Heino Nitsche
(UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
11/05/2014, 19:30
In the spirit of the Hevesy Award, this talk will cover selected examples of my research during the last four decades. My work has been focused on the chemistry of the actinides and the superheavy elements. I will discuss research within actinide chemistry related to solution thermodynamics of uranium, neptunium, plutonium, and americium, as well as their sorption and biological interactions...
Michio Aoyama
(Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University)
12/05/2014, 08:30
Radioactive materials were released to the environment from the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP1) as a result of reactor accidents caused by a total loss of electric power (black out) after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011. Radioactive materials were emitted into the atmosphere and transferred to the land and ocean through wet and dry...
Xiaolin Hou
(Technical University of Denmark, Center for Nuclear Technologies)
12/05/2014, 09:00
In the studies of radioecology, investigation of environmental radioactivity and environmental processes using radionuclide tracer, as well as characterisation of nuclear waste for decommissioning of nuclear facilities and depository of radioactive waste, nuclear forensics and geological dating using radioisotopes, the key issue is to accurate determination of concentration of various...
Andreas Türler
(Paul Scherrer Institute and Bern University)
12/05/2014, 09:30
With the discovery of six new elements in the past decade an extraordinary expansion of the Periodic Table took place, so that now all elements of the 7th period have been synthesized. This success was possible by exploiting the concept of “warm” fusion using the available, neutron-rich actinide target materials and the tightly bound, doubly magic projectile 48-Ca [1]. Most of these discovery...
Bert Wolterbeek
(Delft University of Technology)
12/05/2014, 10:30
The present paper addresses eight possible routes of producing 99Mo, and discusses both yield and 99Mo specific activities (SA) in the context of future anticipated worldwide demand. The dimensions of the targets are modelled by considering both the limits set by cooling and those by inside-target radiation attenuation characteristics. Energy deposition profiles are modelled by MCNP6, the...
Stéphane Bourg
(CEA, Nuclear Energy Division, RadioChemistry & Processes Department)
12/05/2014, 11:00
Actinide chemistry is at the centre of key issues to be faced by nuclear energy. Indeed, in addition to an increased safety of the reactors themselves, the acceptance of the nuclear energy is still closely associated to our capability to reduce the lifetime of the nuclear waste, to manage them safely in a long term disposal and to propose options for a better use of the natural resources....
Emma Aneheim
(Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University)
12/05/2014, 11:30
One of the greatest challenges in the treatment of different types of cancers is an efficient therapy of occult metastasis. Today chemotherapy is generally employed as an adjuvant treatment to eradicate the minimal residual disease. However, despite that chemotherapy often is a very aggressive method the cancer cells can transform and become resistant towards the chemicals used. This means...
Natarajan Rajamani
(Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Energy)
12/05/2014, 13:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The mixed carbide (70% Pu, 30% U) spent fuel from the Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) at Kalpakkam, India is being reprocessed at the CORAL facility since 2003. Several campaigns with progressively increasing burnups and reducing cooling periods have been carried out in this facility. Presently spent fuels with a burn up of 155 GWd/Te with cooling periods as around two years are being...
Alexander Yakushev
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
12/05/2014, 13:30
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Gas Phase Chemistry of Superheavy Elements
A. Yakushev1
1GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
Long-lived isotopes of superheavy elements (SHE) beyond Rf, i.e., with atomic number Z ≥ 104 can be produced via fusion reactions between heavy actinide targets and neutron-rich projectiles at a rate of only single...
Ilya Usoltsev
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12/05/2014, 14:00
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Recent experiments at RIKEN (Japan) showed that Sg carbonyl (Sg(CO)6) can be produced with yields high enough for experimental investigation of its chemical properties [1]. According to theoretical calculations [2], which include so-called relativistic effects, Sg(CO)6 is expected to be slightly more stable than W(CO)6. In this work we aimed at designing an experimental setup for testing this...
Chris Maher
(National Nuclear Laboratory)
12/05/2014, 14:00
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
As part of the strategic research agenda for sustainable nuclear energy in Europe [1], carbide fuel is proposed as a potential candidate fuel for sodium cooled fast reactors and is the fuel of choice for gas cooled fast reactors. Carbide fuels have also been demonstrated to achieve high burn-up (> 155 GWd/t) in the sodium cooled Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing technology being pursued at the...
Elena Laura Ebert
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH IEK-6)
12/05/2014, 14:15
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The main long term contributors to spent fuel radiotoxicity are plutonium followed by the minor actinides (MA = Np, Am, and Cm). A possibility to reduce the radiotoxic inventory and the footprint of the repository is to separate the most radiotoxic and long-lived elements from spent fuel and to transmute them into nonradioactive elements or elements with a much shorter lifetime. For the...
Nadine Mariel Chiera
(Paul Scherrer Institute, University of Bern)
12/05/2014, 14:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Transactinide’s chemical behavior is similar to their lighter homologues in the corresponding group of the periodic table. However, with increasing nuclear charges, superheavy elements (SHE) show deviations from the periodicity of chemical properties [1]. An experimentally exceptionally favourable case for comparative studies is the possibility of a simultaneous production of Cn (Z=112) and Fl...
Hiromitsu Haba
12/05/2014, 14:30
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Recently, chemical characterization of superheavy elements (SHEs) with atomic numbers Z ≥ 104 is an extremely interesting and challenging research subject in modern nuclear and radiochemistry [1,2]. At RIKEN, we have been developing a gas-jet transport system coupled to the RIKEN gas-filled recoil ion separator GARIS as a novel technique for SHE chemistry [3–5]. This system is a promising...
Boris Andris
(VUJE a.s.)
12/05/2014, 14:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The radioactive waste management in Slovak Republic complies with the waste acceptance criteria for repository of Slovak Republic. The essential criterion is a declaration of radionuclides disposed in waste packages. The group of 19 limited radionuclides comprises various gamma, beta and alpha radionuclides. The activity of alpha radionuclides is monitored as a total alpha radioactivity, the...
Masashi Murakami
(Nishina Center, RIKEN)
12/05/2014, 14:45
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Rutherfordium-261 (261aRf; T1/2 = 68s) has been used in chemical studies of element 104, Rf [1]. In recent years, it was reported that there exists a spontaneously-fissioning (SF) isomer (261bRf; T1/2 = 2.6 s) in 261Rf [2-6]. On the other hand, a SF isomer with the similar half-life of 2.1 s also had been reported as 262Rf (T1/2 = 47 ms) [7,8]. It is possible that these two SF isomers are the...
Ming-Chee Wu
(Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan)
12/05/2014, 14:45
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
This study investigates sorption and diffusion of Strontium (Sr) in two potential host rocks (granite from Kinmen Island and basalt from Penghu Island) by using batch and through-diffusion methods in order to establish a reliable safety assessment methodology. These methods were applied to crushed and intact rock samples to investigate the actual geological environment. According to...
Amares Chatt
(Dalhousie University)
12/05/2014, 15:30
Neutron activation analysis (NAA) is a well-established analytical technique for the simultaneous measurement of multielement concentrations. The most common forms of NAA are instrumental (INAA), radiochemical (RNAA) and preconcentration (PNAA). We have previously reported the development of speciation NAA (SNAA). We are also interested in the development of biochemical NAA (BNAA) methods for...
Petra Panak
(University of Heidelberg)
12/05/2014, 15:30
The recycling of minor actinides as nuclear fuel is complicated by the presence of curium due to its short term thermal power and neutron dose rate. Thus the development of processes for separating americium from curium are of particular interest. A new system was developed to separate only americium, addressing some of the challenges with the EXAm process such as a narrow pH window. The so...
Marina Frontasyeva
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
12/05/2014, 16:00
Experience in applying mosses as biomonitors of trace elements and radionuclides in some selected rural and urban areas affected by intense anthropogenic activity is reviewed. Among them the western part of the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia), the most heavily industrialized area in the entire Arctic; the South Urals (Karabash) counted among the most polluted areas in the world where human impact...
Michiko Fukushima
(Ishinomaki Senshu University)
12/05/2014, 16:15
Oysters in Japan are mainly cultivated in Miyagi, Hiroshima, and Hokkaido Prefectures. Sometimes baby cultivated oysters are exchanged between Japan and Korea; so both cultivated oysters are said to be genetically similar. Since Japanese consume a fair amount of raw oysters, it is of interest to compare the elemental levels of oysters from different areas. Soft tissues of cultivated Japanese...
Separation of Minor Actinoids(III) over Lanthanoids(III) by BTBP or BTPhen Extracting Compounds
Petr Distler
(CTU in Prague)
12/05/2014, 16:15
Different extraction systems for the separation of trivalent minor actinoids over lanthanoids were studied during last years. The CyMe4-BTBP and its derivatives have been demonstrated to be prospective extractants for the solvent extraction of minor actinoids over lanthanoids from high-level liquid waste issuing the reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel (the r-SANEX process).
Łukasz Steczek
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
12/05/2014, 16:30
N,N,N′,N′-tetraoctyl-diglycolamide (TODGA) is broadly studied as a non-specific extractant for actinides and lanthanides from HNO3 solutions of nuclear waste, in particular for group actinide extraction (GANEX process). Geist and his coworkers proposed a novel hydrophilic ligand, 2,6-bis(5,6-di-(sulfophenyl)-1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)pyridine (SO3-Ph-BTP) for selective stripping of actinides(III)...
Rolf Zeisler
(National Institute of Standards and Technology)
12/05/2014, 16:30
The aim of this work was to acquire traceable quantitative results for total As in whole samples as well as in extracts containing As species. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) is well suited for such measurements and is used in this work to validate the As mass fraction determined by liquid chromatography combined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LC-ICP-MS) in...
Mikhail Alyapyshev
(Khlopin Radium Institute)
12/05/2014, 16:45
Various neutral ligands are studied as potential ligands for separation of actinides from lanthanides. The most effective extractants for selective recovery of actinides from high level wastes are poly nitrogen compounds. The presence of several “soft” donor atoms in ligand structure allows to reach very high Am/Eu separation factor values. Recently a new class of neutral polydentate compounds...
Soběslav Neufuss
(CTU in Prague)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Isotope of strontium 90Sr (one of the nuclear fission products with half-life 28.9 years) is well known for its biochemical similarity with calcium and possible consequent incorporation into human body. Main risk presents its daughter product 90Y (half-life 64.1 hours), which is a high energy β-emitter (Eβ,max=2.28 MeV). That is why the development of fast and...
Amares Chatt
(Dalhousie University)
12/05/2014, 17:15
A combination of different types of instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) technique was developed for the determination of iodine in various food items from Ghana [1]. The methods involved conventional INAA, epithermal INAA (EINAA), pseudo-cyclic INAA (PC-INAA) and pseudo-cyclic EINAA (PC-EINAA) in conjunction with conventional and anti-coincidence (AC) gamma-ray spectrometry using...
Yuriy Lomachuk
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia; Dept. of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, Petrodvoretz, Russia)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Concepts of oxidation number state of an atom in a molecule and related theories are extremely useful in chemistry. At the same time, a good (clear and unambiguous) definition of the state of an atom in a molecule does not exist. Various methods of determining it from calculations lead to different results [1]. Each of known definitions has its drawbacks. The methods based on the use of...
Geun Ho Chung
(Korea Atomic Enegery Research Institute), Dr
Hyuncheol Kim
(Korea Atomic Enegery Research Institute)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Artificial radionuclides are released into the environment as a result of nuclear facility accidents and nuclear weapon testing. Among them, strontium, plutonium and cesium are the most frequently monitored in environmental studies. After Fukushima accident, changes of Cs-134/137 concentrations in seawater adjacent to Fukushima are well documented. However, radiostrontium or plutonium...
Lee Joung Hae
(Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)
12/05/2014, 17:15
As the toxicity of certain element depends very heavily on their physico-chemical form, it is important to be able to monitor levels of the individual species. Arsenic occurs everywhere in the environment in various forms, including trivalent and pentavalent states, inorganic and organic compounds. In general, pentavalent arsenic is considerably less toxic than trivalent arsenic; inorganic...
Valiantsina Torapava
(Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research - Sosny, National Academy of Science of Belarus)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Operation of nuclear power plants and other nuclear industry require solution of the following issues: decontamination of the main equipment and working area, treatment of low radioactive waste (LRW). These problems are closely related to each other, i.e. ineffective treatment of LRW generates large amounts of radioactive waste with complex chemical composition. Behaviour of radionuclides in...
Irena Špendlíková
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, 115 19 Prague, Czech Republic)
12/05/2014, 17:15
For determination of 236U/238U ratios in environmental samples by accelerator mass spectrometry, the U3O8 targets are usually used for the UO- beam production. Uranium fluoride targets containing no oxygen and hydrogen may offer higher molecular isobar suppression together with a higher accuracy and sensitivity of uranium isotope...
Timofey Epimakhov
12/05/2014, 17:15
Radiation situation in occupied areas of nuclear reactor plants is much determined by the activity of loose corrosion product deposits (crud) in the primary system. Co-60 present in crud is the major contributor to personnel exposure because it has a long half-life period and emits hard γ-radiation. Experimental studies have been performed to analyze the possibility of reducing Co-60 in crud...
Seweryn Krajewski
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Inorganic ion exchangers are widely used in the treatment of reactor coolant and aqueous nuclear wastes due to their high selectivity, radiation resistance, thermal and chemical stability. Among other inorganic sorbents, hydrous titanium dioxide was proposed as the prospective sorbent for the efficient separation of fission products such as 137Cs and 90Sr. Recently, new forms of...
Pavel Bartl
(CTU in Prague)
12/05/2014, 17:15
The aim of this research was to develop a method for pre-concentration of americium from operational radioactive waste for its determination. In these experiments, the attention was paid to separation of americium from boric acid containing evaporator concentrate coming from the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant by an extraction chromatographic system, where extraction agent used was...
Catarina Galinha
(CERENA-IST, University of Lisbon)
12/05/2014, 17:15
More than just being one of the "big three" cereal crops (with maize and rice), wheat is the staple food of humankind, with a history that is closely intertwined with humanity's own. Even if up to 100,000 plant species have been used -- on a regular or occasional basis -- since prehistoric times to meet the various needs (food, clothing, shelter, health) of an ever growing human population,...
Ainon Hamzah
(Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Phytoremediation is a procedure that uses plants to remove contaminants from the environment and it is a better option of recovery technique because of its cost-effectiveness and environmentally friendly especially for hyperaccumulator plants. Since heavy metals such as lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) have limited bioavailability in the soil, methods to facilitate their transport to the shoots and...
Byung Gun PARK
12/05/2014, 17:15
Neutron Depth Profiling (NDP) is a nondestructive near surface method that can analyze the component nuclide concentration versus depth distribution in a sample by detecting the charged particles emitted after the neutrons are absorbed. NDP technique has became an important method to measure depth profiles of light elements such as lithium and boron in lithium battery and semiconductor...
Evgeny Shirshin
(M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University), Dr
Vladimir Petrov
(M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University)
12/05/2014, 17:15
The aqueous chemistry of Uranium(VI) determines its migration in geosphere under oxic conditions and the efficiency of some technological processes like in situ leach uranium mining, thus being extensively studied in geochemistry. Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLIFS) is a powerful method that allows one to determine U(VI) speciation both in aqueous solutions and at...
Veronika Drábová
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry,Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia 842 15)
12/05/2014, 17:15
A variety of aqueous radioactive wastes are generated during the operation of reactors and other nuclear fuel cycle facilities. The evaporation of low level effluents is a common operation that gives rise to such wastes in a form of evaporator's concentrates. Concentrated aqueous wastes from a number of sources have variety of chemical/radiochemical composition. Such solutions contain high...
Iwona Bartosiewicz
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Sr-90 and Tc-99 are produced by the fission of U-235. Information on Sr, Tc and other fission and activation product content in the primary coolant and at various locations in the purification system can be of considerable value in assessing fuel integrity and performance of purification system component. Using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for long-lived radionuclides...
Leonid Skripnikov
(St. Petersburg State University, Petrodvoretz, Russia; Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Modeling of electronic structure and properties of actinide compounds is of considerable importance for modern radiochemistry. However, reliable and accurate estimates are a great challenge for quantum chemistry of actinides due to strong relativistic and correlation effects in such compounds. A development of theoretical approaches to this problem will stimulate application of a number of...
Vitaly Epimakhov
12/05/2014, 17:15
Liquid radioactive waste (LRW) can contain large amounts of emulsified petroleum products and suspended corrosion particles on which radionuclides concentrate. The optimal approach to removal of radionuclides in different physicochemical forms is using adsorption methods together with baromembrane methods such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, and reverse osmosis. Alexandrov NITI has...
Steffen Happel
(TrisKem International)
12/05/2014, 17:15
TBP is a widely used extractant in liquid–liquid extraction, especially in the extraction of actinides, one of its most prominent examples being the Purex process.
A TBP based extraction chromatographic resin has been characterized with respect to its U capacity and the weight distribution ratios (DW) of U, Th, Pu, Np and numerous other cations in different concentrations of HNO3 and HCl....
Barbara Karches
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry of Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz, TRIGA)
12/05/2014, 17:15
The improvement of solar cells by achieving higher efficiencies and lower production costs is getting more important because of the worldwide increase of photovoltaics as a renewable energy source. In this framework, the aim of DFG-Project HA 5471/4-1 (Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, “Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems” (ISE), Freiburg) is to...
Jerzy-Wojciech Mietelski
(The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN))
12/05/2014, 17:15
Environmental samples are sometimes quite unique – the mass of sample collected frequently on remote locations is limited due to need of transportation by hands. The advantage of analyses of as much as possible radionuclides is obvious. The information obtained from ratios between different nuclides are enlarging our knowledge a lot. Moreover, the efforts devoted for dissolution of sample...
Lijuan Qian
(Lanzhou University)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Spent nuclear fuel from the nuclear power plants owned by TVO (Teollisuuden Voima Oy) and Fortum, is planned to be disposed at a repository at a depth of more than 400 meters in the bedrock of Olkiluoto (Eurajoki, Finland). The repository system includes multiple release barriers: the nuclear fuel, copper canister with a cast iron insert, bentonite buffer around the canister and backfilling of...
Krzysztof Borowik
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Radiocaesium is one of the most important radionuclides introduced into natural environment by human activity. In spite of its small concentration 137Cs and 134Cs may cause serious hazard in case of spread of fission products in the air or contamination water reservoirs. This risk is a result of high radioactivity and long decay time of mentioned radioisotopes.
Decontamination of fresh or...
Kamila Kołacińska
(Institute of nuclear chemistry and technology)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Flow analysis is considered an efficient and universal technique of analytical science. Its wide range of advantages as compared to other known techniques is the argument for its increasing use. Thus, there may be distinguished a simple apparatus construction, which provides low sample use, together with an opportunity to implement many measurement concepts which are not always possible to...
