CPE). For CPE, tributyl phosphate (TBP) is used as the complexing agent and (1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutyl)phenyl-polyethylene glycol (Triton X-114) as the surfactant. The measurement is performed after phase separation...
K.B. Dasari
(GITAM Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam – 530 045, India)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Studies of archaeological artifacts constitute an important area of research that might provide clues to unravel the past human activities, art, trade etc. Archaeologists are mainly interested in the provenance studies of the artifacts. Archaeological artifacts like potteries, bricks, coins and paintings are mainly studied for their provenance and one of the valid, and accepted methods is...
Dung Manh Ho
(Technological and Nuclear Institute, Sacavem, Portugal)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Compton suppression system (CSS) in conjunction with γ-ray spectrometer allows to lower the detection limits for certain elements by reducing the background levels in the acquired γ-ray spectra. The calibration of CSS for use in the k0-based neutron activation analysis (k0-NAA) has been performed in normal mode and applied to Compton suppression mode. In this case,...
Elio Tomarchio
(University of Palermo - Nuclear Engineering Department)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Neutron irradiator facilities with 241Am-Be sources are worldwide available in order to perform neutron activation analysis (NAA), to investigate materials in different research areas or to test and calibrate neutron detectors and environmental or personal dosemeters. The use of a neutron irradiator is advantageous because have a very stable neutron flux, even it is many orders of magnitude...
Pisutti Dararutana
(Army Officer)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Cultural heritage objects are highly heterogeneous. Due to the complex nature of materials and objects, their analysis needs to use extremely sensitive, spatialy resolved, multi-elemental and versatile methods that should be as a non invasive as possible and give complementary information at different scales; from the macroscopic to the namometer scales. In this work, XRF, SEM-EDS, PIXE, EPMA...
md anawar hossain
(Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear Reactor, Apartado 21, E.N. 10, 2686-953, Sacavém, Portugal)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Assessment of contamination levels and dispersion in a mining impacted area by INAA and Micro-PIXE analysis
H. M. Anawar, M. C. Freitas, H. M. Dung
Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear Reactor, Apartado 21, E.N. 10, 2686-953, Sacavém, Portugal,
E-mail: anawar4@hotmail.com
Past mining activities, random disposal without poorly precautionary and rehabilitation measures, erosion, leaching,...
Marcel Ohera
(EnviMO Brno Czech Republic)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The portable PGIS-128 gamma-ray spectrometer, produced by Pico Envirotec, Inc., Canada, was originally designed for the geological purposes and the determination of K, U and Th concentrations in soil and rocks. The device is fully calibrated for K, U and Th. However, its functions have been extended, and now the gamma-ray spectrometer is available with the dose rate function (in nGy/h) and the...
Nuno Canha
(Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
At Sao Domingos mining (southern Portugal near Spanish border), we have collected soils and vascular plants growing there 1-3. The values we found for arsenic in soils were between 400 and 3600 mg/kg. All the plants we could find growing there were: Agrostis castellana Boiss. & Reuter; Corrigiola litoralis L.; Erica andevalensis Cabezudo & Rivera; Erica australis L.; Eucalyptus...
Jan Kameník
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The silica phytoliths, also called biogenic opals, are formed in many plant species. It has been found that information on their chemical composition is limited, except for several major elements. Comparison of different methods for isolation of silica phytoliths from plant material was performed in this work. Dry ashing and acid digestion were used and their influence on chemical composition...
Alexandru Cecal
("Al.I. Cuza" University, Faculty of Chemistry)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The paper deals with the corrosion kinetics of some steels using two different methods of investigation. The first one is a radiochemical method based on the retention of β-rays emitted by a 204Tl source, by the iron ions transferred into the solution by anodic dissolution of metal samples. The second one is based on the atomic absorption spectroscopy, follows the increase in time...
Zs. Revay
(Department of Nuclear Research, Institute of Isotopes, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Zirconium and its alloys are important materials in nuclear power technology. Zirconium alloys namely zircaloy 2, zircaloy 4 and Zr-Nb alloy are mostly used for fuel cladding and pressure tubes in water-cooled nuclear power reactors due to their low neutron absorption cross section, high corrosion resistance and good thermal conductivity. For nuclear quality control, it is important to analyze...
Pawel Grabowski
(Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of Chemistry)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Among of the naturally occurring radionuclides in the different types of water the long lived uranium isotope 238U, two radium isotopes: 228Ra, 226Ra, and 210Po are of practical importance due to their radiotoxicity. The observed levels of these radionuclides in underground water depend on the chemical compositions of the adjacent geological...