Adina Sandru
(MATE-FIN srl)
12/05/2014, 17:15
For the waste management characterization of radionuclides inventory is required. This work presents the method and the results for determination of U, Pu and Am/Cm isotopes in the ash resulted from the incineration of NPP Cernavoda, (Romania) low level activity waste, in order to have accurate information regarding the alpha emitting radionuclide content and a proper classification (LLW,...
Kateřina Čubová
(CTU FNSPE, katedra jaderné chemie)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Fast, simple and effective method for determination of enrichment/depletion of uranium samples that can be used not only in the laboratory but also for unknown samples at inspections outdoors, it is for longer time in insistent demand of specialists. The technique of liquid scintillation counting (LSC) in the mobile mode represented by Triathler LSC Counter (Hidex Oy) could be a valuable tool...
Lyubomir POPOV
(KOZLODUY NPP, Bulgaria)
12/05/2014, 17:15
The method allows cheap, safe and reliable determination of 89Sr and 90Sr in major environmental materials in sizeable quantities – water (500 L), soil (1000 g), milk (20 L), grass (1000 g), bone (1000 g), etc., routinely or in emergency situations (nuclear power plant accidents, “dirty” bombs, nuclear weapons detonation, etc.). Radiostrontium is leached by aqua regia from the ashes of the...
Myroslav Zoriy
(Reserch Center Jülich)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Cr-51 is a radioactive isotope of chromium having a half-life of 27.7. The decay scheme indicates that 91% of the time, Cr-51 decays by electron capture directly to the ground state of the V-51 and emitting no gamma rays at all. Only 9% of the time the Cr-51 decays directly to the excited state of the daughter (V-51m), which then further decays by isomeric transition to the ground state,...
Dávid Horváth
(University of Pannonia, Institute of Radiochemistry and Radioecology)
12/05/2014, 17:15
The so called in-situ radiotracer methods are widely used for the determination of charge- and mass transport on the liquid-solid interfaces. With these methods different phenomena can be investigated, such as adsorption, corrosion, contamination or decontamination. Each technique is based on the thin layer principle of Aniansson, which claims, that the adsorbed amount of a radioactive isotope...
Xianghai Zhao
(School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, P.R.China)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Discharge of aqueous radioactive waste from nuclear industry has become a major concern all over the world due to its potential to pollute portable water sources. Radiocobalt is one of the most problematic radionuclides in the effluent from nuclear industry because of its high gamma decay energy. A number of methods have been developed to remove these radionuclides from the discharge of...
Jan Kozempel
Lucie Kománková
12/05/2014, 17:15
Radium-223 is the first approved alpha emitting radionuclide for use in radionuclide therapy [1]. Radium follows the Calcium metabolism and thus is self targeted to bones. Several generator systems were described in the past [2]. In this study we have focused on a generator system described by Guseva et al. [3], based on a Dowex-1 resin and a mixed methanol/ nitric acid mobile phase. The...
Dmitry Marinin
(Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS, Vladivostok, Russia)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Here we present the results of study of interrelations between thermal solidification and selective sorption properties of resorcinol-formaldehyde resins of resol type in highly mineralized alkaline media. Using thermal analysis we have observed a series of exo- and endothermal effects, determined the maximum temperature of thermal treatment, and revealed features of resin solidification in...
Canh Hai Nguyen
(Nuclear research institute), Prof.
Huu Tan Vuong
(Viet Nam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety), Prof.
Nhi Dien Nguyen
(Nuclear Research Institute)
12/05/2014, 17:15
In this paper we present the results of determination of element concentrations in biological, environmental samples by using PGNAA facility which was installed at channel No. 4 of Dalat research reactor. The biological standard samples, Bovine Liver NBS 1577a and Rye Grass BCR 281 and environmental standard samples, Coal Fly Ash NBS 1633a were analyzed to verify the analytical ability of the...
Nadezhda Tsarenko
(JSC «Scientific-research institute of chemical technology»)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Extraction and separation of cesium and strontium is an important issue in radiochemistry, how to solve problems relative to the treatment of liquid radioactive waste (LRW), and for analytical purposes. The best extractants suggested for solving this problem are solutions of crown ethers in organic solvents.
This paper presents the results of researches on the extraction of cesium and...
Magdalena Długosz-Lisiecka
(Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of Chemistry)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Low-energy X and γ radiations (for example of 210Pb: E γ = 46.5 keV) are effectively self-absorbed even in thin environmental samples, including air filters with captured dust or contaminated soil, as well as in bottom sediment matrixes with limited quantities of the samples. In this paper, a simple method for the direct analysis of 210Pb (T 1/2 = 22.3 years) by gamma-ray spectrometry in...
Sofia Jonsson
(1) Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI, division of CBRN Defence and Security, SE-901 82 Umeå, Sweden)
12/05/2014, 17:15
A vast number of papers are reporting on the development of calculation codes for corrections of systematic effects in gamma spectrometry. Many comparison studies have also been performed where differences and similarities between many of those calculation codes are presented. However, most studies performed in this area are performed for the experienced user or program developers. Despite the...
Krzysztof Kleszcz
(Technische Universität München, Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II))
12/05/2014, 17:15
The thermal equivalent neutron flux at the prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) facility at the Forschungsneutronenquelle (FRM II) at Garching, Germany is 6x1010 cm–2 s–1 which is the highest beam flux reported. This beam intensity is already strong enough to activate samples for the purpose of neutron activation analysis (NAA), too. This option has been used together with PGAA simply...
Jiří Mizera
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Microtron is a high frequency cyclic accelerator of electrons with fixed frequency and constant magnetic field. Electrons are accelerated in a cavity resonator by high frequency energy supplied by high pulse power of a magnetron, orbit within an accelerating chamber in circular trajectories with gradually increasing diameters, gaining gradually higher energy, and can be extracted from...
Kevin Galliez
12/05/2014, 17:15
Many techniques have been developed in the interest of measuring radionuclides activity concentration in environment in case of a nuclear accident. Some so called “crisis” techniques are currently under development at the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire in France in order to rapidly measure radioactive isotopes of interest and provide information to the...
JongHwa MOON
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) have been utilized in high technology applications such as organic photovoltaics, sensory probes, therapeutic agents, drug delivery in biological and medical applications, electronic conductors and catalysis. GNPs for use as molecular imaging probes and their biodistribution in safety reason have been studied, widely and intensively. The objective of this study was to...
I. Krausová
(Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Instrumental photon activation analysis (IPAA) is a useful and complementary method to instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). IPAA allows determination of number of elements not determinable by INAA, and determination of many elements with a better sensitivity than INAA. Unlike INAA based mainly on the neutron capture reactions (n,gamma), PAA is based on photonuclear reactions,...
M Alkhorayef
(Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Physics, Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Cross-linked hydrophilic co-polymers are candidates for use as phantom materials because they can be modified to have similar elemental compositions to that of body soft tissues. Co-polymers contain both hydrophobic and hydrophilic monomers; the molar ratio of which allows the water-uptake ability to be controlled. By controlling the hydration level, it may be possible to imitate various types...
Jakub Raindl
12/05/2014, 17:15
Separation of uranium from natural and waste water is a problem, which has been studied for a long time. For such purpose, many organic and inorganic sorption materials have been proposed and titanium dioxide have shown quite promising results. The first aim of this study was to test and characterize sorption materials based on TiO2 prepared from tetra-n-butylorthotitanate (TBOT) in order to...
Lórant Szatmáry
(ÚJV Řež, a.s.)
12/05/2014, 17:15
One the most inportant fission products, considered in radiaoctive waste disposal, is is radioiodine (131I). The most notable iodine radioisotopes are 131I and 129I, with half-life 8 days and 15.7 million years respectively. They have potential radiological effect on the human body and the environment due to of their large nuclear yield, volatility and especially accumulation in thyroid...
Ruveyda Kubra Ileri
(Istanbul Technical University, Energy Institute)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Some components of nuclear wastes like 79Se should be taken into consideration due to extremely long half-lives and potential migration ability through the environment. Clay minerals are suggested as a barrier material in radioactive waste management; however they have some deficiencies to retard anionic radioisotopes like selenium due to structural properties. Modification of these minerals...
Anna Voronina
(Ural Federal University)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Sorption method of liquid radioactive wastes (LRW) treatment with further immobilization of radionuclides into mineral-similar sorbents is suggested in this work. Described method can be used for decontamination of LRW from long-lived radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr; it differs from other methods in higher efficiency of separation of radionuclides as well as in combination of stages of...
Magdalena Rejnis
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
12/05/2014, 17:15
N,N,N′,N′-tetraoctyl-diglycolamide (TODGA) is broadly studied as a non-specific extractant for actinides and lanthanides from HNO3 solutions of nuclear waste, in particular for group actinide extraction (GANEX process). Unfortunately, some fission products including technetium (in the form of pertechnetate anion, 99TcO4–) are also efficiently extracted from HNO3 solutions to the...
Aleksander Bilewicz
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Radioactive waste contains a variety of radionuclides and arises in a variety of physical and chemical forms. In Poland, the amount of activity and waste volume of liquid wastes are relatively small, mostly from operation of research reactor. Despite of the low level radioactivity involved, there are many significant hazards that could arise as a result of inadequate management. Treatment of...
Jan Kozempel
12/05/2014, 17:15
Groving interest in the research of radium chemistry, its use as target material in nuclear reaction studies and preparation of calibration sources leads to a higher demand for 226Ra in readily available soluble form. Aged radium needle sources containing very insoluble radiobarite may serve as source material of 226Ra and its decay products (e.g. 210Pb). We descibe here several methods for...
Yulia Buchatskaya
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Detonation nanodiamonds (DND) are potentially promising candidate for sorption applications due to their unique properties: high surface area, highly developed surface, low weight, chemical and radiation resistance. The oxygen-containing groups on the DND surface are responsible for the cation-exchange properties. The sorption capacity of DND is found to be comparable with other carbon...
Gabriele Wallner
(Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Universität Wien)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Natural radionuclide extraction from aqueous solutions by ionic liquids
Gabriele Wallner, Orhan Sap, and Regina Krachler
Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Universität Wien, Währingerstr. 42, A-1090 Wien, Austria
Ionic liquids (ILs) are salts with a low melting point (below 100 °C) and they are composed of completely dissociated...
Zoya Goryainova
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
12/05/2014, 17:15
The study focuses on the chemical composition of human hair as an indicator of the level of income of the chemical elements in the human body and its impact on growth and development of children and teenages in the local geochemical conditions. Neutron activation analysis (NAA) was used to analyze 186 samples of hair of children from four villages of Altai Republic. Data for 54 boys and 132...
Mohammad Anwar Chaudhri
(Institute of Biopphysics, Center for Medical Physics and Technology, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Erlangen, Germanyrnberg, Germany)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Various nuclear activation techniques have been developed and applied to determine the elemental composition of calcified tissues (teeth and bones). Fluorine was determined by prompt gamma activation analysis through the 19F(p,a)16O reaction. Carbon was measured by activation analysis with He-3 ions, and the technique of Proton-Induced X-¬ray Emission (PIXE) was applied to simultaneously...
Steffen Happel
(TrisKem International)
12/05/2014, 17:15
The crown-ether based SR Resin is frequently used for the separation and determination of Pb-210 in aqueous samples via liquid scintillation (LSC) or gas proportional counting (GPC). The resin only shows significant Pb (and Sr) retention at moderate to high acid concentrations; it does thus not allow for direct loading of Pb from acidified or raw water samples, making the additional use of...
Evgeny Taskaev
(Eckert & Ziegler Analytics, Inc.)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Role of PE samples in the Laboratory Quality control is briefly discussed. Eckert & Ziegler Analytics (EZA) capabilities are outlined. New Fission products Mixture (FM) is introduced. This mixture of radionuclides represents real fission products resulted from the irradiation of natural or enriched Uranium with thermal neutrons. Analysis of this mixture is real challenge and it can be very...
Jan Kameník
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, 115 19 Prague 1, Czech Republic)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Several extraction agents with functional group of diphenyl-carbamoylmethylphosphine oxide were synthetized and tested in the frame of EUROPART project for actinoids partitioning from nitric acid solutions. Functional groups were chemically bonded with a platform of tert-butylcalix[4]arene, O-pentylcalix[4]arene, and cobalt bis(dicarbollide) cluster ion to enhance extraction properties. The...
Pavol Rajec
(Faculty of Natural Science, Comeniues University, Bratislava)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Activated carbon can potentially be used as an adsorbent for removing Tc from aqueous solutions. We have prepared and tested five carbon materials for their capabilities for sorption of pertechnetate (TcO4−). A carbon materials were prepared by soaking of fibrous cellulose with different solutions containing inorganic materials suitable for creation of micropores and after drying, material...
Marie Kubešová
(Nuclear Physics Institute, ASCR)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Implementation of the k0-NAA in Řež aimed at the development of routine panoramic trace-element analysis method for samples with various matrices and of different origin. To meet the customers’ expectations, procedures and practices have been established to ensure the high quality of the results produced, such as, calibration of the equipment used (scales, pipettes, detectors), in-situ...
Hyuncheol Kim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Environmental Radioactivity Assessment Team), Dr
Jong Myoung Lim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Environmental Radioactivity Assessment Team), Dr
Kun Ho Chung
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Environmental Radioactivity Assessment Team)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Milk is one of the special important matrices to be rapidly assessed its radioactive contamination in emergency situations such as a nuclear plant accident. Because of its chemical and biological similarities to calcium in milk, radiostrontium can be incorporated into human organism, preferentially in bone tissue, by milk ingestion. Development of rapid analytical methods for radiostrontium in...
Vitaly Epimakhov
12/05/2014, 17:15
A rapid chromatographic method of radiochemical analysis based on adsorption of radionuclides onto selective pellet sorbents is successfully used for rapidly determining gamma-emitting radionuclides in water [1]. The paper presents a membrane-adsorption method for rapid determination of a- and β-emitting radionuclides. Like the above analysis for gamma-emitters, the proposed method separates...
Boris Andris
(VUJE a.s.)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Palladium 107Pd and Selenium 79Se are amongst nineteen limited radionuclides monitored in wastes disposed at national repositories in Slovak Republic. Both of these radionuclides are pure beta emitters with energies Ebeta,max 150.7 keV; 33 keV respectively. Such low energies of beta spectra make them very difficult to measure. The best possible method of determination is liquid scintillation...
Catarina Galinha
(CERENA-IST, University of Lisbon)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Selenium (Se) is an essential trace nutrient whose importance in human health is simply not up to par with its relative abundance in the Earth's upper continental crust: it is one of the least-common elements, with an average concentration that makes it rarer than, for instance, gold. Though ubiquitous, Se also features an uneven distribution in agricultural soils, that act as its port of...
Marta Pyszynska
(Institute Of Nuclear Chemistry And Technology)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Among the fission products of U-235 are: Sr-90 and Tc-99. Information on their content in primary coolant water is very important because it indicates the state of the fuel rods in NPP. Different analytical methods could be used for the determination of Tc-99 and Sr-90, however each method requires separation and/or preconcentration of determined radionulide. The problems are also related to...
Kamila Šťastná
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Two liquid liquid extraction processes intended as a part of the Partitioning and Transmutation strategy have been used as a basis for development of chromatographic systems for separation of curium from americium. The liquid organic phase of the EXAm process was replaced by DMDOHEMA-PAN composite sorbent and TEDGA in nitric acid solution was employed as an aqueous-phase complexing agent. The...
Ján Bilohuščin
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry,Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia 842 15)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Urine analyses can be used to assess the performance of the radiation protection control practices. The separation methods used for estimation of radionuclides in urine are often time consuming and of lower sensitivity. The determination of low levels of actinides and strontium in biological samples require lengthy and tedious chemical processes, which include pre-concentration of samples,...
Alena Tokárová
(University of defense)
12/05/2014, 17:15
The solvent extraction was described for determination of the plutonium presented in the environmental samples. Tri-n-octylphosphine oxide (TOPO) and di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid (HDEHP) were used as the significant reagent of extractants of the plutonium. The extraction properties of TOPO and HDEHP for tetravalent plutonium in 5 mol.L-1 HNO3 into toluene were investigated. The optimal...
Anna Rubailo
12/05/2014, 17:15
Uranium is one of the most dangerous radionuclides which makes a major contribution to the total alpha-activity of liquid nuclear wastes.
The most promising method for the extraction of radionuclides, including uranium from aqueous media is solid phase extraction. In the last time, different inorganic sorbents (including natural zeolites) having certain advantages over synthetic organic...
Jan Kameník
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, 115 19 Prague 1, Czech Republic)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Octyl(phenyl)-N,N'-diisobutylcarbamoylmethylphosphine oxide (CMPO) extraction agent and polyacrylonitrile (PAN) as binding polymer were used for production of CMPO-PAN solid extractant. The material was previously studied for application in column chromatography for actinoids separation [1]. High uptake of americium and europium on CMPO-PAN solid extractant was observed in diluted nitric acid...
Irena Spendlikova
(CTU in Prague), Mr
Petr Distler
(CTU in Prague)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Distler P.*, Spendlikova I.*, Burdet F.+, Miguirditchian M.+
*CTU in Prague, Brehova 7, 115 19 Prague 1, Czech Republic
+CEA Marcoule, Nuclear Energy Division, Radiochemistry & Processes Department, SMCS/LEPS, Bagnols-sur-Cèze, F-30207, France
In the frame of the development of the French CEA EXAm process (Am selective separation from a PUREX raffinate by solvent extraction), the...
Alexey Safonov
(Frumkin"s Institute of Physical Chemistry Russian Academy of Science), Dr
Konstantin German
(Frumkin"s Institute of Physical Chemistry Russian Academy of Science)
12/05/2014, 17:15
K.E. German1,2, A.A. Shiryaev1, A.V. Safonov1,2, Ya. A. Obruchnikova1,2,3, V.A. Ilin1,2,
M.N. Glazkova2, V.E. Tregubova1,2, S.N. Kalmykov4, E.V Abkhalimov1
1 – Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 – Moscow Medical InstituteREAVIZ, Moscow Russia
3 – Mendeleev Russian Chemical Technology University, Moscow, Russia
4 – Lomonosov Moscow State...
Nikolay Kizim
12/05/2014, 17:15
Formation of cruds at the extraction of metals is the negative phenomenon as reduces the rate of extraction, worsens disintegration of the emulsions, and leads to loss extragent and an extractive element. In practice to prevent the formation of structure in an interfacial layer in system aliphatic alcohols add to aliphatic alcohols, for example, octanol - 1. However there are additional losses...
Remez Victor
(Ecsorb, the Compamy)
12/05/2014, 17:15
The recently developed apparatus named System СА® (Kit “Анфеж®”) and the procedure of its effective application for the concentration and determinination of low levels of radiocesium contamination in liquid media is discussed. The liquid media which can be analyzed by the System СА® include sea water, fresh water, drinking water, wine, milk, juice, human urine etc. The apparatus is designated...
Thermodynamics and separation factor of uranium from lanthanum on gallium-indium eutectic alloy
Alena Novoselova
(Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry UD RAS), Prof.
Valeri Smolenski
(Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry UD RAS), Ms
Yana Luk’yanova
(State Scientific Centre -Research Institute of Atomic Reactors)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Actinides recycling by separation and transmutation are considered worldwide as one of the most promising strategies for more efficient use of the nuclear fuel as well as for nuclear waste minimization, thus contributing to make nuclear energy sustainable. With this purpose, two major fuel reprocessing technologies have been explored so far to separate the actinides from the fission products...
Bogdan WĄs
(The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland), Dr
Ryszard Misiak
(The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland)
12/05/2014, 17:15
Among neutron deficient Tc isotopes, 95mTc is a useful radiotracer due to a relatively long half-life (t1/2=61 d), and high abundance of its gamma-rays. It can be used for studying of a behavior of 99Tc in the environment and waste disposal, as well as in the development of new radiopharmaceuticals of 94m, 99mTc. Radioisotope 95mTc can be...
Gospodin Bozhikov
(Jlint Institute for Nuclear Research)
13/05/2014, 08:30
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
The discovery of new superheavy elements with Z = 113-118 in 48Ca induced nuclear reactions was one of the most outstanding scientific achievement of the last decade. The long halflives of radionuclides of these elements extend the application of radiochemical techniques to their chemical characterization and to test the hypothesis about the impact of so-called "relativistic effects" on the...
Christophe Bruggeman
(Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK•CEN)
13/05/2014, 08:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Humic colloid-associated migration of trivalent radionuclides in an argillaceous formation
1Environment, Health and Safety Institute (EHS), SCK•CEN, Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium (*correspondence:
2ONDRAF/NIRAS, Kunstlaan 14, 1210 Brussel, Belgium (
Josef Anton
(University of Ulm)
13/05/2014, 08:48
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Investigation of chemical and physical properties of the heaviest elements (those beyond Lr) is a hot topic since several decades. In this time period, many new elements were discovered and after a proper characterization were added to the Periodic Table of the elements. The main problem of such investigations, however, is the rather short half-life of these elements, which requires the...
Dušan Vopálka
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
13/05/2014, 09:00
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Understanding the migration processes in the near-field of the geological disposal of nuclear wastes at the basic level can help to develop models, which may be used in transport codes that can predict the migration of radioactive contaminants in the field scale. Cesium is well adsorbed by clay minerals and many studies concerning adsorption of cesium on different types of clay minerals have...
W. H. Eugen Schwarz
(Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing / Theoretical Chemistry, University Siegen)
13/05/2014, 09:06
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
The results of relativistic electronic structure calculations on simple molecules of higher oxides (actinide oxidation state VI through VIII), peroxides, and superoxides of Pu, Am, and Cm are reported. The calculations employed accurate “small-core” two-component pseudopotentials derived from the outer (valence) shell solutions of the atomic Dirac–Fock–Breit equations with the Fermi nuclear...
Maria Lübke
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry; Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany))
13/05/2014, 09:15
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The long-lived radioactive isotope technetium-99 (99Tc, t1/2= 2.14•105 a) is a fission product of 235U and 239Pu and can be released to the environment from nuclear facilities, high-level radioactive waste repositories or as a result from nuclear weapon testing. Its geochemistry is dominated by the very mobile and soluble pertechnetate anion (TcO4-) under oxic, and a less mobile and less...
Christian Bustillos
(University of California Irvine Department of Chemical Engineering)
13/05/2014, 09:24
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Increased knowledge of actinide coordination chemistry and the development of advanced actinide separation processes are essential to reducing the radiotoxicity of used nuclear fuel. Commercial separation techniques for nuclear fuel (i.e. PUREX) selectively remove U(VI) and Pu(IV) from the other components, while the minor actinides, e.g. Np and Am, are not extracted. However, these four...
Radek Červinka
(ÚJV Řež, a. s., Czech Republic)
13/05/2014, 09:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Deep geological repositories (DGR) for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste are primarily based on a multi-barrier concepts, consisting of a host rock as a natural geological barrier and an engineered barrier-system. Detailed investigations of suitable geological analogues may lead to a better understanding of the complex interrelations between transport...
Jerzy Narbutt
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
13/05/2014, 09:42
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Selective separation of actinide elements from highly radioactive nuclear waste is the key issue for modern technologies of nuclear waste reprocessing. Partitioning of long-lived minor actinides, in particular americium, followed by their transmutation into short-lived and stable nuclides would lead to a significant reduction of long-term environmental hazard from this radiotoxic waste, and...
Heino Nitsche
(UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
13/05/2014, 10:30
Ordered mesoporous materials are attractive sorbents due to their extremely high surface areas, large pore volumes, open frameworks, and highly-ordered, tunable structures. Ultimately, they could be used for separating actinide and lanthanide ions from assorted solution matrices, as well as from each other. Furthermore, functionalized mesoporous materials may be useful for a variety of...
Amares Chatt
(Dalhousie University), Prof.
Christian Ekberg
(Nuclear Chemistry, Chalmers), Prof.
Jan John
(CTU in Prague, FNSPE, Department of Nuclear Chemistry),
Jan Kučera
(CTU FNSPE, centrum pro radiochemii a radia?ní chemii)
13/05/2014, 10:30
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Eiliv Steinnes
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
13/05/2014, 10:50
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Mobility of radiocaesium in boreal forest ecosystems:
Influence of precipitation chemistry
Steinnes E1, Gjelsvik R2, Skuterud L2, Thørring H2
1. Department of Chemistry, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, No-7491 Trondheim, Norway
2. Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, NO-1332 Østerås, Norway
Mobility and plant uptake of Cs in soils is generally limited by the...
Cory Hawkins
(University of California, Irvine)
13/05/2014, 10:55
Current systems for the separation of actinide and lanthanide cations often employ organophosphorus reagents in combination or in sequence with anionic extractants under acidic conditions. Organophosphorous reagents do not often display large selectivity between trivalent actinides and lanthanides, as a consequence of the similar chemical properties of these elements and may require addition...
Lyudmila Tkachenko
(Khlopin Radium Institute)
13/05/2014, 11:09
Simultaneous recovery of long living radionuclides (cesium, strontium and actinides) from high level liquid waste (HLLW) allows to reduce the total volume of the waste and the costs of waste storage. The UNEX process using solvent based on chlorinated cobalt dicarbollide (CCD), polyethylene glycol and phenyloctyl-N,N-diisobutylcarbamoylmethylene phosphine oxide (CMPO) has been proposed for...
Galina Lujaniene
13/05/2014, 11:20
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Results of long-term collaboration with the Czech Technical University in Prague are reported. Sorption behavior of 137Cs, 241Am and Pu isotopes was studied with the aim of better understanding their migration mechanisms in the Triassic clay selected for engineered barrier of the near surface low and intermediate level radioactive waste repository, as well in soil and bottom sediments from the...
Elena Zakharchenko
(V.I.Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia)
13/05/2014, 11:23
Recovery of trivalent actinide and rare earth elements from complicated nitric acid solutions is important and difficult task of radiochemistry. Sorption materials for radionuclide recovery must possess the high sorption efficiency, selectivity of recovery, chemical stability and good kinetic properties. Solid-phase extractants (SPEs) prepared by impregnation of solid supports with ligands are...
K.R. Kim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
13/05/2014, 11:37
Immiscible liquid contacting is one the most common and important phenomena in the high temperature pyrochemical systems. Among these processes, an extraction system employing molten LiCl-KCl and liquid Cd metal has been proposed for the pyrochemical recovery of actinides in a waste salt treatment step. Understanding the complex interaction of immiscible fluid dynamics with mass transfer is a...
Pavel Povinec
(Comenius University)
13/05/2014, 11:50
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
P.P. Povinec1, I. Světlík2, J. John3, M. Ješkovský1, M. Němec3, J. Kučera2
1 Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
2 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Řež near Prague, Czech Republic
3 Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
A joint research programme...
Janelle Droessler
(University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
13/05/2014, 11:51
The unique and tunable properties of the second generation moisture-stable ionic liquids (ILs) have generated interest in their applications to the nuclear fuel cycle. Generally, ILs have low vapor pressure, chemical and radiation stability, good conductivity, and importantly, wide electrochemical windows. This beneficial electrochemical property allows for the ability to reach the negative...
Kenneth Czerwinski
(University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
13/05/2014, 13:30
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Compared to other elements on the periodic table, technetium and the actinides are less explored, especially in areas of compound synthesis and coordination chemistry. The nuclear fuel cycle offers opportunities to investigate fundamental and applied technetium and actinide chemistry in more detail, with fundamental complexation chemistry providing insight into waste forms, fuels, and...
Pavel Bláha
(CTU in Prague, JINR)
13/05/2014, 14:00
Induction of mutations has been observed in the HPRT locus of the Chinese hamster cells (line V79) after irradiation with accelerated heavy ions and also after the action of chemical agent. The mutant fractions were measured after exposure to two types of accelerated ions: 18O and 20Ne, under three different irradiation conditions. The linear energy transfer (LET) values ranged from 115 to 153...
Ken Czerwinski
(University of Nevada, Las Vegas, United States)
13/05/2014, 14:00
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
In metallic nuclear fuels, uranium will interact with fission products formed at higher burn-ups. Understanding the binary interactions between components is helpful in building a description of the overall system consisting of fuel and fission products. Many of the fission product metals are easy to obtain and study in reactions with metallic depleted uranium to simulate conditions in an...
Igor Izosimov
13/05/2014, 14:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Development of laser spectroscopy with tunable lasers gives rise to new procedures for detection of trace amounts of various substances in various media. A possibility to tune a wavelength of laser radiation allows selective action on certain atoms and molecules and, hence, selective detection of these species [1]. The practical application of laser spectroscopy to analysis of different...
Lenka Procházková
(CTU in Prague, Czech Republic)
13/05/2014, 14:15
Set of mixed oxide samples containing crystalline NiO-ZnO with variable composition was prepared by simple irradiation of aqueous solutions containing nickel and/or zinc nitrate hexahydrate, with subsequent annealing. Effects of various types of radiation were studied - solutions were irradiated either by accelerated electrons or UV light. Due to irradiation, weakly crystalline solid precursor...
Euo Chang Jung
(Korea Atomic Energy Reserach Institute)
13/05/2014, 14:30
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
This talk will focus on energy transfer phenomena between hexavalent uranium (U) ions (U(VI)) and trivalent europium ions (Eu(III)). In the literature on this subject [1-3], the interaction between U(VI) and Eu(III) was explained as intramolecular energy transfer from excited U(VI) to Eu(III), and thus, the strong quenching of the luminescence of excited U(VI) by Eu(III) was observed. Because...
Grazyna Przybytniak
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
13/05/2014, 14:30
Selection of condition monitoring (CM) method is an important aspect of cable ageing management for Nuclear Power Plants (NPP). The current status of cables might be inter alia assess by various thermal methods based either on Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) or on Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis. The techniques might be used to determine the extent of cable damage caused either by...
Martin Cabalka
(ÚJV Řež, a. s.)
13/05/2014, 14:45
Influence of dose rate irradiation on elongation at break, strength at break and density was evaluated on insulation of cables NSKFA, NSKA and CXFE-V. It was applied gamma irradiation and reactor ïrradiation. It was performed a experimental comparison among three dosimetry systems (alanine, oxalic acid, PFMCH) for reactor irradiation to evaluate the total dose and parts of neutrons and gamma.
Jakub Visnak
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague)
13/05/2014, 14:45
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
This experimental study seeks for stability constants $\beta_m°$, absorption $Z_m(\lambda)$ and fluorescence $Z_m(\lambda)$ spectra (including fluorescence lifetimes $\tau_m$) for the individual species of the general formula $[UO_2(ChO_4)_n]^{2-2n}$ (n $\in$ {0; 1; 2; 3}), specific ion interaction theory parameters $\epsilon(i,j)$ between uran-containing species and the most dominantly...
Martina Benešová
(DKFZ Heidelberg)
13/05/2014, 15:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
New theranostic radiopharmaceuticals for rapid visualisation of prostate cancer and the highly effective radioendotherapy are of utmost clinical interest. Since the Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is upregulated in nearly all prostate cancers compared with the rather low expression levels in normal tissue, PSMA can be considered as an attractive target for the diagnosis and therapy...
Frans De Corte
((ex) Ghent University, Belgium and Research Foundation, Flanders)
13/05/2014, 15:30
The majority of developers and users of the NAA k0 standardization do not realize that this method was launched [1] in terms of the accurate and generally applicable Stoughton-Halperin convention [2] for the description of the (n,γ) reaction rate. Later on, in the article reporting on the first k0-measurements [3], the more practical Høgdahl convention [4] was introduced instead (as had been...
Zsolt Varga
(EC JRC Institute for Transuranium Elements)
13/05/2014, 15:45
229Th is an alpha-decay nuclide of the neptunium decay series. Though already extinct in nature, 229Th occurs in high amount in spent fuel as the progeny of the long-lived 237Np. 229Th is one of the most widely used tracers in geology, environmental sciences or nuclear chemistry to determine 230Th and 232Th concentrations by mass spectrometry due to the relatively long half-life and to the...
Jiří Mizera
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
13/05/2014, 16:00
Impact glasses and tektites are formed during fall of large meteorites on the Earth surface (impact) by melting and ejection of surface materials, mainly unconsolidated sediments and sedimentary rocks. In the Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, methods of neutron and photon activation analyses have been utilized for detailed geochemical characterization of a collection of various tektites and...
Aleksander Bilewicz
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
13/05/2014, 16:00
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Alpha particle emitting isotopes are in considerable interest for radionuclide therapy because of their high cytotoxicity and short path length [1]. Unfortunately, all available emitters have serious disadvantages: 211At forms weak bond with carbon atoms in the biomolecule and in the case of 212Bi, 213Bi and 226Th short half-life often limits the application of these nuclides. However, the...
Antonia Denkova
(TU Delft)
13/05/2014, 16:15
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Alpha radionuclide therapy has a great potential in the fight against cancer as proven by a large number of pre-clinical and clinical studies. In vivo generators capable of delivering a highly efficient cascade of alpha particles are also steadily gaining importance. At the moment 225Ac is the most relevant radionuclide that can serve as an in vivo generator, providing four alpha particles...
Jiří Vacík
(Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR)
13/05/2014, 16:15
Neutron Depth Profiling (NDP) is a specific non-destructive nuclear analytical technique used for determination of depth distributions of some technologically important light elements (e.g., Li and B) in the near surface of solids. The NDP for thick samples (with a thickness > several micrometers) is utilized as a 1D profiling technique that enables to obtain a 1D depth distribution (assuming...
Jan Kameník
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
13/05/2014, 16:30
The increasing demand for phosphate fertilizers accounts for approximately 90 % of global phosphoric acid use. In the manufacture of phosphoric acid, thermal and wet processes are used. The thermal process has been abandoned for the production of phosphate fertilizers, because of the amount of energy which is needed. Decomposition of phosphate minerals with an acid, mostly sulphuric acid, is...
Robin de Kruijff
(Delft University of Technology)
13/05/2014, 16:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
In the fight against cancer, it is of utmost importance to damage diseased cells whilst leaving healthy tissue unaffected. Vesicles composed of amphiphilic block copolymers have been proven to be promising nano-carriers, which are capable of transporting a variety of pharmaceuticals to tumour sites [1]. Their application can be extended to the field of nuclear medicine by designing ultra...
David Teze
13/05/2014, 16:45
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Astatine 211 is considered to be one of the most promising candidates for targeted alpha therapy (TAT)[1,2] and it is the subject of a wide research program in Nantes (France). A carrier molecule should transport At-211 to the cancer cells where alpha-particles emitted by the radionuclide would destroy the target. However binding astatine to cancer selective carrier molecules remains a...
Aldahan Ala
(1) Uppsala University; 2) United Arab Emirates University), Prof.
Hou Xiaolin
(1) Institute of Earth Environment, CAS; 2)Technical University of Denmark), Mr
Xing Shan
(Institute of Earth Environment, CAS)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Due to low concentration of iodine in seawater, iodine carrier is normally added as carrier for separation of 129I from matrix using solvent extraction, this is not suitable for the determination of low level 129I in the seawater received less anthropogenic 129I such as those collected in south hemisphere including the Antarctic and deep seas, because of contribution of 129I in the iodine...
Karolina Szymanska
(Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The aim of the study was to determine 210Po and 210Pb in fur samples collected from 15 breeds of dogs Canis familiaris living in the northern Poland.
The average values of analyzed radionuclides in analyzed dog fur ranged from 0.46±0.02 mBq∙g-1 to 15.05±1.13 mBq∙g-1 for 210Po and from 0.31±0.03 mBq∙g-1 to 9.82±0.53 mBq∙g-1 for 210Pb. The highest activities of 210Po and 210Pb were...
Natalia Gomzina
(N.P.Bekhtereva Institute of the Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences (IHB RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
As to their biological effect, 210Pb and 210Ро - radionuclides are in a group of the most toxic ones. 210Pb and its daughter products are mainly formed in the atmosphere following alpha-decay of 222Rn. Then, together with dry and wet depositions, these products are precipitated on the soil surface and plant leaves, the latter being known as a plant part with an enhanced content of 210Ро [1]....
Karolina Szymanska
(Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The paper presents unique data of plutonium 241Pu study in seabirds from northern Eurasia, permanently or temporally living at the southern Baltic Sea coast. Together 10 marine birds species were examined: 3 species of permanently residing at the southern Baltic, 4 species of wintering birds and 3 species of migrating birds; about 150 samples were analyzed.
The obtained results indicated...
Karolina Szymanska
(Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Most contamination studies have focused on alpha emitting plutonium isotopes so far. 241Pu is less important in terms of its radiotoxicity than the α-emitting plutonium radionuclides 238,239,240Pu but is quite significant because of its huge contribution to the whole plutonium fallout. Our previous experiments on air samples indicated extreme increase of 241Pu amount in atmospheric dust in...
nadia ouddai
(univ Hadj-Lakhdar batna Algeria)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
The actinides triflates are formed from a central metal that relates to the ligands (CF3SO3-). The transition metal triflates (trifluoromethanesulfonates) are much considered as Lewis acid catalysts in a variety of organic reactions, as well as precursors in inorganic and organometallic synthesis. In coordination chemistry, the selective complexation of actinides (ш) over lanthanides (ш) with...
Grzegorz Romanczyk
(University of Gdansk)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The natural radionuclide polonium is daughter of 238U decay series. 210Po is radionuclide with half-lives of 138.38 days. Polonium is one of the most radiotoxic natural radioactive isotopes to man due to its high specific activity and its emission of high-LET alpha radiation. Less than 0.05 g of the radionuclide is considered a lethal dose (LD50/30). Man is exposed to radioactive 210Po by...
Ioanna Liatsou
(Chemistry Department, University of Cyprus), Mr
Ioannis Pashalidis
(Chemistry Department, University of Cyprus), Mrs
Maria Efstathiou
(Chemistry Department, University of Cyprus)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Knowledge of the chemical behaviour of (radio)toxic elements in natural/environmental systems is of fundamental importance for the performance of environmental impact assessments and the application of protection measures after possible contamination. The interaction of actinides with marine sediments is of particular interest because marine sediments constitute the final receptors for the...