Galina Lujaniene
(Institute of Physics)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Radioanalytical method for the determination of radionuclides so called “difficult to determine” has been developed to characterize liquid and solid operational low and intermediate level radioactive waste. The main steps of the method involve digestion of sample of various matrixes, primary separation of radionuclides from matrix with the aim to reduce high γ activities and final...
Gabriela Wallova
(Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Vienna)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Environmental monitoring of hazardous radionuclides is an important issue. 90Sr can be found in the environment due to the global fallout from atmospheric nuclear explosions and the Chernobyl accident in 1986. It is one of the most hazardous fission products due to its chemical similarity with calcium, because it can be accumulated in bone tissue delivering irradiation doses to the...
Amares Chatt
(Dalhousie University)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Magnesium is considered as an essential element at moderate levels. Both deficiency and toxic effects of Mg in humans have been reported in the literature. Titrimetry, spectrophotometry, and atomic absorption spectrometry are generally used for the measurement of Mg levels. Instrumental NAA (INAA) is also an attractive tool for the rapid, simple and reliable determination of Mg. However, due...
Zorana Ilic
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The objective of this work was the determination of radiostrontium content in selected food and tap water samples collected within environmental monitoring programme of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It included food samples of vegetables, fruit, meat, cereal, milk and milk products. The radiostrontium content in environmental samples was determined by the fuming nitric acid method....
Catarina Galinha
(CERENA-IST, Technical University of Lisbon)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The increasing attention paid to the role of selenium (Se) and selenoproteins in human health stems from an equally growing body of evidence on their actual (general) importance for a healthy immune system, and on their protective (specific) effects against cardiovascular disease, asthma, male sterility, and, especially, certain forms of cancer. The current Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)...
Kallola Kumar Swain
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Many copper ores contain significant quantities of silver and gold. Copper concentrate, the intermediate in the ore processing, is an important source for production of gold and silver. Methods for determination of noble metals have been reviewed by Beamish and Van Loon [1]. The most common method for determination of noble metals in geological sample is atomic absorption spectrometry with a...
Andrius Puzas
(Institute of Physics, Savanoriu ave. 231, Vilnius LT-02300, Lithuania)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
In nuclear energetics is very important to handle radioactive waste properly. After closing nuclear facility significant amounts of radioactive waste will occur, which disposal will depend on their activity. The main source of radioactivity in the NPP’s equipment are the neutron activation products. Their amounts depend on the elemental composition of materials used for building a nuclear...
Daniel Beasley
(Reactor-ITN, Technological and Nuclear Institute, E.N. 10, 2686-953 Sacavem, Portugal)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The fast pneumatic transfer system (SIPRA) for short irradiations at the Portuguese research reactor has been upgraded with a new spectrometer incorporating Zero-DeadTime corrections and new software for use alongside a modern computer. The development of cyclic NAA based on the k0 methodology for SIPRA has been performed. To ensure the accuracy of the system for very short lived nuclides...
Myroslav Zoriy
(Reserch Center Jülich)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Technetium is a one of product of nuclear fission of uranium and therefore could be found in a trace concentration in the Earth’s crust. It was estimated that a kilogram of uranium contains 1 nanogram (10−9 g) of technetium [1]. However, besides of naturally occurred Tc, in the last several decades its relatively high amount was artificially produced in the nuclear reactors by the thermal...
Ivo Světlík
(Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, Na Truhlarce 39/64, 180 86 Prague)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The gross alpha activity is defined as the total activity of the alpha emitters. Gross alpha and beta activity screening methods have been developed to determine if radionuclides specific analysis is required to further characterize the water. There may be a loss of radionuclides during storage of water sample caused by the adsorption onto the container wall and by the precipitation and...
Maria Angela Menezes
(Nuclear Technology Development Centre / Brazilian Commission for Nuclear Energy, Division for Reactor and Analytical Techniques, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Many laboratories apply the k0-INAA and several of them use comparators and spread sheet instead of neutron flux monitors and software for analysis and calculations. At the Laboratory for Neutron Activation Analysis, CDTN/CNEN, two variations of the k0-INAA are used, one is called in house k0-“monostandard” method - using comparator - and the other is the well known k0-standardization method -...
Daniel Sas
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Measuring of gross alpha and beta activity of radioactive aerosols is one of the tasks of field analyses of radioactive substances in the army of the Czech Republic. It is performed by suction of air through filters and measuring of gross activity. Furthermore the field analyze includes determination of gross alpha and beta activity of water, milk, soil, food, smear and gamma spectrometric...