Jaroslav Červenák
13/05/2014, 17:15
During irradiation of microorganisms in liquid media by gamma radiation, hydroxyl radicals are considered as one of the most dangerous agents. Elimination of these radicals by their scavengers (ethanol, methanol and potassium formate) should protect the cells. Comparison of two ways of interpretation of acquired data was performed. Dependencies of σ ( =(ln(s0))/(ln(s)), where s0 is fraction...
Ruveyda Kubra ILERI
(Istanbul Technical UniversiIstanbul Technical University, Energy Institutety, Energy Instıtute)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Chernobyl and other nuclear accidents have demonstrated that high levels of radiation can result in impacts on plants and animals, however little is known about the long-term effects of chronic exposure on biodiversity or other population and ecosystem level effects.
The overall aim of this study is to assess the impacts of chronic exposure to radioactivity and chemical pollutants. The...
Alexey Safonov
(Frumkin"s Institute of Physical Chemistry Russian Academy of Science)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
A. Safonov, V. Ilin, V. Tregubova, T. Babich, E. Zakharova, T. Nazina
Disposing of the nuclear industry wastes in Russia and the U.S.A. in the 20th century have led to significant amount of storages not equipped with appropriate effective/protective barrier systems. This pose risks of environmental pollution through dissipating harmful macrocomponents and radioactive nuclides. The basic RW...
Oleg Gromov
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
The formulation of the Mendeleyev's Periodic law says: "Properties of chemical elements and their connections are in periodic dependence..." Therefore, it is possible to define evaluate unknown or by practical consideration inaccessible constants of some connections operating with various constants of similar substances in chemical behavior [1].
Chemical similar substances are connections...
Vera Labko
(Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research - SOSNY, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
A large amount of liquid radioactive wastes are formed during nuclear power plants operating. Radionuclides contained in the wastes are predominantly in the form of stable complexes with organic ligands, such as EDTA, citric and oxalic acids, which complicates the heavy metal separation. Concentrating and processing of liquid radioactive wastes can be greatly simplified after the removal of...
Aleksey Troshin
(Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Complex oxides with the structure of the mineral pollucite (CsAlSi2O6) represent a large group of compounds and they are basic for the development of materials for different purposes, including immobilization of cesium from waste of radiochemical industries and preparation of medical sources radiation. The number of such oxides has increased significantly basing on isomorphism of atoms in the...
Alicia Negron-Mendoza
(Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM)
13/05/2014, 17:15
A cornerstone of modern biology is Darwinian evolution. By accepting the Darwinian evolution, we must postulate another form of evolution before this, and it is called chemical evolution. Thus, chemical evolution encompasses the study of physical and chemical events leading the formation of biological relevant molecules for the probiotic milieu. This process is considered a necessity for the...
George Ryazantsev
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
A dangerous factor is considered, which may precede the formation of black microholes, strangelets, magnetic monopoles and other objects in colliders, – the probability of turning the Earth into the "iron planet" or the flow of iron asteroids and meteorites. Proceeding only from real experimental evidence and theory-based provisions: 1) the quark-gluon plasma is already an experimental fact,...
Jong Myoung Lim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
As an attempt to reduce the social costs and apprehension arising from radioactivity in the environment, an accurate and rapid assessment of radioactivity is highly desirable. Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) are widely spread throughout the environment. Concern regarding the radioactivity from these materials has therefore been growing over the last decade. To determine the...
Dmitriy Mikhailov
(Nizhny Novgorod State University)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Knowledge of the behavior of materials in radiation fields need if ones are elaborated for radwaste immobilization. Also it is important to prepare a ceramic with high density for aims: medical, research and material science problems, consolidation and transformation of radwaste. Among these materials deserve special attention mineral-like. Natural "experience" shows the ability to save...
Dmitry Marinin
(Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS, Vladivostok, Russia)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Here we report on development, characterization and performance evaluation of new materials based on selective to radionuclides nanosized sorbents stabilized in water dispersible nanoparticles (latexes). These new materials can be applicable as fixatives (dust suppressors), when latexes are film-forming, and as colloid stable sorbents for decontamination of solid bulk materials, when any type...
Andrei Androsov
13/05/2014, 17:15
In course of construction of thermionic converter it is necessary to solve the problem of electrodes metal surface [1].
This paper presents the method and results of computer simulation of surface diffusion, adsorption, desorption, and β-decay of 89Br on the surface of single-crystal tungsten, in both case at the presence, and at the absence of 133Cs on it.
The simulation of all the...
Ivan Kajan
(Chalmers University of Technology)
13/05/2014, 17:15
During severe nuclear accidents in LWRs several hazardous and radiotoxic gaseous fission products will be released from damaged UO2 fuel. Volatile iodine species (CsI, IOx, I2, org. iodides such as MeI) will be released and formed already in an early stage of a severe accident, while the release of volatile oxides of ruthenium (RuO3, RuO4) will require a rupture of the containment with a...
Anna Voronina
(Ural Federal University), Mrs
Marina Blinova
(Ural Federal University)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Decreasing of transfer of radionuclides from soil to vegetation is the main purpose of remediation of radioactively contaminated lands with the aim of their returning to farming industry. The method of addition of sorbents to soils is seemed to be the most afficient in these cases. Using sorbents should possess affinity to natural systems, high specificity and selectivity and also...
Anna Paliga
(ФГАОУ ВПО «УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н.Ельцина»)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Determination of the isotopic composition of natural radionuclides in natural waters is an integral part of radioecological monitoring. A full analysis of thorium radionuclides should solve two problems: determination of analytical concentration and isotopic composition. The main problem in the analysis of fresh water with low thorium content is preconcentration step; for samples with a high...
Vladimir Kolotov
(Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Automated system for radiation control of air space near the nuclear power plant based on using of non-stop remote gamma-spectroscopic control of nuclear power plant radioactive emission (mainly from ventilation pipe) is developed. The task of the system consists in estimation the potential risk of terrain contamination outside the nuclear power area. The system should provide authorities of...
Edyta Łokas
(H.Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Soils play an important role in accumulation of airborne radionuclides. Plutonium isotopes released by nuclear weapons testing are still present in the environment, especially in soils. There are several sources of radioactive contamination in the European sector of the Arctic. The most substantial include global weapons fallout, fallout from nuclear weapons testing near Novaya Zemlya and from...
Katharina Fritsch
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Argillaceous rock and clay minerals have properties that make them very suitable for nuclear waste storage. They are practically impermeable and have high sorption capacities. North German clay deposits feature pore waters of particularly high ionic strengths, ranging from 1.8 mol/l to 3.3 mol/l. in the depths relevant for nuclear waste repositories.[1] To enable an informed decision about the...
Atsushi Toyoshima
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Seaborgium (Sg), element 106, is the third transactinide element placed at the 7th row of the Periodic Table. Similar to its lighter group-6 homologs, Mo and W, Sg is expected to be redox-active in aqueous solutions. Pershina et al. [1] theoretically calculated the redox potentials of various couples of Sg on the basis of its multiple ionization-potentials [2]. They predicted that the redox...
Sarunas Buivydas
(State Research Institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Application of an appropriate model and transfer parameters for radionuclide migration in soils and fresh water ecosystems (e.g. lakes) to predict the long-term radionuclide behaviour is of great concern. Transfer of radionuclides in lake ecosystem is mostly governed by the processes of diffusion, perturbation of soil or lake bottom sediments and transport of long- lived radionuclides with the...
Lenka Hrušková
(Charles University in Prague), Dr
Viktor Goliáš
(Charles University in Prague)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Goliáš V.1, Hrušková L.1, Lipanský T.1, Przylibski T.A.2, Procházka R.3
1Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science,,,
2Wrocław University of Technology, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology,
3Lesní 1079, Dobřichovice, Czech Republic,
Keywords: groundwater,...
Maxim Samsonov
(Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
In connection with the development of modern high-tech industries and changing market conditions in the last few years have seen a growing interest in rare-earth elements (REE). This necessitates the creation of new technologies for processing of mineral raw materials, as well as various industrial wastes and secondary resources. Virtually all fields of REE are part of complex ores,...
Adrian Krajnak
(Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
In a previous research for the deep geological repository of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel, the swelling potential of bentonites from Slovak deposits was evaluated by indicative parameters (Atterberg liquid limit) and by swelling pressure tests (Adamcova et al., 2009). The noticed absence of data on shrinkage behaviour initiated a pilot research of bentonite shrinkage parameters in...
Hisaaki Kudo
(Niigata University)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Gas-phase chemistry is one of the most utilized techniques to study chemical properties of superheavy elements. An adsorption enthalpy of volatile compounds of these elements can be determined with their adsorption-desorption processes on a gas chromatographic column surface. The gas phase chemistry for group 4 elements, Zr, Hf, and Rf has been performed by several groups, and it is reported...
Victor Remez
(Ecsorb, the Compamy)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Recent investigations show that sorption properties of solids in natural or synthetic humic acid (HA) solutions strongly depend on the ability of HA to form complexes with ions of sorbate and to interact with the surface of solids. In general, both factors are negative for the sorption technologies due to the known dramatic diminution of sorption processes in HA solutions. We found that...
Vitaly Epimakhov
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Large amounts of low-density thermal insulation mineral wool waste contaminated by radionuclides arise from NPP operation. Melting of this waste reduces its volume by more than 10 times. Mineral fibers begin to lose their elastic properties at 440 оС and to soften at 700 оС. The minimum process temperature for molten fiber formation is ~ 1500 оС. Experiments were performed on mineral wool mats...
Agata Oszczak
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology), Dr
Leon Fuks
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Proficiency tests (PT) on the determination of radionuclides in food and environmental samples have been organized by the National Atomic Energy Agency (NAEA), Poland, since 2004. The activity of the following radionuclides: 241Am, 137Cs, 3H, 239Pu, 226Ra and 90Sr were determined in water, food and soil. The PTs have been conducted by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT),...
Magdalena Długosz-Lisiecka
(Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of Chemistry)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Natural radionuclides can be very good indicators of all hydrological and biogeochemical phenomena occurring in the water environment. Typical uses of environmental isotopes include the identification of source of water and solutes, determination of water flow paths, assessment of nutrients within the ecosystem, water budget. A few elements exhibit variations in their isotopic composition,...
Yusuke Kaneya
(Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University / Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
The first ionization potential (IP) directly reflects a valence electronic configuration influenced by relativistic effects which are significantly noticeable for heavy elements. Information on IP of heavy elements, therefore, gives us a better understanding of relativistic effects. IPs of heavy actinides with atomic number Z > 100, however, have not been measured by conventional techniques,...
nadjia latelli
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
In the present study we analyze the reaction mechanisms involved by Xanthates (SA(C@S)AO) and Thiocarbonates
(OA(C@S)AO) compounds in a reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization.
For the purpose, theoretical calculations have been performed by means of density functional
theory (DFT), using the B3LYP, M06, CAM-B3LYP, LC-xPBE exchange correlation functionals and...
Vitaly Epimakhov
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The use of sulfuric acid instead of nitric acid for regeneration of cation-exchange resins arising from NPP operations produces sulfates which can form crystalline hydrates. Based on this capability, cement instead of bitumen can be used as a matrix for binding liquid radwaste (LRW), and high salt concentrates can be incorporated into Portland cement. Experiments simulating inundation of waste...
Yoshikazu Kikawada
(Department of Materials and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The mobility of radioactive cesium (Cs) in contaminated soils affected by the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear disaster in 2011 was studied by single-step and sequential extraction experiments.
The Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident in March 2011 resulted in serious radioactivity contamination in areas adjacent to the FDNPP. Meanwhile, radioactive cesium originated from the...
Hanna Tuovinen
(University of Helsinki, Laboratory of Radiochemistry)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
There is increasing awareness of the radiological impact of non-nuclear industries that extract and/or process ores containing naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM). These industrial activities may result in significant environmental problems if the waste generated during processing is not adequately managed. In 2010, a new project was launched in Finland, the object of which is to...
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Radioactive isotopes of anthropogenic origin have appeared in the environment as a result of human activities. The main sources of these radionuclides were 1) atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons done in the years 1945-1980 with particular intensity in 1951-1958 and later in 1961-1962 and 2) the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident in April 1986. The greatest contribution to the...
Qiuxiang Cao
(East China Institute of Technology, Guanglan Road, 418, 330013, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China;Saint-Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya emb. 7/9, 199034, St.-Petersburg, Russia)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Natural metamict U-Th-containing minerals are well known analogues of aged nuclear ceramic waste forms, which were affected by self-irradiation and chemical alteration under the conditions of geological environment. Main concern related to the behavior of radioactive ceramics during their long-term storage is the stability of radionuclide solid solution in the crystalline structure of durable...
Yoon Yeol Yoon
(Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Determining the relationship between surface water and groundwater systems is critical to understanding hydrogeological systems, protecting riverine ecosystems, and managing water resources. Due to its high activities in groundwater, the radionuclide 222Rn is a sensitive natural tracer to detect and quantify groundwater. In this study 222Rn and stable isotope were used as a tracer in...
João M. Oliveira
(Instituto Superior Técnico/LPSR)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Table wines are part of the Mediterranean diet and a common component of the adults’ diet in many countries. Wines are produced from vineyards grown in soils of different types from loam soils to granitic soils and in regions with different natural radioactivity levels. Twenty table wines, red and white, from large producers in several regions of Portugal, encompassing uranium provinces, were...
George Ryazantsev
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
In 1979, there was a serious accident in the U.S. at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant which involved two power-generating units. In 1986, the world witnessed a large-scale disaster in the USSR at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant that operated four power reactors. The last major accident occurred in March of 2011 in Japan. That accident involved six reactors. It is known that during...
Quentin Raffy
(IPHC - Strasbourg University)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Given uranium toxicity, comprehension of uranyl interaction with biological material of human relevance is of utmost importance, from the whole body scale to the molecular level. At the molecular level, uranium interaction with proteins has attracted a lot of attention, in particular the blood serum proteins Human Serum Albumin (HSA) and Transferrin, which are likely to transport uranyl in the...
Natalia Gomzina
(N.P.Bekhtereva Institute of the Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences (IHB RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
In recent decades, a global trend has been observed in an increased consumption of medicinal plants and herbal formulations, which makes monitoring of herbal medicines to be an actual problem as regards their pollution with heavy metals, pesticides and radionuclides [1]. The highly-toxic are long-lived decay products of U-238 Series, 210Pb and 210Po. In plants, which are used for making...
Andrius Puzas
(Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, LITHUANIA)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Inductively coupled plasma high resolution mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is widely used technique for 240Pu/239Pu isotopic analysis tool which leads to use plutonium isotopic composition to assess the artificial radionuclide source in the environment fast and accurately. ICP-MS measurements usually are performed in low resolution mode (m/dm=300) to enhance and maximize plutonium signal sensivity....
Grzegorz Olszewski
(University of Gdansk, Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Environmental Protection and Human Health, Chair of Environmental Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Laboratory of Analytical and Environmental Radiochemistry)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The aim of this study was to examine the concentrations of 210Po, 210Pb, 234U, 235U and 238U in surface soils samples collected in the area of phosphogypsum waste heap in Wiślinka (northern Poland) and assessing its impact on the surrounding environment. Concentrations in analyzed soils samples were estimated between 3.0±0.2 mBq•g-1 dry wt. and 324.5±15.41 mBq•g-1 dry wt. for 210Po and between...
Lidia Rosiak
(Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
210Po is natural, short-lived (T1/2 =138.3 days) alpha radiation emitter. It occurs in Earth crust in trace amounts as a product of radioactive Uranium–Radium decay series. The isotope is found in small amounts in human environment: air (<0.5 mBq/m3), drinking water (about 0.5 mBq/L), food (20-200 mBq/kg), tobacco (13.3 mBq/cigarette in Poland ) and cigarette smoke (9.62 mBq/cigarette in...
Karolina Szymanska
(Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The main aim project was 210Po determination in caps and stems of mushrooms from Leccinum pseudoscabrum, Leccinum aurantiacum, Leccinum vulpinum, Leccinum duriusculum and Leccinum quercinum collected in Pomorskie, northern Poland. Mushrooms are organisms which contain a lot of water (75-90%). Mushrooms absorb heavy metals such as mercury, chrome, cadmium and radionuclides: e.g. polonium,...
Volodymyr Strelko
(Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The report presents data about the new method of synthesis of inorganic ion-exchangers in continuous mode of sol-gel process, which provides the possibility of obtaining the spherically granulated hydrogels and xerogels of highly porous oxides, silicates and phosphates of polyvalent metals. The basis of the process – the reactions of templating competitive interactions between Fe and Al salts...
H. V. Lerum
(Chemistry Department - University of Oslo), Dr
Mohamed F. Attallah
(Chemistry Department, University of Oslo, Norway)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Element 106, seaborgium (Sg) is a group-6 element with the lighter homologs tungsten (W) and molybdenum (Mo). The homologs have several stable oxidation states in aqueous solutions. Therefore, one can empirically expect that Sg should exhibit similar properties. In addition, theoretical estimates of redox potentials of group-6 elements show that Sg can be reduced from the most stable...
Galina Lujaniene
(SRI Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Savanorių ave 231, Vilnius, LT-02300, Lithuania)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Environmental behavior of Pu isotopes can be strongly affected by oxidation–reduction reactions which can result in changes of their speciation, solubility and transport. Pu(V) and Pu(IV) sorption to three well characterized samples from the industrial exploitation site Šaltiškiai in North Lithuania was used to study their sorption kinetics and oxidation state distribution in natural clay...
Jana Sočuvková
(CTU in Prague, FNSPE, Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Prague)
13/05/2014, 17:15
CyMe4--BTBP and CyMe4--BTPhen are two prospective extractants for the European SANEX and/or GANEX processes for the recovery of minor actinides from a genuine spent nuclear fuel solution.[1] In such applications, radiation stability of the extractants and the influence of solvent irradiation on its extraction properties is one of the key factors determining feasibility of...
Elena Belova
(Russian academy of sciences A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS)
13/05/2014, 17:15
The modern technology of reprocessing of irradiated fuel nuclear power plants (NPP SNF) is based on the Purex process, which uses a solution of tributylphosphate (TBP) in an inert dilu-ent as extractant. There are most commonly used aliphatic hydrocarbons with straight chain and mixtures thereof (a mixture of n-paraffins) or mixtures of iso-paraffins (tetrapropylene) or a mixture of...
Mingli Zhang
(School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University; Center for Nuclear Technology, Technical university of Denmark, Risø Campus)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Surface sediment cores from the Zhushan bay of Taihu lake in China were collected. In this study, the concentration of eleven heavy mentals(Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Ti, V, Zn, Pb, Cs) and the radioactivity of two radionuclides (210Pb and 137Cs) were investigated. The mean concentration of Cr, Cu, Ti, Pb indicated is slightly higher than the background values, and the rest doesn’t exceed the...
Fernando P. Carvalho
(Instituto Superior Técnico/Laboratório de Protecção e Segurança Radiológica)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Uranium mining and milling is known to produce enhancement of environmental radioactivity. In particular through surface runoff, waste water discharges, acid mine drainage, and seepage, radioactivity levels may increase in the surrounding areas and contaminate groundwater and surface waters. Results from radioactivity surveys in the center north of Portugal to assess the impact of past uranium...
Nasser Alkhomashi
(King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Saudi Arabia)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Studies of radioactivity in sea foods are important in estimating the radiological hazards and dose exposure to the public. The importance has increased following Japan’s devastating 2011 earthquake and the following nuclear accident of Fukushima power plant. This is because there is a fear about risks of leaked radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to the Pacific Ocean...
Ivo Světlík
(Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
A calibration curve IntCal has been applied for radiocarbon dating of terrestrial samples to correct fine variations of 14C activity in the environment. The calibration curve has been constructed from precise determinations of 14C levels in sample sequences (e.g. tree rings, lake varves, coral layers, etc.). The age determinations of these samples have been carried out using other dating...
Sergio Ramos-Bernal
(Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Comets contain a silicate core, an organic refractory inner mantle and an outer mantle, predominantly of water ices in which are embedded small particles. The spectroscopic analyses suggest the presence of molecules, such as ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), formaldehyde (H2CO), methanol (CH3OH) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN). The possibility that comets collide with planets delivering such compounds...
Martin Precek
(Institute of Physics AS CR)
13/05/2014, 17:15
A reliable solvent extraction process for separation of neptunium from irradiated nuclear fuels depends upon the maintenance of a valence state amenable to complexation by tributylphosphate (TBP). However, radiolytic generation of nitrous acid in irradiated nitric acid solution may reduce extractable Np(VI) into non-extractable Np(V). One complicating factor that has so far not been well...
Ivana Milanović
(Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Laboratory for Radioecology)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Radiostrontium as a high yield fission product with long physical (28.8 years) and biological half-life (~49 years), is one of the most hazardous radiocontaminants in the environment. Therefore, almost all environmental radioactivity monitoring programs include its quantitative determination. Due to its radiochemical properties standard procedure for its determination is complicated and time...
Petra Količová
(Technical University of Ostrava)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
7Be is a natural radioisotope (half-life 53.3 d) produced in cosmic-ray spallation processes on atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen. We sampled individual rain events (September 2013 – March 2014) in a collector (1 m above the roof of the Technical University of Ostrava) and simultaneously collected relevant meteorological data from the station on the same roof. Rain samples were filtered and the...
Ilya Volkov
(Institute of Solid State Chemistry, UB RAS)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Humic acids (HA) are one of few omnipresent natural substances, which govern the migration trends of chemical elements in the biosphere. Being a complex mixture of high molecular organic compounds, they take part in accumulation, aqueous transfer and sorption of chemical elements in natural environment. The impact of HA on the sorption of stable trace elements and radionuclides in the...
Alicia Negron-Mendoza
(Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM))
13/05/2014, 17:15
Homochirality of certain organic molecules essential for all living organisms, such as the L-amino acids and the D-sugars, has made the search for its origin an important issue in studies of the origin of life and evolution.
Comets and asteroids are thought to include organic compounds imbibed in ices, rocks, and have been proposed as carrier of those compounds to the early Earth. Among the...
Aleksandr Vasiliev
(Moscow State University)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
A.N. Vasiliev1,2, N. L. Banik1, R. Marsac1, C. M. Marquardt1, S. N. Kalmykov2
1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
2 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Np-237 is one of the important contributors to the radiation inventory of nuclear waste repositories over a very long time period,...
Yuriy Demidov
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Recent advances in first-principle based studies of superheavy element (SHE) chemistry using the new accurate small-core pseudopotential model are summarized. This model accounts for the finite nuclear size and effectively incorporates most relativistic effects described by the all-electron Dirac—Coulomb—Breit model (including the bulk of Breit interactions) and enables explicit correlation...
Gabriela Wallova
(Water Research Institute Bratislava)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The Bosna River is a tributary of the Sava River. It flows through the central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Along the Bosna River course, high density of settlements, agricultural areas, industries, not existing or not properly functioning urban and industrial
wastewater treatment plants contribute largely to the rivers excessive pollution. The main objective of the project “Development of...
Kseniya Chaplieva
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
A new method of synthesis of schoepite [(UO2)8O2(OH)12](H2O)12(UO3•2.25H2O) has been proposed in this work. Dehydration process of the synthesized compound has been studied, the state and role of H2O in the structure has been established by mean of high-temperature X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy and thermography. The transformation processes of schoepite in other forms of the hydrated...
Elena Kostrova
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
In this work, a method of synthesis of lithium triuranate hexahydrate Li2U3O10⋅6H2O is described. The chemical and functional composition of this compound has been investigated; its crystallographic characteristics have been determined; the state of Н2О and its role in the formation of the structure have been studied.
Synthesis of the investigated compound is а reaction of shoepita...
Anna Eremina
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
The state of uranyl vanadates with formula Ak(VUO6)k*nH2O (Ak –elements of the I-III groups of Periodic system) was investigated in aqueous solutions.
The study of these compounds are interested because of their low soluble in aqueous solutions and the compounds are likely to form at the contact with the nuclear waste in the environment, therefore Ak(VUO6)k*nH2O can be used to bind uranium....
Alena Zavadilova
(Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
We refer about a development of the measurement technique enabling the determination of low uranium concentrations. The method was inspired by a commercially available KPA method (kinetic phosphorescence analysis). It is fast, sensitive, and non-destructive, allowing the uranium concentrations determination on a mass basis of μg U/l.
Contrary to the conventional KPA method it is in our...
Sinikka Virtanen
(University of Helsinki, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Radiochemistry)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Studies on the competitive sorption of radionuclides and other metal ions are often conducted using elements with similar chemical properties, such as oxidation states. A study by Bradbury and Baeyens [1] suggests that metal ion sorption on clay minerals is non-competitive when the metal ions have significantly different chemical properties. Thus, metals with same oxidation states and a...
Jakub Visnak
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
This theoretical study of several possible complex species of the general formula ([UO$_2$(H$_2$O)$_a$($\eta^1$-SO$_4$)$_b$($\eta^2$-SO$_4$)$_c$]$^{2-2(b+c)}, 0 ≤ b + c ≤ 4, 5 ≤ a + b + 2c ≤ 6, [UO$_2$(H$_2$O)$_2$($\eta^1$-SO$_4$)($\eta^2$-SO$_4$)]$^{2-}$ depicted at the Fig. 1.) aspires to the theoretical prediction of stability constants $\beta$°, thermodynamical properties (i.e. $\Delta$G°...
Melanie Müller
(Institute of Analytical Chemistry, TU Dresden)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Thermodynamic data for actinide-organic complexes are required for long term safety assessment of nuclear waste disposal. Particular attention should be paid to higher ionic strengths, which are to be expected in salt and clay rock formations. Higher temperatures have also to be considered, since temperatures can go up to 100°C in the near field of radioactive waste disposal. Up to now most of...
Thiacalix[4]arenes: radiation stability and Eu/Am extraction in synergistic systems with COSANs
Irena Špendlíková
13/05/2014, 17:15
This study deals with the effects of irradiation on the stability and extraction properties of thiacalixarenes1, the prospective liquid-liquid extractants for the extraction of actinides and lanthanides from aqueous solutions. Thiacalixarenes (T1, T2) dissolved in cyclohexanone and 1,2-dichloroethane were irradiated with 60Co gamma rays or accelerated electrons with energy of 4.5...
Valeriy Luchnikov
(Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse CNRS)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Structure transformations owing to self-irradiation of materials by fission products of unstable isotopes constitute a special case of ageing phenomena. For instance, radio-decay of uranium
and thorium atoms substituting zirconium atoms in the crystal lattice of zircon causes radiation damage and gradual amorphization of the mineral’s structure. This process called metamictization leads to...
Yulia Konevnik
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Three major variants for decontamination of nuclear sites are considered in Russia: (i) dismantling; (ii) conversion; and (iii) burial in-place. The concept of decontamination of a shutdown industrial uranium graphite reactor (IUGR) by burial in-place was accepted by Rosatom in 2009. The safety of a buried IUGR is based on a system of protective barriers consisting of both engineered barriers...
Alexey Safonov
(Frumkin"s Institute of Physical Chemistry Russian Academy of Science)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
During the period of nuclear power facilities in the world, Russian Federation and the United States have accumulated a significant amount of radioactive waste (RW) in liquid form, which contacted with the biosphere in accidental emissions and while being stored in open repositories. Radioactive waste in the environment cause number of toxic effects by ionizing radiation and chemical...
Sergey Vinokurov
(Vernadsky Institute RAS)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Chemistry of Actinide and Trans-actinide Elements
Modern nuclear power engineering is focused on the use of fast neutron reactors (FNR). These reactors run on the mixed uranium-plutonium oxide fuel (MOX) and allow one both to use weapon-grade plutonium as a fuel and to transmute formed long-lived actinide isotopes.
In this connection there arises the problem of a creation of economically effective and environmentally acceptable technology of...
Jelena Petrović
(Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy, University of Belgrade, Serbia)
13/05/2014, 17:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The 137Cs activity concentrations in six undisturbed soil profiles collected during 2013 in the basin of Pčinja River, southeastern Serbia, were determined gamma-ray spectrometrically. Soil samples were collected at 5 cm intervals up to 50 cm depth at each location. The value of 137Cs activity concentration when each soil layers of all soil profiles considered equal, ranged from 0.29 to 70.9...
(Jožef Stefan Institute)
14/05/2014, 08:30
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Under articles 35 and 36 of the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) Treaty, the Member States of the European Union are obliged to inform the European Commission on a regular basis of the radioactivity levels in their environment. The Council directive 2013/51/EURATOM of 22 October 2013 laying down requirements for the protection of the health of the general public with regard to...
Guozhong Wu
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
14/05/2014, 08:30
Owing to the fast economic growing and the concern over greenhouse gases and air pollution, uranium extraction is one important option to meet the nuclear fuel consumption in the future. The uranium reserve is one thousand times that in land; however, the big challenge of feasibility is the extremely low uranium concentration in ocean (ca. 3.3-3.5 ppt). Polyethylene fiber modified by...
Jixin Qiao
(Technical University of Denmark)
14/05/2014, 09:00
An automated analytical method implemented in a flow injection (FI) system was developed for rapid determination of 236U in 5-10 L seawater samples. After a quick iron hydroxide co-precipitation, extraction chromatography (UTEVA) was exploited to separate and purify target analytes, whereupon 238U was used as a chemical yield tracer. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) was applied for...
James Holt
(Loughborough University)
14/05/2014, 09:00
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Authors: James Holt, Steve Christie, Nick Evans and Steve Edmondson
Department of Chemistry, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire. LE11 3TU.
In order to facilitate the selective sequestration of important radionuclides and contaminants, a surface attached ligand, (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) has been attached to 2 types of silica with very different surface...
Claudia Landstetter
(Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety)
14/05/2014, 09:15
After the Fukushima accident the development of rapid methods for foodstuff was getting more demanding in Austria. Therefore the Federal Ministry of Health financed a project for the development of a rapid method for the determination of plutonium in foodstuffs. Currently our lab determines plutonium just in environmental samples. This method takes about one week with ashing, dissolution,...
Leon Fuks
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
14/05/2014, 09:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Waste waters that contain radioactive metal ions like Sr(II) or Am(III) are dangerous for the environment. There are several methods to remove them from waste water using ion exchange resins, chemical precipitation or reverse osmosis. Very often sorption, precipitation or complexation is combined with ultrafiltration in one hybrid process of enhanced ultrafiltration. Small ions bound by...
Magdalena Długosz-Lisiecka
(Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of Chemistry)
14/05/2014, 09:30
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The concentrations of 210Pb, 210Bi and 210Po were measured from February 2010 to May 2010 and from May 2011 to April 2012. The seasonal change of 210Po/210Pb and 210Bi/210Pb activity ratios indicate on independent fluctuations of tropospheric 210Pb and its decay products, particularly 210Po. A simple calculation method for the estimation of the excess of 210Po, in relation to its activity...
Dmitry Marinin
(Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS, Vladivostok, Russia)
14/05/2014, 09:30
The development of nuclear power industry and nuclear technologies resulted in contamination of biosphere, including seawater areas and World Ocean at large, by various radionuclides. Radionuclide accumulation in seabed deposits and migration comprise a great danger for vital functions of different organisms. Strontium radionuclides belong to the group of toxic elements, which causes the...
Tatiana Livshits
(Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry)
14/05/2014, 09:45
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Uranium and plutonium extraction from spent nuclear fuel leads to formation of high-level waste (HLW) with complex composition. Actinides (An) from HLW due to their long half-lives (103-106 years) are the most dangerous elements for biosphere in long-term perspective. To enhance the effectiveness of waste handling it is expedient to extract from HLW An and rare earth elements (REE) in separate...
(Jožef Stefan Institute)
14/05/2014, 09:45
Separation methods for determination of actinides applied at the Jožef Stefan Institute are described. Soil and sediment samples were decomposed by conventional wet dissolution with mixtures of HNO3, HClO4 and HF acids, microwave dissolution using HNO3 and HF, and alkaline fusion with Na2CO3 and Na2O2. while preconcentration of actinides from liquid samples was carried out by precipitation...
Václav Čuba
(CTU in Prague - FNSPE, Department of Nuclear Chemistry)
14/05/2014, 10:30
Materials consisting of nanometer-sized particles have drawn substantial attention in wide range of research fields, mostly for their various unique properties originating from their small size or related high specific surface area. For this reason, the nanoscale materials have been considered for many applications (e.g. as phosphors, catalysts or sorbents).
This talk covers brief history and...
Zsolt Révay
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen FRM II)
14/05/2014, 10:30
The high-flux cold neutron beam at the Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) facility at Garching makes possible plenty of new applications, which were impossible earlier when using this technique. The thermal equivalent neutron flux in the focal point is 6 x 10^10 cm^-2 s^-1, which almost reaches the flux of smaller reactors, but in a beam which is totally free of epithermal or fast...
Piotr Szajerski
(Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, Wroblewskiego 15, 93-590 Lodz, Poland)
14/05/2014, 11:00
Presently ionizing radiation and radioactive isotopes are used in many fields of life, technology and medicine. Radiation and nuclear technologies are used for food and materials sterilization, radiation induced polymerization, materials modification, medical diagnostics and cancer therapies. In order to assure safe application of these technologies and to control radiation exposure to humans...
Tomas Koubsky
(Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering)
14/05/2014, 11:15
Many proposed sustainable nuclear fuel cycles include coextraction of minor actinides together with lanthanides from the high level liquid waste. The extraction of minor actinides is of particular importance due to their responsibility for the long-term radiotoxicity of the waste. For the trivalent actinides and lanthanides ions extraction, the diglycolamide (DGA) family of organic extractants...
Petra Kudejova
(Technische Universität München)
14/05/2014, 11:15
In the second half of 2013, three independent projects connected to cultural heritage objects emerged at the PGAA facility at FRM II: analysis of clay crucibles for provenance study, determination of chlorine content in rusted iron artefacts and minor element analysis of bronze coins with increased precision for selected elements like e.g. Pb, Zn, Fe or Sn. For all three projects, the high...
Martin Precek
(Institute of Physics AS CR)
14/05/2014, 11:30
Recent developments in the utilization of high-power femtosecond lasers for generation of X-ray and particle radiation sources as well as the on-going deployment of the first multi-keV X-ray free-electron laser facilities (such as are the LCLS, SACLA and the European XFEL) have opened an opportunity for application of these ultrashort pulsed radiation sources to study radiation chemistry with...
JongHwa MOON
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
14/05/2014, 11:30
A new cold neutron prompt gamma activation analysis (CN-PGAA) system has been developed at the HANARO cold neutron source. The CN-PGAA is installed at the end position of a CG2B neutron guide. It was designed to be composed of an n-type HPGe and a BGO and will be operated in single bare, Compton suppression and pair spectrometer modes, and there is a gap for a beam chopper for a time-of-flight...
Алексей Сафонов
(Фрумкин ИФХЭ РАН), Dr
Ольга Горбунова
14/05/2014, 11:45
The possibility of the preliminary microbiological treatment of the oil- and nitrate containing liquid radioactive waste (LRW) before solidification in the cement matrix was studied.
It was experimentally proved earlier that the oil- and nitrate-containing cement compounds during long-term storage are characterized with the microbiological degradation due to the reaction of biogenic organic...
Vladimir Kolotov
(Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry)
14/05/2014, 11:45
In the recent publications (e.g. ref. [1]) it has been shown that application of computer processing of time series digital autoradiograms allows increase significantly the selectivity of local analysis that allows elements mapping for some noble elements in ores using gamma-activation. It was done by means of pixel-by-pixel processing of time series images to recover apparent half-life for...
Kattesh Katti
(University of Missouri)
15/05/2014, 08:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Effective delivery of radiopharmaceuticals, chemotherapeutic, hormonal and biological pharmaceuticals to the tumor tissue and cancer cells selectively continue to be the most vexing problems in cancer oncology. Radioactive nanoparticles with diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities provide intelligent drug delivery systems to maximize therapeutic activity and to minimize undesirable...
Katja Schmeide
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology)
15/05/2014, 08:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The long-term disposal of high-level nuclear waste in deep geological formations is discussed worldwide as main strategy for nuclear waste management. This approach requires the use of a multiple barrier system consisting of engineered, geo-engineered, and geological barriers to prevent any release of radionuclides into the geo- and biosphere. Sorption of radionuclides on the host rock of a...
Alexander Popkov
(Department of cognitive research and tomographic imaging methods, Samo University)
15/05/2014, 09:00
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Endogenous D-serine is a co-transmitter of glutamate for synaptic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs). Receptor affinity for binding D-serine versus glycine depends on its GluN2 subunit composition. For the activation of NMDARs glutamate binds to the GluN2 subunit of the receptor and a second ligand binds to the GluN1 subunit. D-serine is an endogenous ligand for the glycine site of the...
Kateřina Videnská
(ÚJV Řež, a. s.)
15/05/2014, 09:00
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Cesium and selenium belong among long-lived fission products, being present in spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high level waste (HLW) and contributes significantly to the risk associated with the storage of radioactive waste in deep geological repositories.
The presented work is focused on study of sorption behaviour of cesium and selenium species, selenite Se(IV) and selenate (VI), on two...
Eva Hofmanová
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Czech Technical University in Prague)
15/05/2014, 09:15
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
In the many concepts of high level radioactive waste repository (HLWR), compacted bentonite is planned as a buffer/backfill material due to its very low permeability and high sorption capacity. However, anionic species such as as 36Cl-, 129I- are not retarded due to their negligible interaction with engineered and/or natural barriers and may migrate to the biosphere much faster than cationic...