Luong Hien Duong
(Joint Venture “Vietsovpetro”)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
The k0-based instrumental neutron activation analysis (k0-INAA) using the Dalat research reactor of 500 kW nominal power with a thermal neutron flux about 3.5 1012 cm-2.s-1 has been studied and developed in order to determine Hg (total) in Bach Ho crude oil of Vietnam. Both radionuclides 197Hg (2.7d half-life, 77.3keV gamma-line) and 203Hg (46.6d, 279.2keV) were used with different...
Vasiliy Babain
(Khlopin Radium Institute)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
New method - extraction ions from solution at apmospheric pressure - analog of well-known ESI-MS method was proposed for analysis of metals in radioactibve solutions. Advantages of this metod to compare with known methods - ( ICP-MS, ICP OES, ESI-MS etc.) - small volume of sample, high sensitivity, possibility of automatization.
Vladimir Chistyakov
(Russia, Rosatom, JSC"State Scientific Center-Research Institute of Atomic Reactors", Radiochemical Unit)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Technique for determining plutonium total mass fraction in Pu preparations and uranium-plutonium mixtures, including MOX fuel for fast reactors by the automatic coulometric titration is developed and successfully used in RIAR for a long time. The paper presents the optimization results of sample preparation and titration conditions on the facility, developed in RIAR to minimize the total...
Maria do Carmo Freitas
(Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear - Reactor)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
This work aims to develop methodologies to characterize the composition of the total particulate matter (TPM), collected inside classrooms of three basic schools, in Lisbon, Portugal. The selection of the schools was based on different proximity to city centre: one at downtown, other at the city border and the other at middle distance between both. Quartz and polycarbonate filters are being...
Marie Kubešová
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Multipurpose research reactors such as LVR-15 in Řež require frequent monitoring of neutron flux parameters (f, α) when k0 standardization in NAA is to be used. These parameters may change quite unpredictably, because experiments in channels adjacent to those used for NAA frequently require a change of the reactor operation parameters and/or active core configuration. For monitoring of the...
Raquel González de Orduña
(European Comision, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Three methods for reducing the background, and thus the detection limits for gamma spectrometry using HPGe-detectors are combined here.
1. A passive reduction of the background is achieved by using radiopure materials for the detector and its shield
2. An effective shielding from cosmic rays is achieved in the laboratory, which is located 225 m underground.
3. An active...
Jixin Qiao
(Radiation Research Division, Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
An automated analytical method for the rapid and simultaneous determination of plutonium and neptunium in environmental samples was developed. Extraction chromatographic column packed with Eichrom TEVA® resin was incorporated in a sequential injection (SI) system to automatically separate plutonium and neptunium from matrix elements and interfering radionuclides. Since valence adjustment is a...
Tereza Novakova
(Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, Na Truhlarce 39/64, 180 86 Prague)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
During the last decades, 210Pb and its daughter 210Po have become widely used radionuclides for sediment dating. In environmental sediments, the total amount of 210Pb is given by two components: (a) supported 210Pb, produced by radioactive decay of 222Rn inside the material, and (b) an unsupported 210Pb component derived from 222Rn which diffuses into the atmosphere where decays. Subsequently,...
Ashraf El-Sayed
(Atomic Energy Authority, Hot lab center, Analytical Chemistry Departments,)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
A method developed for separation preconcentration and determination of Lanthanum elements which consists of mainly two isotopes, the stable La-139 and the radioactive La-138 with its half life 1.05 E-11 years. The stable isotope La-139 is being the most abundant ratio 99.911±0.001% while La-138 has only 0.089±0.001% abundance ratio. Lanthanum-138 also has two main gamma ray...
Bojan Štrbac
(Radiation Protection Centre)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
A study of coincidence summing of gamma-rays of Co-60 has been presented. In
gamma-ray spectrometry with germanium detectors, the summing effect have to be taken into account at low source detector distance. The peaks due to coincidence summing of X+X, X+gamma,gamma+gamma rays can complicate the spectrum obtained by this type of the detector and signicantly change the counting rate of single...
Catarina Galinha
(CERENA-IST, Technical University of Lisbon)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
An extensive investigation of elemental levels in cereals and their cultivation soils is being carried out across the main production areas of mainland Portugal, with a view to an eventual Se-biofortification of major cultivars (under research contract PTDC/QUI/65618/2006; FCT-MCTES, Portugal). Breads and cereal derivatives (breakfast blends, pastas, etc) make up a sizeable share of the...
Yoon Yeol Yoon
(Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
20/04/2010, 11:45
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Jeju is a volcanic island located about 90 km south of the Korean peninsula. This area is covered with highly permeable basaltic rocks from the Pliocene through the Quaternary. These rocks are highly permeable and forming the principal aquifers. Therefore, ground water is the sole fresh water resource and provides almost all of the water demand because of the low content of the surface...