Natalia Gomzina
(N.P.Bechtereva Institute of the Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences (IHB RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia)
15/05/2014, 09:20
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Positron emission tomography (PET) is an imaging modality that allows in-vivo studies of physiological and biochemical processes on molecular level. Radiolabeled flumazenil analogues are important radiopharmaceuticals for the assessment of the central benzodiazepine receptors (cBZR) density by PET. These receptors play an important role in many neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as...
Benjamin Cvetković
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
15/05/2014, 09:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Carbon-14 is an important contributor to the annual dose released from a cement-based repository for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste (L/ILW) in Switzerland. In current performance assessment it is assumed that 14C mainly contributes to dose in its organic form, such as 14C bearing organic compounds, which are only weakly retarded in the cementitious near field. Compilations of...
Jan Kozempel
15/05/2014, 09:40
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Targeted alpha particle therapy (TAT) is very powerfull tool against cancer, since DNA double-strand breaks caused by alpha radiation induce cells death.
Main advantage of radionuclides decaying by alpha particle cascade in a short-lived chain is the deposition of high energy in very small volume (approx. 27 MeV in the case of 223-Ra).
However main disadvantage of such in vivo generator is...
Aleš Vetešník
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, FNSPE, CTU in Prague, Břehová 7, Prague, Czech Republic)
15/05/2014, 09:45
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
A deep geological waste repository shall be designed so as to ensure the safety for thousands of years. The safety concept of a repository system is substantially affected by a type of a host rock. In a rock salt, the safety concept relies on a very slow migration of radionuclides in an almost free water environment and on a gradual self-sealing of excavations due to creep of the salt. In a...
Michael Krachler
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Transuranium Elements)
15/05/2014, 10:30
Complementary analysis employing instrumental techniques based on different physical detection principles is a key issue for quality assurance. Lacking matrix-matched certified reference materials, accurate, straightforward analytical procedures for the determination of americium (Am) in non-separated spent fuel employing high resolution ICP-OES and sector field ICP-MS were developed and...
Jon Petter Omtvedt
(University of Oslo, Department of Chemistry)
15/05/2014, 10:30
An important motivation for investigating chemical properties of the transactinide elements is whether the Periodic Table keeps its validity as an ordering scheme in the transactinide region, i.e. for element number 104 and onwards. Strong relativistic effects, which increase approximately as a function of Z2 and are thus most pronounced in the heaviest elements, are expected to make the...
Nora Vajda
(RadAnal Ltd.)
15/05/2014, 11:00
The safety and the behavior of radioactive wastes on a 1000000 year time scale are basically dependent on the radionuclide composition. During such a long time period leakage from the waste packages and the depository into the environment cannot be excluded and radionuclide migrations have to be considered. Therefore it is important to know the exact composition of the various waste forms...
Veronika Mocko
(Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA)
15/05/2014, 11:00
The rare-earth isotope Ho-163 is of interest for neutrino mass measurements. The experimental evidence for neutrino and antineutrino oscillations between flavor states is compelling, with extensive implications for astrophysics, nucleosynthesis, the origin of dark matter and cosmology [1]. The goal of our experiment is to investigate the electron neutrino mass by a high precision and high...
Denis Glavic-Cindro
(Jožef Stefan Institute)
15/05/2014, 11:15
In barrels with radioactive waste radioactivity may be inhomogeneously distributed. Since the inhomogeneity may be unknown, when measuring the activity of the barrel it is advantageous to use the radiation emitted from it. Consequently, robust methods, capable of yielding the results that are independent on the distribution of the radioactivity within the barrel, must be used.
Dmitriy Grozdov
(Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Prof.
Vladimir Kolotov
(Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
15/05/2014, 11:30
A method for computation of full energy peak registration efficiency for voluminous atmospheric gamma radiation sources (emission of nuclear power plant) using collimated scintillation detector has been developed. The method is based on preliminary experiments on calibration of detector response as a function of distance and angle relatively detector axis with further mathematical extension of...
Asako Shimada
(Nuclear Cycle Backend Directrate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
15/05/2014, 11:30
The reactors at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station were damaged severely because of the accident. Cooling water is leaking from the reactor vessels and groundwater is flooding into the basement of reactor and turbine buildings. Consequently, contaminated water is accumulating. The accumulated water processing facility was installed to decontaminate the radionuclides and to desalinate. As...
Yutaka Miyamoto
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA))
15/05/2014, 11:45
Abundance and isotopic ratios of trace uranium (U), thorium (Th), lead (Pb) and lanthanides in environmental samples play a key role to investigate features of the samples. Plutonium (Pu) is an artificial element which originates from nuclear bomb tests and accidental releases from nuclear power plants. The analytical data may give information on origin of the sample, dating of mineral...
Christian Ekberg
(Nuclear Chemistry, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden)
15/05/2014, 13:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The ASGARD project (Advanced for Generation IV reactors: Reprocessing and Dissolution) started in January 2012. Its main goal is to understand and bridge the gap between the fuel reprocessing/separation community currently represented by the ACSEPT project and the fuel manufacturing and irradiation community currently represented by the FAIRFUELS project. The main goal is to investigate the...
Jan John
(CTU in Prague, FNSPE, Department of Nuclear Chemistry)
15/05/2014, 13:30
Any of the potential options for the nuclear power – both the renaissance, if any, or the phase out – will require significant numbers of the respective specialists, amongst others the nuclear and/or radiochemists. In parallel, a significant demand exists for these specialists in non-energy fields, such as environmental protection, radiopharmacy, nuclear medicine, biology, authorities, etc....
Jukka Lehto
(Laboratory of Radiochemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki)
15/05/2014, 13:45
The first EU project CINCH (Cooperation in education in nuclear chemistry) 2010-2013 was planning the Euromaster degree in nuclear and radiochemistry. The second CINCH project 2013-2016 will implement the degree. According to present plans a consortium of European universities will apply for the NRC Euromaster label from the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) which is the body granting...
Vasiliy Babain
(Khlopin Radium Institute)
15/05/2014, 14:00
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The extraction ability of ligands strongly depends on the type of the diluent. The fluorinated compounds provide an opportunity for variation of diluents structure and polarity. Different types of fluorinated compounds (alcohols, ethers and other fluorinated aromatic compounds) were tested as diluents for bidentate organophosphorus compounds, chlorinated cobalt dicarbollide and crown ethers....
Teija Koivula
(post-doctoral researcher)
15/05/2014, 14:05
Cooperation in education and training In Nuclear Chemistry - CINCH-II project - aims at coordination of education and training schemes in nuclear and radiochemistry (NRC). One of the specific objectives of the project is therefore to identify the current level of NRC education in Europe. Surveying universities and various educational programmes was started under CINCH-I during the years...
Vasiliy Babain
(Khlopin Radium Institute)
15/05/2014, 14:15
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Tetraoсtyldiamide of diglycolic acid – (TODGA) is actively studied as promising extractant for actinide separation. Extraction properties of TODGA in various diluents were studied. It was shown, that maximal metal concentration in the organic phase can be achieved when meta-nitrobenzotrifluoride ( F-3) was used as a diluents.
Actinide and lanthanide extraction from HLW by 0.2 M TODGA in F-3...
Jon Petter Omtvedt
(University of Oslo, Department of Chemistry)
15/05/2014, 14:25
An open access database, implemented as a "Wiki" (same technology as e.g. used by Wikipedia [1]) was set up to enable university teachers and others to share teaching material and experiences. The basic idea is that teachers and institutions will share and co-develop teaching material for Nuclear and Radiochemistry use, in particular calculation and laboratory exercises. Furthermore, the Wiki...
Christian Schreinemachers
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
15/05/2014, 14:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
In the context of advanced nuclear fuel cycles including partitioning and transmutation (P&T), actinide co-conversion processes, such as sol-gel routes, play an important role to close the fuel cycle. During the heterogeneous recycling of minor actinides, oxidic materials containing uranium as main matrix are used as innovative nuclear fuels.
Advanced fuel concepts replace the conventionally...
Stefan Neumeier
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
15/05/2014, 14:45
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The disposal of high level radioactive waste is one of the most pressing and demanding challenges. With respect to long-term safety aspects of geological disposal, the minor actinides (MA) such as Am, Cm and Np and long-lived fission products such as 35Cl, 135Cs, 79Se, 90Sr and 129I may be of particular concern due to their long half-lives, their high radiotoxicity and mobility in a repository...
Kenneth Czerwinski
(University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
15/05/2014, 14:45
Technetium and the actinides are radioelements of importance to the nuclear fuel cycle. Compounds composed of these elements are used in nuclear fuel, separations, safeguard applications, and isotope utilization. These radioelements also represent an underexplored section of the periodic table. Studies on compounds with technetium and the actinides provide opportunities to expand basic...
Masashi Murakami
(Nishina Center, RIKEN)
15/05/2014, 15:30
To perform chemical experiments of superheavy elements (SHEs) on a single-atom scale, it is important to investigate the optimal experimental conditions in advance using long-lived and carrier-free radiotracers of their homologue elements. The isotopes 95gNb (T1/2 = 34.991 d) and 179Ta (T1/2 = 1.82 y) are the useful radiotracers for the basic studies of element 105, Db [1,2]. In this work, we...
Fernando P. Carvalho
(Instituto Superior Técnico/ LPSR)
15/05/2014, 15:30
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Bottled mineral and spring waters in a total of 38 commercial brands from Portugal and Spain, all available from shelf in supermarkets, were analyzed for natural occurring radionuclides such as uranium and thorium isotopes, radium (226Ra), 210Pb, 210Po and tritium (3H). Radionuclide concentrations vary widely depending on the geological formation of the water source and the chemical...
Peter Ivanov
(National Physical Laboratory)
15/05/2014, 15:44
Radiochemical analysis of 237Np is important in a number of fields, such as nuclear forensics, environmental analysis and measurements throughout the nuclear fuel cycle. However analysis is complicated by the lack of a stable isotope of neptunium. Although various tracers have been used, including 235Np, 239Np and even 236Pu, none are entirely satisfactory. However, 236gNp would be a better...
Sung-Hee Jung
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
15/05/2014, 15:58
Radioisotope hybrid nanoparticles (NPs) such as Mn-56@SiO2, Sm-153@SiO2, and Dy-165@SiO2 were synthesized by neutron irradiation of the Mn-55@SiO2, Sm-150@SiO2, and Dy-163@SiO2 NPs using HANARO research reactor, respectively.
The Mn-55@SiO2, Sm-150@SiO2, and Dy-163@SiO2 NPs were synthesized by calcinations of the hybrid NPs, which is prepared by sol-gel reaction of tetraethyl silicate in...
Min Hoon Baik
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
15/05/2014, 16:00
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The determination of uranium and uranium isotopes in groundwater is very important in the context of the safety of the deep geological disposal of radioactive wastes. The effects of groundwater-rock interaction on the migration of radionuclides can be evaluated using naturally occurring radionuclides as analogues of radioactive waste disposal in a deep geological repository. In this study, the...
Igor Merkulov
(Mining and Chemical Complex FSUE),
Vera Mazgunova
(Khlopin Radium Institute JSC)
15/05/2014, 16:12
Modern technology in the field of microsystem technology allows producing subminiature and reliable devices for engineering and medicine. Energy for these devices should be also supplied from miniature and reliable power sources with a long service life. Atomic batteries (AB ) on the β-voltaic effect (the analog of the photovoltaic effect) most fully meet these requirements. Among possible β-...
Galina Lujaniene
(SRI Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania)
15/05/2014, 16:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
This study was performed to assess activity concentrations of radionuclides and characteristic Pu activity and atom ratios in the atmosphere, soil, suspended particulate matter and bottom sediments with the aim of their possible application to trace the pollutants in the environment. Analyses of airborne radioactive aerosols were carried out in daily samples collected in Vilnius as well as in...
Andrew Hodgson
(AWE plc)
15/05/2014, 16:26
Cobalt-60 and iridium-192 sources are both generated in nuclear reactors through the irradiation of stable target materials. However, variation in: neutron energy, flux and irradiation time; target material characteristics and purity; the activation cross sections of the desired reactions; decay and daughter progeny in-growth; and any post irradiation processing, can play a key part in...
Jan Tits
(Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen-PSI, Switzerland)
15/05/2014, 16:30
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Cementitious materials are an important component in the multi-barrier concepts developed in many countries for the safe storage of low and intermediate level radioactive waste (L/ILW) in deep geological repositories. Reliable thermodynamic models able to predict the interaction between radionuclides and cementitious materials in the long term are important for the performance assessment of...
Borja Gonzalez Prieto
(SCK-CEN and KU Leuven)
15/05/2014, 16:40
Understanding polonium evaporation from liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) is crucial for the safe design of innovative spallation targets and accelerator driven systems in which LBE is used as target material and coolant. Po evaporation from LBE has been investigated by several research groups in the last decade [1-5]. However, these evaporation experiments were carried out at higher...
Eva Juranová
(Department of Radioecology, T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, Public Research Institution; Faculty of Science, Institute for Environmental Studies, Charles University in Prague)
15/05/2014, 16:45
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Adsorption onto solid particles plays an important role in behaviour and transport of radioactive contaminants in hydrosphere. Sorption is usually described with distribution coefficient; a ratio of radioactivity fixed on solid phase and dissolved in water in equilibrium.
In this study, distribution coefficients of sediment-water and suspended solids-water were determined using a method,...
Tobias Wels
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
15/05/2014, 16:54
Selenium-73 (half-life: 7.1 h; positron energy = 1.3 MeV) is a very promising radionuclide for application in positron-emission-tomography (PET). With its optimal radionuclidic properties it is the only suitable option for PET-tracer analogues of sulfur-compounds and for authentic labelling of organic selenium molecules [1]. It is preferably produced by the nuclear reaction As-75(p,3n)Se-73 in...
Henrik Ramebäck
(1) Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI, division of CBRN Defence and Security, SE-901 82 Umeå, Sweden; 2)Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Nuclear Chemistry, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden)
15/05/2014, 17:30
High resolution gamma spectrometry is a powerful method for the measurement of gamma emitting radionuclides. It requires most often only a minimum of sample pre-treatment. Moreover, gamma spectrometry is often considered as a transparent measurement method and is for that reason well understood by the users. However, often sample density and composition is different compared to standards used...
Magdalena Gumiela
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
99mTc is at present, without any doubt, the most extensively used radiotracer in nuclear medicine imaging [1]. Usually, the operation period of research reactors used for the production of 99Mo is about 40-50 years. Most reactors used in the preparation 99Mo have already reached this age, or will reach in the near future. There is a growing interest in exploring cyclotron production of 99mTc...
Oleg Gromov
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The vast majority of the known program complexes applied in simulation modeling uses this or that kind of language of very high level which allows to set computer procedures specific for the model without writing special program module for each kind of the systems of ordinary differential equations (SODE). Software for the solution of direct and reverse problems of chemical kinetics is no...
Mohammad Anwar Chaudhri
(Inst. of Biophysics,Center of Medical Physics & Technology, Uni. of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Gedrmany)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
The generator system Ac-225 / Bi-213 (half life of 45.6 min) is a suitable method of producing an alpha-emitter for targeted alpha thertapy ). However, the production of Ac-225 is difficult and only a limited quantity of this isotope has so far been available for clinical use. Till recently it was exclusively produced by the decay of Th-229, which itself is generated by the decay of U-233...
Nadezhda Mishina
(Russian Federation)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
A large amount of intermediate level waste (ILW) containing ammonium nitrate, as well as some chelating agents and precipitator, such as diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) is generated during spent nuclear fuel reprocessing which can not be included into vitrified HLW due to the presence of explosive components. ILW processing is proposed which includes ammonium nitrate significant...
Steffen Happel
(TrisKem International)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
Non-standard isotopes such as Sc-44/47 and Zr-89 are increasingly finding interest in radiopharmaceutical applications. Methods for the separation of these elements from typical target materials were developed.
The methods are based on the use of extraction chromatographic resins such as UTEVA and DGA resin. Information on the selectivity of the resins (Dw values of selected elements in HCl...
Ekaterina Potanina
(Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Promising technology of recycling spent nuclear fuel suggests dissolving it in melts chlorides of alkali elements, with extraction of valuable components (U, Pu, minor actinide, etc.) and the transferring of radioactive waste into insoluble compounds. Such technology is anhydrous, therefore, it is more advantageous environmentally compared to aqueous processes. Chloride melts are resistant to...
Petra Mičolová
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Brehova 7, 115 19 Prague 1, Czech Republic)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Triterpenes are natural substances obtained by isolation from common species of plants and fruits. Together with its semisynthetic derivatives, have different biological effects such as analgesic, antibacterial, antiosteoporotic, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, diuretic, antiviral, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory or a wide range of antitumor activities.
From this perspective are...
Ольга Горбунова
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The report reviews the ways of optimization the cementing of boron-containing liquid radioactive waste.
The most common way to hardening the low-level liquid radioactive waste (LRW) is the cementing. However, boron-containing liquid radioactive waste with low pH values can not be cemented without alkaline additives, to neutralize the acid forms of the borate compounds. Cement setting without...
Olga Gorbunova
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Cementation of the solid radioactive waste (SRW), i.e. the inclusion of solid radioactive waste in the cement matrix without cavities - is one of the main technological processes during the conditioning of the low and intermediate radioactive waste. The main task in the process of mixing the solid radioactive waste with the cement solution is to maximize the radioactive waste filling of the...
Ivan Korchemkin
(Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The family of phosphates with a general formula A(I)B(II)PO4 (A(I) − monovalent metal; B(II) − divalent metal with a tetrahedral coordination) includes the groups of compounds with different structure types: β-tridymite, arcanite, glaserite, maricite, olivine. The compounds of this family have been studied because of their ferroelectric, electrochemical and luminescent properties, catalytic...
Evgeny Veselov
(Russia, Moscow, SIU "RADON")
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The construction and operation of storages of the radioactive waste brings indignations in structure and properties of containing rocks of a near zone of object. Containing rocks get new hydro-geological and geochemical parameters. Change of geochemical conditions in a zone of accommodation of storages defines speed of migration of components in rocks and parameters of process of degradation...
Rostislav Adam
(CTU in Prague, Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Prague 1, Břehová 7, Czech Republic)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Bentonite clay is proposed to be used as buffer material in final disposal of radioactive waste mainly because of its favorable swelling properties and significant sorption capacity for both cationic and anionic forms of many critical radionuclides present in spent fuel. The sorption properties of clay materials used to be described with two types of sorption sites: layer- and edge-sites. The...
Vanessa Sanders
(University of Nevada Las Vegas)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Radiopharmaceuticals are very powerful diagnostic tools for evaluation of a host of medical conditions. These drugs are labeled with radioactive isotopes which are utilized to create pictures of areas of interest through absorption of the drug. They are currently in high demand due to their ability to image areas that traditional imaging devices cannot. The main differences between...
Seweryn Krajewski
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Objectives: In clinical practice, there is a demand for no-carrier-added radionuclides emitting particles of short range that demonstrate a therapeutic effect on small neoplastic lesions diffuse over a large area of tissue or tumour metastases. Rhodium-105 meets all requirements for application in radionuclide therapy [1] and might be an alternative to 177Lu. Tetrathioether crown complexes...
Aleksandr Zverev
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Chromatographic separation of In-111 from irradiated cadmium
by using ampholyte Chelex–100 and carbon sorbent
A. V. Zverev1, O. I. Andreev1, G. E. Kodina2
1Federal Center of Nuclear Medicine Projects Design and Development, Moscow, Russia; 2Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia
Early diagnosis of malignant tumors remains one of the urgent problems of the modern...
Bayirta Egorova
(Lomonosov Moscow state university)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
The complexation of alpha- beta- and Auger- emitting radionuclides is under investigation for the target delivery of them to tumor cells. The search of new effective binding chelating molecules with fast kinetics of complex formation should be carried out among H4DOTA analogs as it is currently used for radiopharmaceuticals. Water soluble new azamacrocyclic compounds show not only...
Semen Zavarzin
(Federal State Budjetory Institution of Science A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The intermetallic compounds (IMC) of uranium and plutonium with Ru-subgroup metals are expected to be as a principal chemical state of Ru, Rh and Pd in spent (U,Pu)N fuel (SNF) of fast breeder reactors. Their effective dissolution is required for quantitative recycling of fissile materials during the fuel reprocessing.
The corrosion and dissolution of IMC UPd3 and URu3 in 0.5 to 6 M HNO3...
Sandor Takacs
(Institute for Nuclear Research, Hung. Acad. Sci. Bem ter 18/c Debrecen, H4026 Hungary)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
The radionuclides 71As, 72As and 74As have decay properties that are favorable for use in PET investigations, while the heavier isotopes 76As and 77As could potentially be used for tumor therapy. Due to their longer half-lives the compounds labeled with these 5 radionuclides can be used for studying of long-term biological phenomena. Studying antibodies, which usually have a long biological...
Gospodin Bozhikov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research), Dr
Nikolay Aksenov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
In the recent years there has been significant interest in the production of certain isomers, especially the ones with potential applications in the field of nuclear medicine. 117mSn has been considered as an emerging radio therapeutic isotope, which is particularly promising due to its favorable nuclear decay proprieties: T1/2 = 13.60d, 100% IT decay mode and main gamma emission of 159 keV...
Vladimir Kulemin
(Frumkin's Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Nuclear power plants with WWER and RBMK reactors annually generate 30000 to 100000 m3 of various liquid radioactive wastes. The increasingly growing amount of liquid radioactive waste of medium (MAW) and low activity (LAW) has made their reprocessing an acute issue. The main task is the separation of the long-lived radionuclides of fission products, the residual amounts of actinides (U, Np,...
Eva Hofmanová
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Czech Technical University in Prague)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Diffusion and sorption parameters are needed to assess the performance of a deep geological repository for high level waste (HLWR). Classical migration experiments are used to obtain these parameters but require long experimental time periods (months to years). The electromigration (EM) technique uses an electrical gradient as driving force to force ionic species to move, hence these data can...
Richárd Kardos
(University of Pannonia, Institute of Radiochemistry and Radioecology)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
With the rising of the global terrorist threat the improvement of the production technology of closed sources potentially able to be used for dirty bomb production becomes more and more important. The risk of radioactive species getting out into the environment can be decreased by embedding those species into insoluble matrices. In this work we would like to report about our research on Cs-137...
Jussi Ikonen
(University of Helsinki)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
In many countries, high-level radioactive waste is planned to be disposed of in deep-lying crystalline rock. The role of the geosphere as a safety barrier is one of the most important issues in repository performance assessment. Repository safety evaluation today requires going from the laboratory and surface-based field work to the underground repository level. The diffusion and sorption of...
Elena Laura Ebert
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH IEK-6)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
For the transmutation in accelerator-driven systems fuels with a high content of Pu and minor actinides (MA = Np, Am, and Cm) are favored. To increase the burn-up of transuranium elements (TRU) and to reduce the formation of new TRU inert matrix fuels (IMF)[1-3] are preferred. These are ceramic substrates or metallic matrices with high thermal conductivity, which are free of uranium and also...
Elena Laura Ebert
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH IEK-6)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Plutonium and minor actinides (MA = Np, Am, and Cm) are of particular concern with respect to long term radio toxicity, heat load issues and proliferation risks. One possibility to cope with this problem may be the transmutation of plutonium and minor actinides in subcritical accelerator-driven reactors (ADS). Fuels with high Pu and MA contents are preferred for transmutation. To increase the...
Lydia Sokolova
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research), Dr
Nikolay Aksenov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
Due to its nuclear characteristics, the Auger electron emitter isomer 195mPt (T1/2 = 4.02 d) is a promising radionuclide for radioimmunotherapy. We performed a test experiment to produce the isomer195mPt by double neutron capture by the193Ir target nucleus with consequent population of 195mPt through β− decay, and provided theoretical estimates for the 195mPt yield [1]. One of the advantages...
Svyatoslav Nikitin
(Federal State Budjetory Institution of Science A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The advantage of electrochemical dissolution of metal or alloy spent nuclear fuel (SNF) consists in the alloy surface oxidation by application of external oxidation potential without adding the chemicals complicating following recovery of fissile materials during SNF reprocessing. The present work deals with the study of electrochemical properties and dissolution of U – 5 mass. % Zr alloy...
Alexey Rodin
(Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Mixtures of reductant with nitrate oxidant are widely used or produced in technological operations radiochemical reprocessing SNF. The potential danger of these mixtures consists in the possibility of oxidation that can occur with a high rate and accompanied by the release of heat and gases, which may lead to the release of the contents of the apparatus or its deformation.
Some of the more...
Jerzy-Wojciech Mietelski
(The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN))
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
Anthropogenic nuclides as: Pu, Am, Np and other actinides are present in the components of terrestrial and marine ecosystems as a result of atmospheric nuclear weapon tests, nuclear accident and releases from nuclear installation. In recent years, radiological situation of Pu and Am in environment become better understood since measurements of these elements were more common. This is not the...
(Burnasyan FMBC)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Ga-67 citrate has large clinical application in imaging of infection and inflammation focal sites using SPECT. For today there is a possibility of creation of its PET-analogue due to commercial availability of Ga-68 generator.
As a consequence, the researches of various scientific and medical centers all around the world were aimed at assessing the suitability of diagnostic Ga-68 citrate for...
Pavel Butkaliuk
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
Samarium-153 is a part of chemicals used for therapy of cancerous growth and inflammatory disease of bone tissue. 153Sm is generated by irradiating 152Sm in either a nuclear reactor or charged-particle accelerator.
A natural mixture of samarium isotopes contains only 26.75% of 152Sm; when irradiated, the specific activity of the generated 153Sm is not enough to use it for the nuclear medicine...
Natallia Torapava
(Leibniz University of Hanover)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Iodine-129 being long-lived volatile fission product, among with cesium-135 and technitium-99, represents a challenge for the design of repository-suited matrices [1]. The present study investigates a possibility of iodine incorporation in the forms of iodide and iodate into apatite and layered double hydroxide matrices. The matrice should meet certain requirements, i.e. being cheap, safe,...
Christian Schreinemachers
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Partitioning and transmutation (P&T) is considered as one of the promising methods to safely handle minor actinides which origin from energy production by nuclear fission. Current focus is on the production of suitable particles which can be used for future fuels.
Promising types of particle fuels are Sphere-pac and Vipac fuels [1]. The Vipac method uses randomly shaped particles, whereas the...
Olga Mokhodoeva
(Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
The short range of α-particles (<100 μm) and high linear energy transfer (LET) in tissue make α-particle emitting radionuclides an ideal tool for targeted radiotherapy of cancer. A number of preclinical and clinical studies have shown the advantages of 223Ra for treatment of bone tumor and skeletal metastases due to its chemical similarity to calcium [1]. Therefore, Ra injected intravenously...
Martin Vlk
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Natural triterpenoids together with their semisynthetic derivatives form basis for extensive medicinal research, because they have shown various biological activities [1], e.g.: antineoplastic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial activities, hepato- and cardioprotective effects; and reveal a great potential for pharmaceutical applications when their cytotoxic and anti-HIV activities...
Václava Havlová
(Nuclear Research Institute Řež plc.)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The term matrix diffusion usually considers the process by which species, being transported in distinct flow paths, penetrate the surrounding rock through connected system of pores or microfractures. The importance of matrix diffusion is that it provides a mechanism for potential specie retention within enlarged area of rock surface in bulk rock pore network. This is especially crucial when...
Khalid Alzimami
(Department of Radiological Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh 11433, PO Box 10219, Saudi Arabia)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
Determining the oxygenation status in tumour hypoxia is a challenge in cancer imaging. There are many ongoing clinical trials using conventional positron emission tomography (PET) scans and PET agents as cellular markers for detection of tumour hypoxia depending on the concept of the basic physics of 2γ annihilation. However, Kacperski and Spyrou (2004) proposed, for the first time, to use 3γ...
Petr Večerník
(ÚJV Řež, a. s.)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
In several concepts of deep geological repository (DGR) development granites are considered as potential host rocks (Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic). Safety calculations, evaluating safety functions of DGR engineered and natural barriers, require information about radionuclide migration in fractured rock, both by advection and by diffusion in rock matrix. These two processes are the most...
GuoAn Ye
(China Inetitute of Atomic Energy , under CNNC(China Nation Nuclear Corporation0)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
In order to control Np path-way in plutonium purification process,the extraction behavior of Np(IV) and Np(V) were invastigated with experiment and numerical simulation.
19%-42% Np can be extracted into organic phase in the co-extraction unit while using 1-3mol/L nitric acid as scrubbing reagent,if Np(V) was added into feed solution,because of the oxidation of Np(V) to Np(VI) prompted by...
GuoAn Ye
(China Inetitute of Atomic Energy , under CNNC(China Nation Nuclear Corporation0)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
In order to control Np path-way in plutonium purification process,the extraction behavior of Np(IV) and Np(V) were invastigated with experiment and numerical simulation.
19%-42% Np can be extracted into organic phase in the co-extraction unit while using 1-3mol/L nitric acid as scrubbing reagent,if Np(V) was added into feed solution,because of the oxidation of Np(V) to Np(VI) prompted by...
Sami Alwaer
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
Tajoura Nuclear Research Center (TNRC), Libya, will implement the technology for 99Mo isotope production using LEU-foil target (This target is made of a LEU metallic uranium foil inserted between two concentric aluminum cylinders), to obtain new revenue streams for the TNR-reactor and desiring to serve the Libyan hospitals by providing the medical radioisotopes. Korean target will be...
Katerina Cubova
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, 115 19 Prague, Czech Republi)
15/05/2014, 17:30
The lack of the technically educated specialists is the problem concerning the whole Europe. The problem is strongly felt in the field of nuclear power engineering. There are for two main reasons responsible for the current situation. The first is lack of interest of the potential students in the study in technical fields. The second one is the long term problem related to the generation...
Nadezhda Shchepina
(Head of the laboratory of Radiochemistry)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Nuclear-chemical method, based on tritium β-decay in hydrocarbons, gives chemists unique opportunity of carbocations generation. Nucleogenic phenyl cations (cations generated by β-decay) and their further ion-molecular reactions with different nucleophiles have been used previously by us for the preparation of unknown and hardly available biologically active monoazine derivatives [1-5]....
Dagmar Trpkošová
(UJV Řež, a. s.)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
For the safety assessment of the deep geological repository it is necessary to define scenarios of possible repositories development in order to evaluate all possible variants of its development. The present work is devoted to influence of the scenarios defined by the model geometry and model parameters on the development of the main safety indicator, which embedded in the Czech legislation ....
Andrey Murzin
(Khlopin Radium Institute)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Selective stripping of plutonium from the organic phase is the common way for separation of plutonium from uranium in the first cycle of PUREX-process. The goal of process is conversion of plutonium (IV) to not extractable by TBP plutonium (III). Iron (II) or uranium (IV), with hydrazine as stabilizer, are typically used as reductive agents. In this case stabilizer is responsible for...
Olga Gorbunova
Olga Karlina
15/05/2014, 17:30
Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) "RADON" is a multifunctional scientific-industrial complex, meeting the international standards of Quality Management System ISO 9001 and Environmental Management Systems 14001. More than 50 years, the enterprise successfully carries out the entire technological complex of services on radiation monitoring, decontamination of contaminated areas,...
Lixin Sun
(the division of Radio Chemistry and Technology of Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Fluoride volatility method is regarded as a promising pyrochemical reprocessing technology, which might be used to reprocess spent fuels. How to monitor fluorination process on time and precisely is very important. Currently, the methods of monitoring fluorination in industry are mostly the weighting the product and sampling then off-line analysis. The former is poor in the precision, and the...
Ekaterina Kukleva
(Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
Radium-223 is prospective alpha-emmiting therapeutic radionuclide for targeted radionuclide therapy. Although Ra-223 is formed naturally by the decay of U-235, for practical reasons its preparation involves neutron irradiation of Ra-226. The decay of Ra-227 leads to Ac-227, which decays to Th-227 and Ra-223 subsequently. Ra-226 as a decay product of U-238 is generally available in multigram...
Alexander Mansel
(HZDR - Institute of Resource Ecology - Research Site Leipzig)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
The global demand for the rare earth elements has been dramatically enlarged. Therefore, it needs a detailed understanding in ore chemistry and separation methods. To simulate these processes, we will use the radiotracer technique. 135La (T1/2 = 19.4 h) was choosen as a typical representative element (radionuclide) for the rare earth elements. The isotope can be produced by the nuclear...
Ali Sattari
(Agriculture and Medicine Research School)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
Objectives: 45Ti with a half-life of 3.08 h is a positron emitter radioisotope with a positron branching of 85% and also decays 15% by electron capture with E ( β+max ), 1.04MeV. The high β+ yield, short half-life and a stable daughter make 45Ti a suitable candidate for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging .This properties makes this radionuclide useful in the diagnosis of...
Yutaka Miyamoto
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA))
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
Production of 99Mo/99mTc generator using Szilard-Chalmers reaction
Y. Hatsukawa, K. Tsukada, K. Hashimoto,T. Sato,
M. Asai, and A. Toyoshima,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki, JAPAN
We proposed and propel a 99Mo production project via the 100Mo(n,2n)99Mo reaction using fast neutrons from accelerator.(1,2) Only low specific radioactive 99Mo, however, can be obtained in this...
Kamil Vavřinec Mareš
(CTU in Prague)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The aim of this work is a separation of 137Cs from model solutions of ammonium molybdate, which probably will be issuing from a reprocessing of CerMet Mo-based transmutation fuel for ADS. Comparing the effectiveness of different sorbents were performed based on the Dg values. The best material KNiFC-PAN (inorganic-organic composite ion exchanger based on potassium-nickel hexacyanoferrate...
Eros Mossini
(Politecnico di Milano)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The public acceptance of the nuclear energy depends on many aspects, such as safety, environmental impact and sustainability. In this direction, the Partitioning and Transmutation strategy is crucial for an optimal resources utilization and a preferable radioactive waste management. The removal of Minor Actinides from Spent Nuclear Fuel and their transmutation into short-lived or stable...
Sukiman Sarmani
(National University of Malaysia)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)also known as the National University of Malaysia offered an undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes in Nuclear Science since 1983. The program has undergone several modifications due to changes in national policy and priority. The program covers nuclear sub-disciplines such as nuclear physic, radiobiology, radiochemistry, radiation chemistry and...
Iva Vosahlikova
(The National Institute for NBC Protection)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
The paper summarizes the results of radiological decontamination of several different types of indoor building surfaces, which were contaminated by radioactive suspension in two different contamination mixtures. The aim of the study was to develop techniques for application of the prepared contamination mixtures to various surfaces, which were then used for testing of selected decontamination...
Zana Bikbajeva
(University of Manchester)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Innovative reprocessing methods of spent nuclear fuel are now under development worldwide in order to deliver reprocessing technology compatible with future reactor technologies and novel GEN-IV fuels, including carbide fuels proposed for gas cooled fast reactor (GFR). The main aim of this study, as a part of the ASGARD project (Advanced fuels for Generation IV reactors: Reprocessing and...
Jan Krmela
(ÚJV Řež, a.s.)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
This theme is the first step to research and develop novel technologies and procedures for recycling and valorisation of historical radiation sources containing Ra-226. Recycling would include their reprocessing to a form suitable for irradiation in a nuclear reactor, production and separation of Ac-227 from Ra-226 and its use for the construction of Ac-227 /Ra-223 radionuclide generator....
Lan Zhang
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Dr
Yuxia Liu
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
TMSR (Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor) is one of the “Strategic Priority Research Program” of Chinese Academy of Sciences[1]. It offers attractions as power producers because of fuel utilization and safety characteristics. The molten mixture of ThF4, UF4 and LiF-BeF2 was used as fluid fuel in this reactor.
Now we are developing a totally new flow sheet for TMSR fuel cycle in which the...
Weiqun Shi
(Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Selectivity for Actinides with N,N’-Diethyl-N,N’-Ditolyl-2,9-Diamide-1,10-
Phenanthroline Ligand: A Hard-Soft Donor Combined Strategy
Wei-Qun Shi*, Cheng-Liang Xiao, Li-Yong Yuan, Yu-Liang Zhao, Zhi-Fang Chai,
Key Laboratory of Nuclear Radiation and Nuclear Energy Technology, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
* Corresponding author:...
Josef Chudoba
(Technical University of Liberec)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
When evaluating Nuclear Waste DGR Safety [1] it is necessary to confirm its safety in a long run and above all its safety towards the biosphere, more precisely that the biosphere will not be in any hazard caused by radioactive substances. With the aid of geologists a model of a hypothetical area (the Melechov Massif) was elaborated and described with the use of geological (38 types of rocks...
Agata Oszczak
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Storage of radioactive wastes requires various protective barriers against leaking of the stored radionuclides: metal canisters (tanks), buffers made of adsorbent of metal ions, and often the surrounding rocks. On the other hand, humidity from the outside may penetrate the storage tanks. Various biopolymers and naturally occurring inorganic adsorbents were intensively examined as inexpensive...
Oleg Gromov
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Impurity 106RuF5, 237NpF6 and 99TcF6 in regenerated of uranium hexafluoride are the most radiation-hazardous impurity. For decrease in a dose of radiation it is expedient to carry out extraction of these elements from UF6 [1, 2].
Researches on catching of radionuclides from dividing streams raw and perfect of uranium hexafluoride are carried out on various fluoride adsorbents of I, II, III...
Masanobu Nogami
(Kinki University)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
In order to develop resins with selectivity to U(VI) in HNO3 media, we have synthesized several sili-ca-supported polymer beads with the structure of a monoamide as the functional group. The examination on their adsorptivities to various metal ions has clarified that among these resins those consisting of N,N-dimethyl-
acrylamide (Silica-DMAA) and N-methyl-N-vinylbenzylacetamide(Silica-MVBAA)...
Evgeny Polyakov
(Institute of Solid State Chemistry, UB RAS), Dr
Nina Barysheva
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Equilibrium electrochemical behavior of (U, Pu)N in LiCl–KCl eutectic melts is of great significance for computer modeling of high-temperature electrochemical reprocessing of fast reactors with nitride fuel and lead coolant (BREST) fuel [1]. We have carried out thermodynamic modeling of pyrochemical reprocessing of (U, Pu)N in LiCl-KCl eutectic melt by using software codes and databases HSC...
Elena Veselova
(Russia, Moscow, SIU "RADON")
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
At the present moment the age of the most of near-surface waste storages is more than several decades and most of protective barriers have lost their original characteristics and are not able to provide necessary insulation. As a result, atmospheric precipitations penetrate into the storage and redistribution of radionuclides within the storage as well as their removal beyond the storage...
Vladimir Tkachenko
(Bochvar Institute (VNIINM))
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) closure is significant objective for contemporary energetics. One of the perspective ways at this direction is closed NFC based on fast neutron reactors using nitride fuel.
One of the problems of irradiated nitride fuel (INF) reprocessing is radioactive carbon-14 handling. Unlike oxide fuel nitride fuel will contain nitrogen-14, which partially will transform to...
Kateřina Videnská
(ÚJV Řež, a. s.)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The formation and stability of clay colloids from the engineered barrier system of deep geological repository for radioactive waste may have a direct impact on safety in two aspects: firstly, generation of colloids may degrade the engineered barrier and colloid transport of radionuclides may reduce the efficiency of the natural barrier.
The presented work is focused on the study of the...
Olga Shudegova
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Study of carbon dioxide solubility in nitric acid and metal nitrates solutions for estimation of carbon-14 distribution between gas phase and solution during dissolution of spent nuclear fuel
O. Ustinov, A. Shadrin, O. Shmidt, O. Shudegova
JSC «VNIINM», Moscow, 5a Rogova st., Russian Federation
Tel. +7-499-199-8227, Fax. +7-499-196-6451,
In the reprocessing...
Ekaterina Kukleva
(Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Main aim of this study was the revision of the synthetic methods of cisplatin, or cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) with an outlook to the preparation of 195mPt-labelled complex. [1]
Historically it was the first member of platinum-containing cytostatic drug. Nowadays carboplatin and oxaliplatin are also being used as the non-specific anticancer drugs. Cisplatin reacts with nitrogen in purine...
Martin Vlk
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU Prague)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
Series of indole-3-acetic acid derivatives substituted in the benzene ring belongs to the natural plant growth hormone – auxines, with interesting biological activities (e.g. specific antigen stimulation in atopic allergic disease by interleukin 4 and 5). They have recently been made via Fisher ring closure of the succin-aldehydic acid phenylhydrazones obtained from glutamic acid or direct...
Przemysław Koźmiński
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
There are around 36 million people in the world with Alzheimer’s disease and up to now here is no cure for this ailment. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. One of the drugs used for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease is tacrine - the inhibitor of cholinesterase. The aim of this work was to label with technetium-99m the different analogue of tacrine (containing different...
Jan Škarohlíd
(Research Centre Rez)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Fluoride Volatility Method is considered to be a prospective advanced reprocessing technology for spent nuclear fuels of FBR systems. The experimental verification of the Fluoride Volatility Method has played an important role in Czech R&D devoted to Partitioning and Transmutation. The goal of the experimental technological line FERDA (Fluoride Experimental Research and Development Assembly),...
Nicholas Evans
(Loughborough University)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The UK has a relatively high inventory of 99Tc in the wastes to manage. Under the planned cementitious Geological Disposal facility (GDF) conditions of high pH and low Eh most Tc should be immobile as amorphous technetium dioxide. Nevertheless, not much is known about the behaviour of this solid phase. The Loughborough University task within work-package 3 was to investigate the dissolution...
Alex Аnaniev
(Vladilenovich), Ms
Maya Kalenova
(Yurievna), Dr
Oleg Gromov
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The concept of radioactive waste management of IAEA and State Corporation "Rosatom" is based on the principle of multilevel environmental protection, according to which the isolation of the waste will be provided by the system of engineering and natural barriers including inert matrix, sealed container, buffer (filler) and geological formation.
The main objective of the first barrier is the...
Tatyana Khaustova
(Burnasyan FMBC)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Labelled Compounds
At present a large attention is given to the synthesis and study of new organic compounds as the potential components of bone imaging agents. Phosphonates are promising class of organic compounds for these purposes. Their 99mTc-based derivates are used for bone imaging with the Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) [1]. Imaging with 68Ga-labeled radiopharmaceuticals have gained...
Bernhard Scholten
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Production and Application of Radionuclides
Even today the generator-produced radionuclide 99mTc is used for the vast majority of nuclear medical diagnoses. The parent radionuclide 99Mo is generally produced via fission of highly-enriched 235U, however, at a few nuclear reactor sites in the world only. Due to ageing reactors the world supply of fission-produced 99Mo has become somewhat...
Qingnuan Li
(Shanghai Insititute of Applied Physics, CAS)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
In 2011, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), after discontinuing the research and development activity in nuclear energy for decades, started to implement Strategic Priority Research Program "Future Advanced Fission Nuclear Energy (FANE)". To perform this program, two sub-bases, the north and the south, were deployed in CAS. Shanghai Institute of applied physics (SINAP), as the south sub-base,...
Václava Havlová
(ÚJV Řež, a.s.)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Crystalline rocks are considered as potential host rock for deep geology repository (DGR) of radioactive waste in many countries. In order to define safety functions of host rock and gained performance assessment relevant input data, detailed examination of rock migration parameters, for relevant radionuclides has to be performed. DGR is usually planned to be constructed at the depth 400 – 600...
Vladimir Kulemin
(Frumkin's Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences)
15/05/2014, 17:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
The generation of a great amount of radioactive waste of various radionuclide compositions and activity levels call for the development of various methods of waste reprocessing and storage, as well as the production of new equipment and setups. Vitrification is considered to be one of the main directions for high-level waste disposal. Vitrified waste must be placed in containers meeting...
Tobias Wels
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
16/05/2014, 08:30
Objectives: A very promising but so far rather less regarded non-standard PET-nuclide is titanium-45. Its low maximum positron energy in combination with the very weak γ-rays and its relatively long half-life of 184.8 min makes it especially suitable for investigations of slow (patho-)physiological processes. The radionuclide is accessible in high yields via the Sc-45(p,n)Ti-45 reaction and...
Ioannis Pashalidis
(Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus)
16/05/2014, 08:30
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The present study aims to assess the effect of redox conditions existing within a phosphogypsum disposal site on the redox stability and mobility of uranium in the disposed material. Phosphogypsum sampling and in-situ measurements were carried out at a coastal stack in Vasiliko, Cyprus. pH, EH and solubility experiments were performed in-situ and in laboratory systems. Generally, in the open...
Nikolay Aksenov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
16/05/2014, 08:45
The advantage of using the Auger electron emitter 195mPt (T1/2 4.02 days) in medical radiotherapeutic applications are two-food. First there is high yield of low energy beta/gamma radiation, where each decay leads to more than 30 secondary electrons. Second, there is no radioactive contamination after the decay. Effective ways for optimization of the Pt isomer yield at low impurity content...
Stanislav ERMOLAEV
(Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences)
16/05/2014, 09:00
Generators of alpha-emitting radionuclides are of great interest for targeted therapy of cancer. Among possible generator pairs, 225Ac/213Bi and 223Ra/211Pb are the most promising. In addition to α-particle’s properties attractive for nuclear medicine such as short range (50-100 μm) and high linear energy transfer (up to 100 keV/μm) in biological tissue, the mother radionuclides 225Ac and...
Irina Vlasova
(Lomonosov Moscow State Univercity)
16/05/2014, 09:00
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The sedimentary rocks aquifers are used as the reservoir beds for the deep injection of liquid nuclear waste (LNW) in Russia. The reservoir beds are located at the depth of 290-370 m and are limited from above and from below by the impermeable clayey strata. LNW injections vary in composition including acidic technological wastes, which consist of sodium nitrate, acetic acid, corrosion...
Leila Safavi-Tehrani
(University of California Irvine)
16/05/2014, 09:15
Radioactive lanthanides have become an important imaging, diagnostic and therapeutic tool in the medical field. For example, the neutron rich samarium isotope of 153Sm has been proven to have desirable characteristics for treatment of bone cancer. However, for medical purposes, the radioactive lanthanide isotope must be produced at high specific activity, i.e. low concentration of inactive...
Vladimir Petrov
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
16/05/2014, 09:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The repository for high level wastes (HLW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in Russia is planned to be constructed in the deep underground crystalline rock formations near the Krasnoyarsk. Three areas of the Nizhnekansky Granite Massive, namely “Kamenny”, “Itatsky” and especially “Eniseysky”, are supposed as the most perspective locations for the future HLW and SNF disposal site. Physical and...
Vallín García Cruz
(Delft University of Technology)
16/05/2014, 09:30
99mTc is one of the most often applied radioisotopes in diagnostic imaging. 99mTc is typically supplied to hospitals in the form of a 99Mo/99mTc generator in order to facilitate regular availability. The 99Mo used to produce these generators is a fission product of 235U, and therefore it can only be obtained from just a few nuclear reactors in the world. The goal of this work is to investigate...
Ondřej Lebeda
(Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, v.v.i., Řež, Czech Republic)
16/05/2014, 09:45
Cyclotron production of Tc-99m via Mo-100(p,2n) reaction seems to be viable alternative to Mo-99/Tc-99m generators. It is already known that 1) one cyclotron is able to cover daily consumption of large metropolitan area (up to 1.7 GBq at EOB), 2) target processing and separation of Tc-99m as pertechnetate is more or less solved problem including recycling of Mo-100, 3) enough high enrichment...
Seung Soo KIM
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
16/05/2014, 09:45
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
A large quantity of acidic waste solution containing uranium is generated when U-contaminated soil and concrete are decontaminated using nitric or sulfuric acid in the electrokinetic equipment. If the uranium in the solution selectively sorbed on an ion exchange resin or extracted by a proper reagent, the acid would be recycled, and a very small amount of sludge would be generated. Two strong...
Vladimir Tkachenko
(Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia)
16/05/2014, 10:30
Development of nuclear energetics requires closure of nuclear fuel cycle (NFC). Since existing technologies cannot provide full extraction of tritium from irradiated nuclear fuel (INF) some aqueous media of INF reprocessing will be contaminated with tritium. Recycling this water will cause tritium accumulation in INF reprocessing system. Hence there is need to remove tritium from aqueous...
Lyubomir POPOV
(KOZLODUY NPP, Bulgaria)
16/05/2014, 10:30
The methods are based on total decomposition of the solid materials by the use of closed vessels microwave acid digestion systems and preconcentration of uranium from the liquid samples by iron hydroxide co-precipitation (after heating in case of underground or carbonated waters). The separation of uranium from interfering radionuclides (thorium, polonium, etc.) and stable matrix elements...
Accelerator mass spectrometry of uranium: titanium dioxide matrix and homogeneous precipitation
Irena Špendlíková
(Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, 115 19 Prague, Czech Republic)
16/05/2014, 10:45
In the environmental studies the determination of low concentrations has always been a key issue and therefore, the concentration step is usually a crucial part of the sample processing. For the extraction of uranium, sorption materials based on titanium dioxides have been proposed and studied for years with promising results. Implementing titanium dioxide materials as a sorption material and...
Pavel Bobrov
(FSUE Mayak PA)
16/05/2014, 11:00
Development testing of the membrane installation designed to purify low-level solutions of the radiochemical plant was carried out. The purification technology of liquid radioactive wastes (LRW) includes the stages of selective sorption, ultrafiltration and two-phase reverse osmosis.
LRW salt content is caused by hardness salts and sodium nitrate. LRW activity is due to radionuclides of...
Keri Campbell
(University of Nevada Las Vegas)
16/05/2014, 11:00
The ability to examine elemental and isotopic ratios of fuels, waste forms, and other solids by direct analysis using laser ablation techniques can greatly reduce analysis costs and time. This is particularly true for actinide elements, as they contain useful information of the fuel cycle and nuclear forensics. Current methods to evaluate the composition of used fuel include a lengthy...
Tatiana Boytsova
(OAO" V.G.Khlopin Radium Institute")
16/05/2014, 11:15
Tc-99 is a long-lived radioactive isotope; its main source is a spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Thus, it is necessary to localize Tc either into the glass or in the other solid matrix with a slight leaching or into the matrixes fitted for transmutation to prevent technetium escape into the environment. Due to the widely used hydrometallurgy flowsheet of the SNF reprocessing, Тс occurs as...
Peter Medley
(Department of the Environment, Australia)
16/05/2014, 11:15
Lead-210 is a natural radioactive isotope that is commonly used in erosion and sedimentation studies. It may also bioaccumulate through the foodchain, which has implications for human ingestion dose assessment and assessment of radiation doses to biota. While analysis via gamma spectrometry is the method of choice for most sediments and soils, the ability to measure low levels of lead-210 is...
Juan F. Facetti-Masulli
(Hydroconsult & Comisión de Energía Atómica)
16/05/2014, 11:30
Yerba mate, Ilex Paraguayensis, is a plant of paraguayan origin used in infusions by the ancient inhabitants of Paraguay as a “reviver”/energy beverage which consumption is lasting up today; furthermore, it is extended almost worldwide. In regard to its mineral content very few studies are known; moreover, none has been published related to the occurrence of REE (rare earth) and other...
Viktória Sántáné Gerse
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research)
16/05/2014, 11:30
Radioactive waste produced by nuclear facilities usually contains significant amount of long-lived alpha- and beta emitters (e.g. 99Tc, 93Mo, 93Zr, 41Ca, 126Sb, 107Pd and 79Se). Characterization of radioactive waste is usually carried out only by gamma-spectrometry because of its easy application for determination of full activity level of the waste. It is the main required parameter of the...
Julie Champion
(Laboratoire SUBATECH)
16/05/2014, 11:45
Polonium is a highly radiotoxic element, whose main hazard comes from ingestion or inhalation. One of polonium’s isotopes, polonium-210 (Po-210) exists naturally from the uranium-238 decay. 20% of the annual effective dose of Po-210 comes from inhalation of uranium and thorium radionuclides and 60 % from ingestion. To illustrate the radiotoxicity of Po-210, one may note that 1 µg of Po-210...
Otilia Ana Culicov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research & National R&D Institute for Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA)
16/05/2014, 11:45
The health and performance of grazing ruminants are dependent on the availability of essential mineral elements from pastures but the pastures often fail to supply all needed mineral elements in the quantity adequate for livestock grazing.
Species-rich grasslands with Nardus stricta are one of the important environments for animal production not only in Romania but also in other European...
Lyudmila Golovkina
(Nizhegorodskiy State University)
16/05/2014, 13:30
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
In connection with the high rates of development of nuclear power engineering a problem of optimizing the process of nuclear fuel production and improving its performances remains relevant. Currently, the main way to obtain UO2 fuel pellets is the method of Cold Pressing and Sintering (CPS). The main disadvantages of this method are large sintering duration (up to several hours) and high...
Peter Burns
(University of Notre Dame)
16/05/2014, 13:30
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Uranyl peroxide cage clusters self-assemble from aqueous solution under ambient conditions. To date, we have isolated more than 80 distinct clusters that differ in the number of uranyl ions, size, and topology. These clusters contain from 18 to 124 uranyl ions, and are from 1.5 to 4 nm in diameter. Most are readily soluble in aqueous solution. Although peroxide bridges between uranyl ions are...
Tereza Pavelková
(CTU in Prague, Czech Republic)
16/05/2014, 13:45
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
In recent years, much attention has been drawn to the photo- and radiation-induced synthesis of various materials. In presented work, radiation-induced synthesis of nanocrystalline uranium and/or thorium oxides is investigated. Uranium(IV) oxide is widely used as a fuel in various types of nuclear reactors [T. Abe and K. Asakura: 2.15 Uranium Oxide and MOX Production. In: Comprehensive Nuclear...
Svetlana Tretyakova
(Zababahin Institute (VNIITF))
16/05/2014, 14:00
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
At this time development of any complex chemical plant (including spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant) should be accompanied with plant governing model development. Creation of such a model is especially significant while developing innovative plants, many technological processes of which have no industrial-scale solutions and number of processes require R&D work in corresponding...
Vojtěch Brynych
(ÚJV Řež, a. s.)
16/05/2014, 14:00
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Any activity that produces or uses radioactive materials generates radioactive waste. Disposal of radioactive waste is a complex issue, not only because of the nature of the waste, but also because the need to solve the problem not to burden future generations. Retention processes of key important radionuclides were studied within this study.
Cesium is one of the most important nuclides....
Jerzy-Wojciech Mietelski
(The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN))
16/05/2014, 14:15
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
The use of digital coincidence opens new perspectives for low background gamma rays measurements. The basic idea is that two detectors are collecting independently gamma spectra, but spectrum is not stored as one dimensioned array of counts but two-dimensional array where data on each registered photon energy is registered together with information on its arrival with several nanoseconds...
Nadezhda Mishina
(Russian Federation)
16/05/2014, 14:15
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Ba(NO3)2 precipitation is one of the limiting factors in HLW evaporation during NPP spent fuel reprocessing. The model was proposed in our previous work [1] for approximation of the Ba(NO3)2 and Sr(NO3)2 solubility in HNO3 solutions using the law of mass action. As a result the two linear areas where identified according to slope of the solubility on total nitrate ion concentra-tion in...
Jan Krmela
(ÚJV Řež, a.s.)
16/05/2014, 14:30
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Natural ground water used for the preparation of drinking water contains a number of cations, anions, elements and other substances depending on the bedrock composition (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, heavy metals, radioactive elements, arsenic, chromium, carbonates, sulfates, phosphates, silicates, fulvic and humic acids etc.). Information about composition of drinking water is important to comply with all...
16/05/2014, 14:45
Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology
Since 2004, the supercontainer design has been selected by the Belgian authority for the management of the nuclear waste (NIRAS/ONDRAF) as the preferred new reference design for disposal of High Level Waste and Spent Fuel. This design is based on a buffer and backfill materials of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC).
In this supercontainer, the spent fuel will be surrounded by a 30 mm thick...
Jan Kučera
(Nuclear Physics Institute)
Nuclear Analytical Methods
Mykola Odeychuk
Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Cycle / 1st ASGARD International Workshop
Uranium and plutonium mononitrides are considered as potential fuel for use in fast breeder reactors and high-temperature gas-cooled reactors. At the present time as a separate nuclear fuel is considered uranium (plutonium) carbonitride.
Revision of requirements that apply to fuel of economically competitive nuclear reactors of generation IV, and the desire for the largest possible...
Sergey Stepanov
(Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics)
Radiation Chemistry
The e+ fate since its injection into a liquid until its annihilation is described. There are several steps of the e+ evolution [1]:
1) energy deposition and track structure of fast positrons: ionization slowing down, thermalization, track structure, terminal positron blob, electrostatic interaction between e+ and radiolytic products in its blob, effect of local heating;